The Voice of Reason: Hell In A Cell Match Predictions

Howdy folks! The Voice of Reason back this week, just a couple of days before WWE’s Hell In A Cell PPV, usually a “low budget” PPV. By that I mean, not much effort or thought into this time of year as most great ideas are saved for WrestleMania. This year however, is different, as to me, there is a genuine buzz around it, with some great matches on the card. I am not going to be doing a match by match prediction this time around, but mainly putting the two big Hell In A Cell matches under review.

Let’s start with Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt. A feud we have seen for a while, but has been genuinely exciting to watch, and they have tried to mix it up to give us something different each time around. This match however, is meant to end the rivalry for good, and I think the timing is right. The feud has done exactly what it needed for both these competitors, giving Bray Wyatt a viable long term feud, and Roman Reigns the chance to play the classic babyface and have some great matches.

Neither competitor has had a match inside the cell before, which I think builds the anticipation. We have two young, hungry guys who probably will want to see the show. I expect this match to have some big and dangerous spots, and a high tempo, especially compared to the other match inside the cell.

Who will go over? That is a great question. Both men have definitely benefited from this feud, and both need to move on to even bigger things, and eventually the title picture. I think ultimately Roman Reigns is the man to win this match. Personally, I am just looking for a great match, with something we may not have seen before. Maybe even a spear through the cell wall and breaking it. Roman Reigns is the WWE’s next face, and I do not disagree with that. If that is their decision, it makes sense for Reigns to finish this strong, and maybe even go onto face Seth Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

If my prediction is wrong, I still think Bray Wyatt should go on to face Rollins for the WWEWHC. This is definitely long overdue and is the perfect way to move on from a great and memorable battle. What will the loser do? I still think that a title is important for both of these guys moving on from this story, so maybe an Intercontinental Title.

Moving on from this, we have the second and final Hell In A Cell match, which will no doubt finish the night. Again, this is the match that ends the feud forever, between Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker.

It has been hard to get completely excited about this match, as in one sense it does feel rushed, but at the same time I am happy it’s coming to an end, to set up something new and different for WrestleMania. I would have liked to have seen a few more appearances and mind games from The Undertaker, as well as more classic promos from Paul Heyman. I get the feeling that the creative team are relying on the name and branding of the final encounter alone to feed the excitement of this match. To me, that is the half hearted approach, and there could have been a lot more to make this match bigger and better.

Expecting this one to be the total opposite to the Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt match, due to The Undertaker’s age and physical condition. A slower paced match, with the more toys around to raise the levels of surprise and shock moments. Overall, I think The Undertaker picks up a win, but not cleanly. There is going to be a lot of effort involved to try and protect both of these competitors and keep them strong in the long run.

Most likely, I expect Brock’s WrestleMania opponent to interfere and help The Undertaker pick up the win. Personally I would love to see a clean with by either of these guys, as losing to The Undertaker, or losing to Brock Lesnar, is not exactly a bury for a superstar.

Either way, let’s hope for a great match. Til next time.


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