AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs. Best Friends
The anniversary show of Dynamite kicked of with the tag team title match. Once again FTR had a hell of a match with an amazing opponent, The Best Friends. Just like most of FTR’s championship matches they did a great job of doing what they do best, cut off the ring, isolate one opponent of the opposing team. They work their style better then anyone, and this match was no different. During the match the Best Friends accidentally destroyed a arcade cabinet that Kip Sabian was playing. The finish came to this match when Chuck Taylor and Dax were going at it, and Cash hit Taylor in the face with one of the championships.
After the match, Penelope Ford came out with Miro who attacked The Best Friends for breaking Kip’s arcade cabinet.
Segment Rating: 5/10

So your probably wondering why this got such a middle of the road rating, the reason is because of multiple things really, FTR continues to boast that they are the best tag team in the world but always resort to under handed tactics in order to keep the championship if your the best you shouldn’t have to do that every single week. On top of that, the worst referee in the business, Rick Knox, presence was felt in thid match once again. I don’t know if he’s playing a gimmick of being a bad lazy ref or he really is a bad lazy ref. Every single time he officiates match his presence is super obvious, and that’s not good. His counts are super slow, he barely keeps tracknof count outs if at all, and the ending of this match, made him look super stupid, he wasn’t being distracted, he was out of position, but most clearly hear a championship shot to the face he’s horrible. All of that brought this match down.
Miro & Kip Sabian vs. Lee Johnston & Sean Maluta
Immediately following that attack Miro basically destroyed Lee Johnston & Sean Maluta by himself Kip tagged in once to hit a top rope splash then tag right back out. Miro hit the game over to get the win very quickly.
After the match Miro would state on the mic that it’s game over for The Best Friends.
Segment Rating: 4/10
Basic jobber squash match, Miro looked better in this match then a few weeks ago which is what a squash match is designed for. I look forward to Best Friends versus Miro & Sabian.
MJF Wants to Join the Inner Circle
Next we get one of Jericho and MJF’s worst segments ever. MJF comes out with Wardlow and asks Jericho to join him in the ring. Jericho comes out with the entire Inner Circle. Inner Circle is wearing the jackets MJF gifted them, except Sammy Guevara, who is holding his, MJF asked him to put it on, then Jericho tells Sammy to put it on, and the jacket is very clearly two sizes too big. MJF continues to suck up to Jericho saying he’s in the best shape of his life, and that he loves Jericho’s hair and asks to touch it. Then Jericho tells MJF to get to the point, MJF says he and Jericho are the biggest draws and if Jericho is “The Demo God” then MJF is the Ratings Ruler, which is first met with complete silence, then boos, and Jericho acknowledges it received crickets. MJF says they are both predators and should work together, and MJF has a hard time saying it but he eventually says he wants to join the Inner Circle. Ortiz interrupts and says they don’t want MJF. Jericho says they’ll think about it. Then Jericho basically challenges MJF to have a steak dinner with him next week and MJF accepts.
Segment Rating: 3/10
This entire segment was really really bad. It was easily the worst MJF promo since the first promo where he stated he was a lone wolf who needed to join a wolf pack and he howled. This was really corny it was clearly a mockery of a promo and it didn’t come off as good it came off as stupid, this 100 percent proved to me MJF doesn’t deserve the praise he gets on the mic because he’s getting worse each week. This is clearly leading to a match between Jericho and MJF but what MJF is doing here is not working.
TNT Championship: Cody (c) vs. Orange Cassidy
This was another instance of two guys who tell a great story in the ring. The story coming in was Cody wanted to get Orange Cassidy to lock up, and get a true match out of him. At some point the Dark Order got involved sitting at ringside, causing a distraction and John Silver grabbed the championship but Orange Cassidy stopped him, the ref would ban the Dark Order from ringside and Orange gave the belt to Arn Anderson. Also Darby Allin was shown sitting in a balcony watching the match the reason for this is because he will be facing the TNT Champion at Full Gear. This match had a lot of back and forth, a lot of reversals and signature moves throughout and the pace never slowed down it only picked up. The end came when Cody went for a cross rhodes but Orange frees himself, and hits the beach break for a two count. Orange goes for the orange punch but he collapses and when Cody goes to capitalize but Orange reverses into the mouse trap but they reach a time limit draw.
Segment Rating: 7/10

This match was great and it protected both guys to set up a rematch in two weeks and it keeps you guessing about who is going to face Darby at Full Gear. Both these guys, Cody and Orange Cassidy draw you in with their ring work and tell the story in the match and keep you guessing about who is going to win, which is how it’s supposed to be. The Dark Order involvement has me concerned for Brodie Lee getting involved again which he shouldn’t.
Matt Hardy Interview
Matt Hardy was interviewed in the crowd said he’s cleared to return and while this was happening, a video plays of someone burning pictures of Matt Hardy’s numerous alter egos, and it is revealed to be Sammy Guevara, and he says he is the one who took out Matt’s knee and that he’s not done with Matt Hardy until he says he’s done. All I have to say about that is, yawn.
Whose facing FTR at Full Gear?
Now we go to a super forced segment where theres a lottery spinner in the ring and Tony Schiavone says they are gonna pick four tag teams to face next week in a fatal four way match, the people selected are, Private Party, Reynolds & Silver, The Butcher & The Blade, and lastly and predictably, The Young Bucks. The Young Bucks shake hands and stare down with FTR. Then they say they aren’t going to attack Tony, but they are going to attack these guys, and they superkick, the Blade and Alex Reynolds, which resulted in a brawl between everyone. Private Party and The Young Bucks remain in the ring as FTR watches, they shake hands then The Young Bucks superkick them.
Segment Rating: 4/10
This segment wasn’t great, again like a lot of segments recently it did what it was supposed to and that’s it. I think it’s clear to everyone whose winning that fatal four way, but do they really want to do FTR versus Young Bucks without a full house of fans?
AEW Women’s Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Big Swole
This match eas exactly what I expected, a lot of striking a lot of one-upmenship and a lot of trading of moves. That’s fine but I don’t think anyone expected Swole to win here. This match was good for what it was, but I’m still not completely sold on Swole and since she’s not ranked number 1 still questioned why she got a title shot at all. The finish came, after Swole hit dirty dancing Shida gets to the ropes and follows it up with a pair of knee strikes for the victory.
Segment Rating: 5/10

This match was pretty straight forward, and as I said earlier exactly what I expected. I’m still waiting for an explanation from AEW about how lower ranked people get title shots and I will continue to point it out until I get it. Shida needs new challengers but the top 5 hws been exactly the same since June, Britt Baker whose back now never left the top 5 even while injured, and Abadon who is ranked 4th, I can’t remember the last time she appeared on Dynamite.
AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Lance Archer
Throughout the night, Moxley and Archer attacked eachother backstage, promoting Tony Khan to make this a No DQ match. This match was great it was fast paced, early signature moves, tables, chairs, everything you’d expect from a match between these two. I loved the paradigm shift spot off the apron through two tables. The finish came when Mox hit another paradigm shift for a two count then went for an immediate bulldog choke off the kick out, but Archer slipped out. Archer would then hit a DDT, and Mox kicked out, then Archer hits the black out and goes for the pin but st two Moxley reversed it to a crucifix pin of his own for a 3 count and the victory.
After the match, Archer tried to continue the attack and Moxley is saved by Eddie Kingston (who was on commentary for the main event) and the Lucha Bros. and they pretend to celebrate with Moxley before Kingston hits a spinning backfist into a rear naked choke. As Kingston yells about never tapping to Mox.
Segment Rating: 6/10

This was a really good match and it protected Archer in a loss with the surprise pinfall. Moxley is just too good right now and the right guy hasn’t come around to beat him for the belt yet. With Kingston makimg his presence felt again, it’s clear he’ll probably be getting another shot at the belt at Full Gear, and of course Moxley will be keeping wn eye on the tournament starting next week, with the next contender being determined at Full Gear.
Remarkable Wrestler of the Week
For this episode of AEW Dynamite, the Remarkable Wrestler of the Week, Orange Cassidy.
We almost had our first three-peat for the RWOW, but Orange took it this week for his passion he showed in this match with Cody, and his ability to keep you the match just like Cody does, but Orange gets it for his constant ability to adapt to whoever he’s in the ring with.
So that’s all the highlights for this episode of AEW Dynamite on October 14th, overall I give this show a 5 out of 10. Once again the promo segments of this show hurt it, but for the most part the wrestling made it a passable show, especially the TNT and World Championship matches.
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