*ALL NEW* #MouthingOff with MikeJC: Dynamite Weekly. Wednesday October 21st #AEWDynamite Ep.55 (@MikeJC821)

Welcome, everyone to the latest edition of #MouthingOff (with MikeJC): Dynamite Weekly, the weekly review feature on AEW Dynamite here on SLTDWrestling.com. I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on all the highlights of the show as well as giving the “Remarkable Wrestler” of the week. So here are the highlights of the Wednesday, October 21st edition of AEW Dynamite.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament: Wardlow vs. Jungle Boy

Dynamite kicked off with the first match of the tournament, and the majority of the match was all Wardlow. Jungle Boy was unable to get out the gate because of the power and resiliency of Wardlow. While Wardlow hit a lot of power moves basically toying with Jungle Boy, which gave Jungle Boy an opening to get back in it. He would use his fleury offense of kicks springboards and hurricanrana combinations to get a few near falls on Wardlow, but once Wardlow got to business and hit an F-10 to the outside, then sent Jungle Boy inside and hit another F-10 for the victory.

Segment Rating: 6/10

This was a great match that told a story, which is what should be the top priorty of any wrestling match. Wardlow looked dominant which he should have been from day 1. Jungle Boy looked great as the babyface in peril as he always does and its been said before he has a bright future, as does Wardlow who looked good in a win here and he moves on to round two of the tournament.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament: Sonny Kiss vs. Kenny Omega

The highlight of this was Kenny Omega’s entrance, the introduction listed all of his accomplishments in his career and some funny barbs (like has wrestled in Nortb Carolina) and some dancers with brooms. It was long drawn out, and entertaining. The match was nowhere near as long, the bell rings they shake hands, v-trigger, one winged angel, and victory for Kenny Omega. Kenny made a face at the camera like “are you serious with this one” and he stayed in the ring helped Sonny to his feet and raised his hand and hugged him while Sonny looked on in confusion.

Segment Rating: 6/10

I loved this because it’s a new side of Kenny Omega that’s needed to come out for a while. He is getting serious about being a singles competitor, and I love it. Sonny was “in the wrong place at the wrong time” as they say. I see him as a solid mid card talent and surely will be a TNT Champion at some point. Kenny Omega moves on to the next round.

Moxley and Kingston Trade Shots

We are informed that Moxley will be defending his championship against Eddie Kingston once again at Full Gear, but this time it will be an “I Quit” match. Moxley speaks about Kingston being upset over Moxley going to the “land of the sports entertainers”, Moxley says he’s not sorry for doing that, and that he’s not sorry for being on the road day in and day out and he’s not sorry about buying a house for his mother, he will never be sorry for any of that, and he says that “I’m gonna beat & torture you until I get my friend back or I end you.” As usual Moxley had an amazing promo, and he brought more realism to the story.

Later in the night Eddie Kingston cut a promo, in response to Moxley he says everything Moxley said earlier about him was true, and that Kingston had to become a lying snake in order to get what he deserves, and that Moxley is going to have to go to a very, very dark place to get him to quit, and that he lives in that place. Both of these promos were great and further proved these two are good at what they do.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament: Rey Fenix vs. Penta El Zero M

The third match of the tournament was easily the best match of the night. These two tag partners and brothers, had a hell of a match. For the most part from bell to bell they weren’t holding back at all. The usual spots they seem to pull out every match, a lot of flip piledriver attempts, huricanranas and some great spots throughout. Fenix hit a great looking top rope spanish fly and Penta hit this really cool mid-air powerbomb on Fenix who did a flip in the air. The finish was very interesting, Penta goes for and does the arm breaker but he seems to feel bad about it because its his brother. He goes for a finish and Fenix turns it around and hits a flip piledriver for the win.

Eddie Kingston was on commentary for this match to support his friends, and he did a great job of breaking down this match while calling it. Also after the match Fenix went to hug his brother, and Penta walked away clearly frustrated for feeling bad about “breaking his brothers arm” and let Fenix take advantage.

Segment Rating: 7/10

This was not the best match between these two ever but it was a great match and the best match of this show. These two have kind of been at the waste side for a while in AEW, and they finally had a hell of a match with storytelling that doesn’t happen a lot for them in AEW, and Fenix moves on in the tournament.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament: Colt Cabana vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

Another tournament match, and another good one. This match was the best Colt Cabana has looked in the ring since he joined AEW. The story of this match was Colt Cabana scouting out the buckshot lariat numerous times and it not working in the end. Both guys got a lot of great offense in and near falls. Page seemed to be all business trying to keep up with Kenny Omega.

Post match, for some reason that was puzzling to commentary, the Dark Order came out, and helped Colt Cabana to the back. My guess is this was to set up something where Brodie is not happy with Colt for losing but it could also be nothing.

Segment Rating: 6/10

It seems very clear to me after all four first round matches, this tournament finals is going to be Omega versus Page. As soon as this tournament was announced, the bracket was laid out it was very very obvious to me. Is their a possibility of Wardlow beating Page, and that playing into his and Kenny’s story? Absolutely but I think those two going into a collision at Full Gear is the way to go.

Jericho & MJF: Le Dinner Debonair

Chris Jericho and MJF are in a restaurant and they are talking to the waitress named Velma about what they want to order, they order the exact same thing but the way their steak is cooked, and they keep trying to one-up eachother on how they want the steak prepared. After ordering Jericho wants to know what the deal is with MJF. He also lets MJF know that next week their will be an Inner Circle Town Hall to discuss if MJF should join the group. MJF states that he and Jericho are the biggest names in AEW and the Demo God, and the Ratings Ruler should be in one group. Jericho reiterated to MJF that “Ratings Ruler” is a horrible name. MJF states its a can’t miss opportunity. Then they start singing their version of “My Shadow and Me” originally performed by Frank Sinatra & Sammy Davis Jr. Then after finishing the song, they sit back down to eat and their steaks are served not even cooked at all.

Segment Rating: 5/10

I didn’t hate this, the reason being, it is ridiculously stupid but in a good way, however the question that needs to be asked and why this isn’t rated hire is, is it necessary? The answer is absolutely not. There is no reason for this at all. It was stupid fun for no reason and it didn’t help the story at all. Again I’ll reiterate its clear this is leading to these two facing eachother the one thing I’m not sure about is if it will be at Full Gear or it will be a slow build to the next pay-per-view.

KiLynn King vs. Britt Baker

This was exactly what you would expect, Britt won this match handily and was in control for the majority of it. She won with a combination of kicks, a curb stomp and then the Lock Jaw for a tap out.

Segment Rating: 5/10

Britt Baker is the one I see beating Shida for the championship, nobody is better than her right now. She’s at the top of her game and she’s been dominant since returning.

Four Way Tag Team Number 1 Contender Match: Butcher & Blade vs. Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. Private Party vs. The Young Bucks

This match was all Young Bucks. From minute one we all knew the Young Bucks were winning. The action was all over the place and wasn’t a cluster because of it, it was a great match. There was a great sequence of the Young Bucks breaking up consecutive pinfalls by all three teams, they did a great combo where they did an Indy Taker Senton combination it was a cool looking spot. The finish came when the Young Bucks went for a meltzer driver it was reversed intons roll up after Nick was pulled of the apron, but Matt reversed it himself into a roll up of his own for the win.

Some notes from the match, right after they went to a commercial during this match, Matt Hardy who was at ringside in Private Party’s corner, was attacked by Sammy Guevara and they fought to the backstage area and thats the last we see of them.

Bunny is back with Butcher & Blade after the pointless time of her being with QT Marshall with no real payoff to that.

FTR was on commentary for this match and they spent most of the time criticizing the Young Bucks more then anyone in this match.

After the match, FTR went into the ring and toasted the Young Bucks but the Bucks kick the beers away, and Tully Blanchard disguised as a camera man goes into the ring and they attack the Young Bucks. They hit a spike piledriver and follow that up by wedging Matt Jackson’s leg between a chair and stomping it from the middle rope.

Segment Rating: 7/10

This match was great, and I was very concerned of it being w cluster. The story between FTR and the Young Bucks was front and center here and in my opinion this match is the main event of Full Gear. I don’t like it won’t happen in front of a full house of fans but they can’t push it back anymore, this match was inevitable and I’m sure it will be the classic we all expect.

Remarkable Wrestler of the Week

For this episode of AEW Dynamite the Remarkable Wrestler of the Week is, Rey Fenix.

Fenix gets the RWOW this week for his stellar performance against his brother and tag partner, Penta El Zero M. He not only out performed his brother he out smarted him, and I think that gave it to him especially since they had the best match of the night.


So that’s all the highlights for this episode of AEW Dynamite on October 21st, overall I give this show a 6 out of 10. This was probably the best overall show AEW has done in a while, the only thing that felt unnecessary was the Jericho/MJF segment. Everything else had stakes or helped get someone to the next step.

What are your thoughts on AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.

Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC821

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