A Look Back at SLTD Wrestling in 2013


It’s our first day back in the office today, so we’d like to wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year! 2014 is here, but 2013 was a huge year for the site. It was a crucial year, and difficult at times.

We’ll let you into something. At various points throughout the last 12 months, it looked like there wouldn’t be an SLTD Wrestling. Some things happened that we won’t go in to detail about, but it’s safe to say that they were serious enough to make us consider whether or not it was worth carrying on.

Eventually, Greg and George sat down and decided that they had got SLTD Wrestling to a point where they needed to see it through and grow the site, which is exactly what happened.

We lost some people along the way, and we added some new writers to our staff – like Gary, Fnord, Emma, Davie-Ooooohhhhh, Dave Webber and Tommy Mitten – to complement the ones we already had on board – George, Adam O’Brien, Duckman and the guys from TNA FanZone.

We’re now at the stage where our content is consistent and there’s something fresh on the site almost every day, which is the very least we’re aiming for.

So what should you expect in 2014? Well, it’s simple. We’re going to get even bigger and better.

We can’t go into too much detail right now, but we’re negotiating a partnership that could prove to be beneficial to both parties involved.

Our Predictions League will also continue to grow from strength to strength, starting at the Royal Rumble in a few weeks time.

We’ll also be looking to add even more content to the site as the year goes on, with a huge focus on WrestleMania around March/April time.

All of the work that everyone does, from our Admin teams to our writers and contributors, would essentially be pointless if it wasn’t for you guys out there who visit the site, read our articles, listen to our podcast and interact with us on Facebook/Twitter.

SLTD Wrestling wouldn’t be anything without all of you and if we’re to get to the next level, we need your support now more than ever.

If you stick with us, we promise that 2014 will be our biggest year yet!

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