Who should accept the US Open Challenge?

Two weeks ago at Night Of Champions in the first of Seth Rollins title matches, John Cena regained the US Title that he had held from WrestleMania to SummerSlam where Jon Stewart cost him the match. But for some time I was satisfied that John Cena had won a title match, mainly because it meant that the US Open Challenge would return.

Last Monday night we saw New Day’s Xavier Woods accept the challenge and as happy as I was to see the challenge return I felt something was missing, the match was always going to have an interference from The New Day’s Kofi Kingston and Big E, thus provoking a reaction and the save from The Dudleys. When it was made a 6 man tag between Cena and The Dudleys vs. The New Day, I felt the Open Challenge didn’t matter, and only the tag division did. So I was annoyed that I didn’t see a good singles title match which we’ve previously seen from the Open Challenge so it led me thinking who else should accept the John Cena US Open Challenge…

Dolph Ziggler

Just to let all of my Wrestling Brain fans know, I don’t watch Total Divas, however for the respect of anyone who reads this does, I won’t say anything derogatory about the reality show. Although what I read on Wednesday apparently Dolph Ziggler told Nikki Bella (former girlfriend of Dolph and current girlfriend of John Cena) revealed that he still has feelings for Nikki and will give her everything that she wants, that Cena can’t or won’t give. Now of course I know Total Divas is scripted, as is WWE, but we’ve seen crossovers from Total Divas come over to WWE, so realistically could a Dolph/Cena feud happen over Nikki?

Now obviously I’d love to see a feud between Dolph and Cena but why over Nikki, I know about the love history between both men and Nikki, but for Dolph’s sake it shouldn’t happen, because ever since June Dolph has been involved in the worst feud of the year with Lana, Rusev and Summer Rae, so another love storyline is not what Dolph needs, but a title storyline is what he needs. So WWE feel free to have a Dolph/Cena feud not over Nikki but over the United States Title.

Finn Bálor

Every week, where there has been a US Challenge I’ve been praying that current NXT champion Finn Bálor accepts John Cena’s challenge. I personally believe a feud between both wrestlers will be great and worth the wait, and much like the Kevin Owens vs. John Cena feud, it will give Bálor a good debut feud on the main roster. I don’t think Bálor will be the one to beat Cena, but it will be a man who John Cena originally trained with and was in OVW with Mr Prototype.

Samoa Joe

The Samoan Submission machine should be the one to accept the US Open Challenge and defeat John Cena, then a feud should happen over the issue that John and Joe worked together in OVW, but it took Joe over 10 years to make it to the WWE, but John Cena became the franchise and Vince McMahon’s golden boy. Joe can say that it’s taken him over 10 years to plot his revenge on John Cena and by securing his revenge he will accept the US Open Challenge and defeat Cena.

I don’t know which superstar I’d prefer to accept and eventually take the US Title away from Cena, but I believe it will before Wrestlemania 32, but I would anticipate Cena be involved in a main event match potentially against The Undertaker, however one feud I’ve proposed above that could finish at Wrestlemania is the Samoa Joe vs John Cena feud as it can easily built up as 14 years in the making match.

That’s all from me this week, hope everyone enjoyed Raw tonight, I believe that the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar will be in attendance, which should make Raw more intriguing.

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