The Voice of Reason: The Reigns Turn

With the Royal Rumble just a couple of days away, the WWE universe are now preparing for the road to WrestleMania, and the biggest WrestleMania of all time. The creative have gone for a slightly different approach to the road this time around, with the WWE World Heavyweight title being defended in the Royal Rumble match.

This begs the question on how the challenger to main event WrestleMania will be decided and to me suggests a dodgy or different finish to the Royal Rumble itself. This has been rumoured on various blogs that a returning Triple H will screw Roman Reigns out of the victory, or any Authority figure intervening for the same outcome. I however, see a different view.

Roman Reigns has been a talking point for the last year, with the WWE getting behind him but the fans not so much – until recently. He has finally built some steam and is definitely getting more over with the fans; but not completely. We have seen this happen to many superstars before, and we will see it many more times in the future. This leads to the inevitable heel turn of any superstar, but with Reigns, WWE have held off pulling the trigger on an obvious creative decision.

If someone is getting booed, they might as well be getting booed for being a heel (or so the theory goes). Regardless of the decisions up to this point, the question is have they kept Roman a face until now on purpose? In other words, is this the Roman Reigns heel turn we have all been waiting for?

For the record, I like Roman Reigns. I think he’s very athletic (more than his move set suggests currently), very talented and when booked as an asskicker, he has shown how well he can shine. Something is not clicking with him and the fans, and there is something about his promos that are doing it.

The booking for me is simple; a badass asskicker who lets his actions do the talking – and a heel turn can give him that role. How to get him there? Ladies and gentleman, the answer is Paul Heyman. The booking is what last years booking should have, a Heyman turn on Lesnar and favouring Roman Reigns.

Heyman can talk better than anyone in the WWE, and can fill the gap that Roman has. It gives Roman the chance to learn and focus on what he’s good at simultaneously. And more looking at the bigger picture, WWE is dying for a monster heel who isn’t Triple H or err Strowman?

Let me know what you think in the comments! Happy Rumble days!

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