Welcome, everyone to the latest edition of #MouthingOff (with MikeJC): Dynamite Weekly, the weekly review feature on AEW Dynamite here on SLTDWrestling.com. I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on all the highlights of the show as well as giving the “Remarkable Wrestler” of the week. So here are the highlights of the Wednesday, September 23rd edition of AEW Dynamite.
Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. Kip Sabian & Miro
This weeks episode of Dynamite opened up with the in-ring debut of Miro in this tag match that certainly was kind of a let down. It’s nobody’s fault really there just seemed to be something off about this match. The timing was off on some spots, some spots looked sloppy, and that’s even before it looked like Miro may have tweaked his ankle after charging at Janela who pulled the rope down to dump him outside. That spot seemed to be a turning point as earlier on it was going fine. The finish came after Miro hit Sonny with a running superkick and a camel clutch submission that he now calls the “Game Over” for the win.
Segment Rating: 4/10

This is definitely not the debut that anyone wanted for Miro, especially if that was a legitimate injury. If it wasn’t good on him for selling the hell out of it but it did feel like some spots were ruined by this apparent injury and those mistakes were definitely not planned. Definitely hope he’s okay, definitely hope he can redeem himself in future matches because he is so good and so are all the parties involved.
Eddie Kingston Sells Us a Ticket to the Main Event
Immediately following the first match we get a hell of a promo, from Eddie Kingston. He reiterates that he never lost the Casino Battle Royale at All Out, then continues by saying Jon Moxley and himself had a very similar start, but unlike Moxley he never sold out and sold his soul to the devil to be a sports entertainer. He calls Moxley out because he wants to tell it to his face. Moxley obliges and they are separated by officials to prepare for the main event tonight. This segment itself doesn’t get a rating but it was a hell of a promo and needed to be highlighted.
“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Evil Uno
Before the match Kenny Omega once again came out for commentary, and Jim Ross would once again reiterate that this was supposed to be a tag match, but Kenny declined because he isn’t a tag team wrestler anymore.
This match was another banger of a match for Page. Him and Uno had great chemistry in the ring and this match definitely showed that. There was a brief moment during the match where all of the Dark Order surrounded Page and Kenny Omega wasn’t sure if he should step in, but he didn’t as Dark Order didn’t do anything. Uno would tell them all to leave because he felt he had the match in hand. The finish came when Page went for a second standing shooting star press, but Uno got his knees up, but he failed to take advantage, and Hangman hit the buckshot lariat for the victory. Post match Kenny Omega would once again walk out as soon as the match ended.
Segment Rating: 6/10

This was a very good match, as stated earlier and I love this story between the Elite members, and still very curious about where it is all going. The wrinkle of Kenny being on commentary for Hangman’s matches, because they are supposed to be tag matches connects the story and it works very well. Hangman continues to build momentum, and move up in the rankings.
TNT Championship: Brodie Lee (c) vs. Orange Cassidy
The entire Dark Order would once again be at ring side for this match and they would heavily get involved in this match and for whatever reason they were not kicked out. You would think Rick Knox was the referee with out much the entire group got away with in this match. Orange Cassidy started the match like he starts most matches, by putting his hands in his pockets, and following it up with lazy kicks which Brodie broke up by stomping on Cassidy’s foot. Brodie spent most of the match in control, until he hit a diving DDT on Brodie, following it up with two straight penalty kicks, but Lee feels no affect from them and gets right up. Cassidy would follow that up with headscissors DDT and an Air Raid Crash for a two count. He then goes for the Orange Punch but John Silver gets involved and takes it for Brodie leading to a powerbomb and discus lariat by Lee for the win.
After the match, the lights go out, and they come back on and we get a grand entrance return by none other then Cody. He comes out with his old hair color, and cleans house of the lower level Dark Order members and hits a Cody cutter and a figure 4 leg lock on Alan “5” Angels.
Brodie Lee is later interviewed, and he’s irate and calls Cody a coward for hiding behind his wife and brother, and then challenges Cody to a dog collar match.
Segment Rating: 7/10

This match was great, and the return of Cody was treated like a huge deal like it is and sets up the rematch between him and Brodie. Orange Cassidy and Brodie had a hell of a match, as Orange Cassidy continues to show that he can go with anyone and that he truly is a serious player in the singles division of AEW. I’m actually really curious if it will be acknowledged down the road if Cody has heat with the Young Bucks, Hangman, and Kenny for not being their for him when Dark Order took him out, unlike other times. Does Cody feel betrayed by this, does this lead to Cody being involved with FTR and Spears to form a new age Four Horsemen, something I think we all expect down the line. It’s all wait and see, and another wrinkle could be added to the implosion of the Elite, or not. As for Brodie and Cody, a dog collar match, is an old school stipulation that is very Dusty-esque as a way to settle a personal feud and I love it for the end of this feud.
Matt Hardy Accuses Chris Jericho
This next segment was not great, basically Matt Hardy and Private Party come out, and they discuss last week. Matt says he doesn’t know who attacked him all he knows is he was attacked from behind by a pipe or a bat, and it was very convenient that Chris Jericho happened to be in the vicinity. The Inner Circle would come out after Matt called Jericho an asshole. Jericho would wish Matt a Happy Birthday but basically take it back mockingly.
Jericho said he doesn’t know when Sammy Guevara will be back thanks to Matt Hardy, then reveals he lied and welcomes Sammy back as he enters. Jericho says he didn’t attack Mat from behind last week but he’d gladly do it now head on. Marq Quen tells Matt to relax because he’s not cleared, and last week Quen knocked Jericho out for attacking Isiah Kassidy after the match. He goes to challenge Jericho but Kassidy cuts him off and says he’s got this and he wants Jericho one-on-one next week and “what if a 23-year-old kid from the streets of Brooklyn beats Jericho next week?”
Segment Rating: 3/10
This segment was not good at all. It did what it was supposed to do which was set up the match between Jericho and Kassidy for next week, but other then that I can’t stand the “I don’t know who attacked me but I’m gonna find out, but I think you did it”, stuff because there’s clearly a video that they could have looked at immediately and it just gets very tired in wrestling in general. Also it’s impossible there was nobody around that saw it happen. So for that and the fact that these promos were not good, this was not a good segment at all.
FTR Make a Statement
Tony Schiavone is in the ring interviewing FTR and Tully Blanchard, they proclaim that they are introducing a new segment called the 20-minute brush with greatness, and they were granted the opportunity to pick their opponent which is SCU, and that if SCU doesn’t beat them in 20 minutes FTR will be declared the winners. Then Dax Harwood starts mocking the Best Friends, which brings them out. The Best Friends challenge them right now and FTR are all for it, until they decide to back out because they know the Best Friends are not 100 percent after their fight last week, and they want a fair fight. Chuck Taylor says that least Santana and Ortiz aren’t weenies like FTR and him and Trent hug.
Segment Rating: 4/10
This segment just like the last was kind of bad, and unnecessary. Definitely not the best way to set up FTR’s next couple of matches, both matches in question are sure to be good, but AEW’s promo segments have not been great for the most part the past couple of weeks. I look forward to FTR versus SCU next week and the future bout with Best Friends as well.
Ivelisse & Diamante vs. Thunder Rosa & Hikaru Shida
This was a pretty good match, these two teams worked well together and showed as they put on this match. Thunder Rosa and Hikaru Shida have been two of the best works in the world right now and they continue to show what they are best at, wrestling. At one point their was some miscommunication between Shida and Rosa, when Rosa accidently hit Shida. The finish came when Rosa held off Ivelisse and Shida hits a shinning wizard on Diamante for the win.
Segment Rating: 5/10

This was a great match that showed off the talents of all four women. I’m curious what the future holds for Shida and Rosa as it seems they aren’t done just yet and maybe we’ll see winner take all match between them down the line which will surely be a hell of a match. I don’t know what the plan is with Ivelisse and Diamante who have not done anything important since winning the pointless women’s tag tournament that had no meaning. I hope we see more of them, but them teaming really doesn’t matter and they need to focus on singles, even though I don’t think they are signed still.
AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Eddie Kingston
This was a hard hitting contest, that saw a lot of brawling between these two. These two having very similar styles that meshed very well and it was one hell of a match. They continued to exchange strikes the entire match, and they would later begin hitting big moves like powerbombs, piledrivers, and German suplexes that all looked great as well. The finish came when Mox ducked a backfist elbow shot and turned it into a sleeper, then transitioned it into a bulldog choke that would result in Kingston passing out for Mox to retain.
Following the match, the Lucha Bros. would attack Mox and double team him while Eddie was still coming to. this then brought out Will Hobbs to make the save, but he is overwhelmed, which then brings out the returning Darby Allin with a skateboard of course, right as the odds are evened, Ricky Starks hits a spear on Darby, and uses Darby’s skateboard to choke him. He then hits the Rochambeau on Darby, as the heels stand tall to close the show.
Segment Rating: 7/10

I probably would have rated this segment hire if not for the attack after the match, as I didn’t love that. The match though was absolutely amazing and hard hitting, Eddie Kingston once again showed his brawling ability with the best of them just like his match with Cody a while back. This match really showed what it’s about to be a brawler, and why people need to give that style more of a chance. As for the post match attack, I assume this is going to lead to a multi-man match of some kind and I guess Kingston is not done with Moxley, when Lance Archer is back, I wonder how this will play out from there as well, and I hope he gets his opportunity down the line.
Remarkable Wrestler of the Week
For this episode of Dynamite, the Remarkable Wrestler of the Week is, Eddie Kingston.
Eddie Kingston showed why he needs to be taken seriously in a hell of a match with the World Champion, even in a loss he looked strong but passing out and not tapping and giving it right back to Moxley all match.
So that’s all the highlights for this episode of AEW Dynamite on September 23rd, overall I give this show a 5 out of 10. A few of the matches were great, and some were good, but the talking segments definitely brought this show down and made it feel like it dragged a little. Both championship matches were top notch and Hangman versus Evil Uno was pretty good as well for the story aspects continuing with the Elite.
What are your thoughts on Thursday Night AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.
Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC821
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