*ALL NEW* #MouthingOff with MikeJC: Dynamite Weekly. Wednesday November 4th #AEWDynamite Ep.57 (@MikeJC821)

Welcome, everyone to the latest edition of #MouthingOff (with MikeJC): Dynamite Weekly, the weekly review feature on AEW Dynamite here on SLTDWrestling.com. I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on all the highlights of the show as well as giving the “Remarkable Wrestler” of the week. So here are the highlights of the Wednesday, November 4th edition of AEW Dynamite.

MJF & Wardlow vs. Inner Circle (Ortiz & Sammy Guevara)

Dynamite opened this week with Dasha Gonzalez interviewing Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, and Santana. Jericho put over Hager for winning his MMA fight and still showing up to work tonight, and before he could continue he’s interrupted by MJF and Wardlow. MJF says he’s sorry about interrupting but he’s gonna do it anyway, and him and Wardlow are gonna show Jericho what they are about tonight. Jericho cut off MJF and told him to look at Hager, two black eyes and fifteen stitches, and Santana calculated and ruthless. He said MJF doesn’t have the killer instinct to be part of the Inner Circle and that he’s soft. MJF says he’ll show him and walks off.

So that leads into the match between these two teams, Jericho comes out to do commentary presumably for the whole show because they announced it last week. The action for the most part to start it off was back and forth, Ortiz doing the brunt for his team at the very beginning. Half way through the match Sammy Guevara got a hot tag and cleaned house, hitting an abundance of fast paced offense.

Two separate occasions saw Ortiz and Guevara put MJF on the top rope to do some sort of double team but it was thwarted each time the first time Wardlow shoved them off the top, the second we get the worst spot in wrestling the tower of doom spot, which doesn’t end well for MJF either. The finish came, when Sammy Guevara was taken out by Matt Hardy who while wearing a Serpentico mask through a chair at Guevara’s face, which lead of Ortiz receiving the Salt Of the Earth Fujiwara armbar from MJF, and the submission victory.

Following the match, as MJF and Wardlow were walking up the ramp, MJF tackled Jericho who was standing up during commentary, into a backdrop and he rained down some punches for good measure. They were broken up by security, officials and Jake Hager, as Jericho smiled, possibly getting the killer instinct he claimed MJF was lacking before for their match on Sunday.

Segment Rating: 6/10

This was a very good match, that built the story the way it was supposed to be built heading into the pay-per-view match, as well as planted more seeds between MJF and Wardlow, MJF should be pissed about that tower of doom spot, which as I said earlier is the worst spot in wrestling and wish it was banned because it too fake for me to care about it. Everyone in this match looked good, and MJF proofed he can have that killer instinct Jericho wanted out of him for their match on Saturday, and nobody did a stupid promo that annoyed me, always a plus.

Trent? vs. Miro

This match was Miro’s first singles match, and it proved for sure that Miro absolutely should not be in a tag team. He isn’t a tag team wrestler, he is best when on his own. This was a hell of a match with lots of back and forth action, and near falls. At one point during the match, Chuck Taylor and Kip Sabian fought to the back and weren’t seen again the match ended. Orange Cassidy had a stare down with Penelope Ford, and she slapped him and while he was taunting her like he does to everyone, he is attacked from behind by John “4” Silver (his opponent on Saturday) and the rest of the Dark Order lackies.

They immediately get banned from ring side by the referee and Miro gets in their face screaming as they back off. The finish of this match came after Trent hit a tornado DDT that he tried to hit two sperate times, he hit a running knee for a two count, when Miro got the momentum back, following this, he hit a superkick followed by the game over camel clutch for the submission victory.

Following the match Chuck would return from the backstage area to help Trent from further beating by Miro, and he’s followed by Kip Sabian who throws Chuck out of the ring. Miro gets on the mic and once again, berates Trent for his mother raising him wrong, while this is happening Orange Cassidy returns and does a stage dive from the top rope on top of Miro and Kip to end the segment.

Segment Rating: 5/10

Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page Interviews

Kenny Omega is interviewed by Tony Schiavone at another location, Tony asks him if it matters to him that he made it to the finals by beating two replacement opponents, while Page beat his scheduled opponents. Kenny argues that since Tony Khan is part owner of an NFL and Premiere Football League team, normally if their opponent can’t make it they would be awarded the win, and he argues that if AEW is a sports league he should’ve got the same treatment. Tony then asks him if he’s surprised that he’s facing Page in the finals because most people aren’t surprised this is the final match. Kenny responds by saying most might not be surprised but he honestly expected Wardlow to beat Page. He continues by looking at the camera and asking the fans, who do you think is going to win this match? He then asks Tony, and he says it be safe to put his money on Kenny.

Adam Page, interviewed by Jim Ross, Page says when he looked at the bracket he expected he’d probably be facing Kenny in the finals. Page says since they teamed he is prepared for Omega, and he knows all of his moves. Jim Ross suggests that he’s nervous and drinking more because of it. Page admits to being nervous but says everyone gets nervous. He says that when AEW started he said he would be the first AEW Champion and no one believed it and they were right. He says this tournament is the closest he’s been to getting another shot and if he loses he doesn’t know what else he has other than his glass of whiskey.

Segment Rating: 6/10

Both of these interviews were very telling about the mindsets of both men, Kenny is more prepared then he’s ever been because he believes he’s the best, and the best should be the champion. While Page is very nervous and unsure where his career will go if he loses this Saturday. This is bound to be the best singles match on the show by a wide margin. I can’t wait to watch and both men are doing what they do best which is push this with character work.

Taz Makes Complete Sense

Team Taz come out before the next match and complain about not having matches at the pay-per-view. Taz argues that the ranking system is rigged because both Brian Cage and Ricky Starks have one loss each and Cage despite being ranked number 1 still doesn’t have a match, and Starks is not ranked at all. I honestly agree 100 percent, and have said for awhile now that their needs to be sense made of these rankings, and why people who aren’t ranked get title shots, and people who are don’t have pay-per-view matches. For me I’d say get rid of the ranking systems if you aren’t going to make sense of them, you can’t say your a sports league, and not follow a sports league system, simple as that.

Private Party vs. Young Bucks

Before the match during Private Party’s entrance, Sammy Guevara attacked Matt Hardy from behind who was accompanying them to the ring. He hit a twist of fate on the ramp then ran off after officials tried to break it up.

The thing that is aggravating about this match, is that Matt Jackson is going out of his way to over sell this ankle injury. Based on this review by professionals, just like a few years ago when the Young Bucks were criticized for not telling a story in their matches, so he had a back injury for nearly two years. People can check here for consulting with a personal injury lawyer, to get over the personal injury cases. There’s no need for him to do that. Regardless of that this match was very good as expected. A lot of back and forth action, a lot of double teams. It’s safe to say these two teams can’t have a bad match. Nick Jackson did most of the work of course, and Matt still did a lot despite the “injury”. The offense picked up towards the end and the finish came when the Young Bucks hit the BTE Trigger for the win.

After the match, FTR would attack the Young Bucks from behind and hit the Goodnight Express on Matt, and were going to stomp his ankle inside a chair again and make Nick watch, but they are saved by first “Hangman” Adam Page, and followed by Kenny Omega. This being the first time they interacted on screen. They fist bump and then Page gets in Omega’s face again.

Segment Rating: 5/10

This match was fine, for what it needed to be, a tune up match for the Young Bucks to prove Matt was good to go on Saturday. As I said earlier I don’t think they over selling of the ankle injury is necessary and I really hope he doesn’t sell this injury for a year and a half like he did with the back injury a few years ago. I still very much dislike the stipulation because it basically insinuates the Young Bucks are winning on Saturday, because as I said last week, nobody wants to see the Young Bucks as singles competitors.

Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston Face to Face

As soon as Moxley entered the ring, Kingston told Schiavone to leave. Kingston said that when he wins the championship this Saturday, he’s gonna give it to his mother, and tell her this is the reason she doesn’t have grand children, this is the reason she doesn’t have a daughter in-law, because this is the only thing he’s been fighting for his entire life. He had to sell out to get it and he hates himself for it, because this Saturday he has to win that championship for it all to matter.

Moxley follows that by saying, that he was super happy when he heard that Eddie signed here, and Eddie doesn’t believe him. He states that he made a promise to Eddie’s mother years ago, that he would always look after Eddie because Eddie was his own worst enemy and needed that from his friend. He says he broke that promise, and that he believes the loudest person in the room is the the weakest person in the room, but Eddie isn’t weak, but he knows what it is. Deep down Eddie knows, he’s gonna be in the ring with the best wrestler in this business right now and he’s gonna lose. It eats him up because he knows he can’t beat Moxley, and that the thing that eats at him, is Kingston made a promise to his mother that he can’t keep. Eddie gets angry and doesn’t care about this company all he wants is that championship and that Moxley is going to have to kill him.

Moxley says that this Saturday, Eddie will be alone with nothing but his ego, and that’s a very lonely place and he will say the words “I Quit.

Segment Rating: 7/10

This might be the best face to face promo I’ve seen in a very long time in any wrestling company, it got personal immediately and it sold me a ticket to this match, which is what it is supposed to do. Both of these men are too good at what they do and they both know they are going to kill each other on Saturday and it’s gonna be a barn burner of a match that I can’t wait to watch. This promo by both, a masterpiece.

Cody & Gunn Club vs. Dark Order (John “4” Silver, Preston “10” Vance and Colt Cabana

This match shouldn’t have been the main event. Darby Allin was watching from the rafters. This was a fine match, but very, very predictable. The action was back and forth for the most part, but the Gunn Club was in control for the majority, Cody didn’t do a lot except a dive that commentary said he shouldn’t be doing because he’s risking injury. This match was really to showcase Austin Gunn, who got a flurry of offense, and won the match by hitting a cross rhodes (I guess everyone in the Nightmare Family does that move) and his finisher which is a hip toss into a neckbreaker on “10” for the win.

After the match, John “4” Silver tries to sneak in with a chair but he’s stopped by Orange Cassidy who grabbed the chair and gave him an orange punch.

Cody would get on the mic and address Darby, he says that Darby has been lying about TNT not wanting Darby as their champion. Cody says TNT would love Darby as their champion, and so would he if the circumstances were different. Cody goes on to say he’s the one who personally recruited Darby Allin, and that he had to wrestle him himself to convince the other EVPs about signing him. Cody says that he is the soldier that left the empire and went to war with the empire and won and that pisses a lot of people off. He says that Allin wants to be the “ace” of AEW but the problem is that Cody is the “ace.”

Segment Rating: 5/10

This segment as a whole would have been rated lower if not for the Cody promo, which was flawless as usual, he once again sold a ticket to his match. The main event wasn’t necessary and didn’t need to be the main event, at all. As I said Cody’s promo was what lifted it up, because that’s what Cody does best. I expect this will be a great match as it always is.

Remarkable Wrestler of the Week

For this episode of AEW Dynamite, the Remarkable Wrestler of the Week is, Jon Moxley.

Jon Moxley wins the RWOW for this week for the best promo I’ve seen in a very a long time. None of the matches this week, were “stellar” like previous weeks. This promo by Moxley and Kingston was perfect, it told a story of the relationship between these two, it got intense, it got real. Moxley sold me a ticket to the main event, like he’s supposed to do and that why he gets it this week.


So that’s all the highlights for this episode of AEW Dynamite on November 4th, overall I give this show a 5.7 out of 10, I decided that previous show ratings were too close together, when they clearly aren’t that close so expect more ratings like this, I’m not going to change the previous ones because of this but don’t expect the ratings as close as before. This was a an up and down show with some good wrestling, but nothing amazing like previous weeks. For the first time in a long time the promos were front and center and not horrible, so the three promos that took place were front and center this week.

What are your thoughts on AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.

Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC821

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