AOB’s WWE Elimination Chamber Predictions

Hello, SLTD Wrestling Universe! After months and months away from your monitors, smartphones and other assorted devices, we are back and with a bit of luck, better than ever before, as the SLTD #Rebirth commences. Keep an eye out over the next few days and weeks for more details regarding our return, but for now, let’s do what we do best, and talk wrestling!

As you may be well aware, this Sunday on the 31st of May, the WWE will host its very first event exclusive to the Network, as the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas gives home to the sixth annual Elimination Chamber. It was unknown whether the event would make its return, with Fastlane taking its usual February spot this year, but it has and it should be a good one!

The build-up to this show has only been two weeks long, but despite the short time for WWE to build towards the event, they have done a fantastic job considering the high-stakes matches taking place. There are three or four matches that I just know I’ll be on the edge of my seat for, including two action-packed Elimination Chamber Matches, one of which has an intriguing twist that’s never been done before.

The pre-show Kickoff also happens to feature a Miz TV segment, with special guest, Daniel Bryan. Hopefully that will be worth the watch, but without further ado, let’s get into my match-by-match analyses and predictions for WWE Elimination Chamber 2015!


20150517_elimination_EP_LIGHT_HP_matches_NevilleBoNeville vs. Bo Dallas

Bo Dallas’ time on the main roster has been less than stellar, but it’s great that they’ve restarted the rivalry that made Neville the longest-reigning NXT Champion in history for this match. Never forget that, with all of the great press that NXT is getting for its special events, Neville and Bo Dallas main-evented the very first one at NXT ArRival in 2014.

Not only that, but they put on the first (and to date, only) Ladder Match in NXT history. It crowned Neville as NXT Champion, and it was during his reign that NXT achieved its greatest popularity. Sure, I think Sami Zayn’s clash with Cesaro was the best match that night, but as we’ve seen with each NXT event since then, not having the match of the night isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

While I think this match is just to get Neville on the card (because for some unfathomable reason he was kept out of the Chamber match), I’m still never going to say no to seeing Bo Dallas on Pay-Per-View. Unfortunately, Dallas’ gimmick seems to have gone down a bit better in NXT than it does on Raw and Smackdown, but I still find him entertaining both in and out of the ring.

I think he has a good bit further to go before he can win even the United States or Intercontinental Championships, especially since those titles have gone way up in stock since WrestleMania, but if he satisfies the right people, I think he could get there eventually. I for one would love to see some sort of story involving Bo Dallas and Bray Wyatt.

Whether the two brothers form an alliance or they’re on opposite sides of the ring, I think the chemistry and their differences in personality would make for a very interesting rivalry, and match-up. Maybe when Wyatt makes his eventual face turn, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper will attempt to overthrow their former Wyatt Family leader and Dallas will run to his brother’s aid. I can’t necessarily see that happening with Dallas’ character the way it is, but it would be interesting for sure.

Neville himself is easily one of the main roster’s finest acquisitions in a long time. His never-ending athleticism is truly a treat to watch, and in my opinion, the “man that gravity forgot” moniker is one of the most fitting in wrestling history. I’ve seen the man perform in person on two separate occasions (against Sami Zayn and Finn Bálor) and you can’t take your eyes off of him. Granted, the guys I saw him face were some of WWE’s greatest wrestlers today, but you get what I mean.

This match-up seems like an excuse to let Neville go over on Pay-Per-View, but they chose a damn fine opponent to do the favours. There’s no doubt in my mind that Neville is leaving this Sunday with his hand held high.

Winner: Neville


aa20150517_elimination_EP_LIGHT_HP_matches_ICIntercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber Match: Sheamus vs. King Barrett vs. R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev vs. Ryback

It’s a damn shame that Daniel Bryan had to relinquish the Intercontinental Championship. Like Cena and the US Title, it was a fair assumption that allowing Bryan to win the IC Title would allow him to restore some of the prestige it had lost over years and years of being tossed around without adding anything to anybody’s career.

You just knew that whoever could defeat Daniel Bryan would be made for the next few years, since he would be the guy to beat the guy. Bryan, at this stage, is one of WWE’s top dogs and anybody would benefit greatly from defeating him, especially with a title on the line.

Unfortunately, not everything works out the way we want it to, and Daniel has had his injuries aggravated over the last few months, and I’m afraid to say he may not compete in a WWE ring ever again. However, he is scheduled to open the Elimination Chamber Kick-off Show as a guest on Miz TV, so you never know, maybe things aren’t as bad as they seem. But as of now, I’m not getting my hopes up. As far as I’m aware, his future is currently unpredictable.

Which leads us to this Sunday. Six men have the opportunity to pick up where Daniel Bryan left off, and win the Championship that he laid down in the ring several weeks ago in an effort to pay respects to the history of the belt. One man will walk out as the new Intercontinental Champion, and he’s going to have to compete in a brutal match to prove himself worthy.

First of all, we have R-Truth, and I’m sorry, I think he’s the only guy in this match that we can instantly write off as having no chance of a victory here. I do love Truth, and I think he’s a fine wrestler, but his time as a top superstar is over. I have no doubt that his performance on Sunday will be of high standard, but I would’ve really swapped him out for Neville in this one. The truth hurts.

Moving on, we have Rusev and Dolph Ziggler, who have recently become rivals over the affection of Lana. The Ravishing Russian recently turned face after Rusev essentially threw her out on her ass, and she picked herself up and jumped into the arms of Mr. Dolph “Steal Your Girl” Ziggler. So lo and behold, we have our next mid-card rivalry afoot.

I expect big things for both of these guys in the future, but I have a strong feeling that they’ll both be involved in each other’s eliminations in the Chamber. If I had to guess, I’d say Ziggler nails a wicked Superkick on Rusev, who ends up getting pinned and in a fit of rage, he decimates Ziggler, allowing the likes of Sheamus to pick up the scraps and make the pin.

This will be reason enough for Ziggler and Rusev to be at each other’s throats, which I’m sure they will be for the next couple of Pay-Per-Views. I fully expect their hatred for one another to be increased at Money in the Bank, likely culminating in a one-on-one match at Battleground. This basically rules both Rusev and Ziggler out from becoming the new Mr. Money in the Bank.

As for Ryback, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him win the title. Believe it or not, Ryback has not held a single championship in the WWE, so you never know, he could win his very first on Sunday Night. I really dislike Ryback, I’ve never been afraid to admit that in the past. I don’t hate him as much as I used to, but I still would be content with not seeing him on TV every week.

But I’m very aware that Ryback is the muscled freak that Vince McMahon envisions as the perfect professional wrestler. I’ve accepted that Ryback is destined for big things in the company, so seeing him walk out with the gold wouldn’t surprise me in the least. I don’t really see him putting on great matches to make his title reign worthwhile, but I can admit it would be different. Merely because we’ve never seen Ryback with a title. Who knows, it could bring out the best in him.

If Barrett was to win the gold, it would seem that everything is going his way in 2015. Not only would he win the IC Title for the umpteenth time, but he’s the most recent King of the Ring. A King needs his crown, and perhaps Barrett would be the most fitting winner of this Sunday’s Elimination Chamber Match.

However, and from the opposite end of the spectrum, Barrett has been performing at the highest standard since he walked into the company, both on the mic and in the ring. All he has to show for it is a countless amount of Intercontinental Championship victories. That and winning the King of the Ring tournament, but that was only weeks ago.

Even The Miz has a WWE Championship reign and a Tag-Team Championship reign under his belt, you would think Barrett would be worthy of making it to that next level by now. A main event match or two in 2010 isn’t going to cut it with me. Keeping him with the IC Title forever is just going to hurt him in the long run. The guy’s too good to overlook.

That being said, with Seth Rollins likely holding strong as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion for the next while, King Barrett will be nowhere near that title, at least until next year or the year after. It’s a pity, but I just don’t see it happening anytime soon. Then again, maybe he’ll shock us all, win the Money in the Bank briefcase and win the title by the end of the year. Long live the King!

Finally, that brings us to Sheamus, whose new attitude and look has increased his stock tremendously in my eyes. This guy just wants to kick the shit out of you, and that’s what makes him great. Never mind the fact that he’s from Ireland (making us proud, too), this guy is bent on destruction and I absolutely love it.

Let me tell you why Sheamus is going to win the Intercontinental Championship on Sunday. Firstly, he’s never won the title, meaning we’ll be getting something fresh as far as the mid-card title goes. Secondly, Sheamus has already had a Hall of Fame-worthy career in terms of career highlights.

He’s a two-time WWE Champion, a World Heavyweight Champion, a two-time United States Champion, a King of the Ring winner and a Royal Rumble winner. Throw him an Intercontinental Championship and the dude’s golden. He’s the perfect candidate, he’s a hard-hitting, talented, charismatic individual and he’d make a damn fine IC champ.

There’s nobody in this match that would make a more fitting, deserving Intercontinental Champion, and I guarantee that Sheamus will make for the perfect replacement for Daniel Bryan as the titleholder. As for a potential Champion vs. Champion match between him and John Cena? Now that would be interesting.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Sheamus


20150517_elimination_EP_LIGHT_HP_matches_cenaowensaaJohn Cena vs. Kevin Owens

I’ll be honest, when I realised this match wasn’t for the United States Championship I was quite disappointed, but I think the fact that Kevin Owens doesn’t care about the US Title makes this match even more special. My initial thoughts behind it was that it would be the perfect introduction to the main roster if Owens was to defeat John Cena for the strap, but a non-title victory may be even more powerful.

Kevin Owens’ lack of interest in Cena’s belt paints the NXT Championship as an equally prestigious prize in the WWE. NXT is quickly becoming its own brand, and I’ve said before that I think an eventual WWE/NXT rivalry would be very entertaining, possibly an invasion storyline culminating in a 5-on-5 Tag-Team Match at Survivor Series.

Making this a non-title match means that Cena has nothing to lose and Owens has everything to win, namely one of the greatest in-ring debuts in WWE history. How many people do you know that debuted and defeated John Cena in their first match on the main roster? Carlito comes to mind, but that was back during Cena’s first reign as US Champ, and look how far both men have come since then.

However, there is a big difference between Sami Zayn losing to John Cena in his debut match and Kevin Owens losing his. Zayn was wrestling with an injured shoulder and nobody expected him to win. The only thing he needed to leave with that night was respect, and he walked out of Montreal with tons of it.

Kevin Owens, on the other hand, needs to win here if he wants to continue his WWE career with any credibility. Cena has called Owens all style and no substance, saying that when it comes down to it, “Fight Owens Fight” will not equal “Win Owens Win”. A few powerbombs aren’t going to be enough to prove Owens as the powerhouse that he is, and if he loses, he merely proves Cena’s point in the eyes of the WWE Universe.

I don’t know if I want Owens to be a mainstay on Raw and Smackdown just yet, since he’s got a great gig going on NXT and there’s clearly unfinished business between him and Samoa Joe, so he can afford to stick around in Full Sail University when this match is over, despite the result.

But I think it would be even cooler if Kevin was to beat Cena, cut a promo on how the best that WWE has to offer couldn’t hold a candle to the best that NXT has to offer, going back to NXT until he fulfils everything he needs to down there. Then he can come back to the main roster and make a bigger impact when he becomes a permanent member, maybe even landing himself a US Title Match.

Alternatively, he could beat John Cena, go on to face him in a rematch for the United States Championship down the line, win the title and go down the Paige route by relinquishing the NXT Championship. Either way, I feel like Kevin Owens needs this victory here. If the title was on the line, it may be a different story, but Owens needs this way more than Cena does.

Winner: Kevin Owens


aa20150517_elimination_thumb_matches-tagWWE Tag-Team Championship Elimination Chamber Match: The New Day (c) vs. The Lucha Dragons vs. The Prime Time Players vs. Los Matadores vs. The Ascension vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd

I think this may be the most anticipated match of the night, purely based on the sheer ridiculousness of it. Twelve men locked in the Elimination Chamber seems unheard of, yet it’s probably the most fascinating alteration that has been made to the concept, at least since they added weapons to the structure at ECW December to Dismember.

Not only that, but I think the build-up to the match has been subtle, but brilliant. Apart from Los Matadores, who I would swap out for Luke Harper and Erick Rowan any day of the week, every team in this match is deserving of a spot. Each team is versatile and brings a different element to the match.

The New Day got a lot of flak during the first few months after aligning, but with the whole ‘New Day Sucks’ thing and Xavier Woods’ ability to make you want to punch every single one of his teeth in with his Scrappy Doo- level of annoying, make me really happy they got together.

People wanted a ‘New Nation’ type of trio from these guys, and while that may have worked better, Woods, Big E and Kofi have played the hand they were dealt in a tremendous fashion, earning themselves the WWE Tag-Team Championship shortly after their official debut.

The way they retained the titles at Payback was ingenious, despite maybe being somewhat racist, and Woods’ semi-leadership role has made him arguably one of the best heels on the main roster. There’s hardly anyone in the crowd that wants to cheer his name.

I’m guessing Woods will be on the outside during this match, since Big E and Kofi are the official champions, but I reckon that’s where he thrives best. Big E and Kofi are the muscle, Woods is just the guy who distracts their opponents with his ear-shatteringly annoying voice. Let’s be honest, the guy belongs in High School Musical.

The Prime Time Players’ reunion was probably the best thing for their career in the long run. Neither of them were going anywhere good with their single runs, with Titus O’Neil playing the role of enhancement talent more often than not and Darren Young rehabilitating an injury.

There are people who think Titus has what it takes to make it big in the company, and while I’m not sure I could see it happening any time soon, I think we can all agree that having him alongside Young for the next while is the best thing for him.

I wouldn’t call them the best team in the division at the moment, but I believe they have been together the longest out of everyone in this match, so they’ve definitely established themselves as a mainstay tag-team. This Sunday may not be their night, but I think they will be holding the gold before they split up for the second time.

As an NXT fan, I am also a huge fan of The Ascension, despite the poor booking they’ve suffered from since debuting on the main roster. They laid waste to everyone that stepped in their path down at Full Sail University, so I was really hoping that total, utter annihilation would follow them to Raw. That unfortunately doesn’t appear to be the case as of yet, but only time will tell, and I’m sure in a few months there will be an opening for new top dogs as far as the tag-team division goes.

Konnor and Viktor have great chemistry, and if you take away the weird Legion of Doom wannabe part of their gimmick, they’d make for a brilliant, memorable team. One that could easily represent the division as its champions. Give them some time and an opening and I guarantee they could achieve a level of success similar to what they had in NXT.

Speaking of The Ascension, let’s move onto the first team that could dethrone them and take the NXT Tag-Team Championship away, Sin Cara and Kalisto, the Lucha Dragons. First of all, this team was an amazing way to revitalise the career of Sin Cara, who had to deal with the aftermath of the gimmick’s former representative’s shoddy job of it.

But pairing him with the unbelievably athletic luchador, Kalisto seems to have made a lot of the fans give him a second chance. Plus, take nothing away from Sin Cara, that guy is still a great, entertaining wrestler in his own right. Unfortunately it’s just the character that’s made him suffer.

The difference between the Lucha Dragons and The Ascension, the Prime Time Players and Los Matadores, is that I can actually see WWE capitalising on the excitement they bring to the ring by crowning them the new Tag-Team Champions on Sunday. Do I think they will win? Probably not, but their chances are way higher than that of the other three teams.

I could write a paragraph or two on Los Matadores and their chances of winning this Sunday, but quite frankly, they aren’t worth our time. If it was still Epico and Primo we’d be having a different conversation, but let me sum it up by saying the only scenario I won’t be happy with on Sunday is if Fernando, Diego and that stupid little bull win the belts. End of.

Finally, we come to Cesaro and Tyson Kidd, one of the most surprising, yet entertaining duos in the last few years. They are so much fun to watch both in single matches and teaming up together, and they have brought a nice breath of fresh air not only to the tag-team division, but to Cesaro and Kidd’s individual careers.

I’ll admit, I was upset when they lost the titles to Big E and Kingston, but their face turn in general has been a great part of WWE television in the last while and I’m very happy their still together, going after the titles. Plus, who could say no to seeing Natalya every week? Case and point.

This one comes down to The New Day and Cesaro & Kidd in my estimation, although I wouldn’t be surprised if WWE tried to swerve us by letting one of the other teams (please not those bullfighters) win. As for a prediction, I think I will have to go with The New Day. Woods, Big E and Kofi have been whining for the last two weeks about the terrible odds of them winning, so it may prove some more of the naysayers wrong to have them pull off the upset victory here.

As much as I’d love Cesaro and Kidd to win, I don’t want the tag-team title to be passed around like a hot potato. I also want Cesaro to win Money in the Bank this year (as every year) so keeping the titles off of him probably increase his chances. Right? … Right?

Winners and still WWE Tag-Team Champions: The New Day


20150517_elimination_EP_LIGHT_HP_matches_divasWWE Divas Championship: Nikki Bella (c) vs. Paige vs. Naomi (w/ Tamina Snuka)

Believe it or not, this is one of the matches at Elimination Chamber that I’m most intrigued by. If you were around in the olden times of SLTD Wrestling, you may know I’ve always sung my praises about the Divas division in the WWE, and that no matter how lacklustre a match involving some of the girls can be, I always pay as much attention to them as I would the men of the industry.

I believe we are at a pivotal moment in the division, as Triple H’s reign over NXT has been opening many fans’ eyes to the prospect that women can actually work. Not only that, but they can steal the show, and in more extreme cases, main-event shows.

And if Vince McMahon watched either hour of last week’s NXT special, he would know that women, believe it or not, can produce top quality wrestling matches in the WWE.

I’m not going to turn this into a love-fest for Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch, or even Bayley and Charlotte for that matter, because I could go on about the talent down at Full Sail University until the cows come home, and we’re here to talk about the main roster Divas. But if there’s one thing to take from last week, it’s that matches involving the fierce females of the company are far from filler.

And if there are any “Divas” on the main roster that can put a match together to prove just that, then I think Nikki Bella, Paige and Naomi are the perfect candidates to do so, and for different reasons.

Naomi is an interesting character, because for the longest time, fans were up in arms about the fact that she was never pushed, or that she was relegated to a ridiculous cheerleading gimmick, accompanying Brodus Clay to the ring alongside Cameron, despite her immense athleticism.

But now we’re finally getting what we wanted; Naomi exploding her way into the title picture with plenty of time to prove herself week in and week out, and I’ve yet to figure out if this is what we really wanted in the first place.

Nobody can take Naomi’s in-ring ability away from her, and she doesn’t seem half bad when it comes to speaking, but I just hate that damn theme song, those damn light-up boots and the fact that we have to see Tamina Snuka every time Naomi is on-screen.

I don’t hate Tamina, I really don’t. Her look brings a bit of versatility to the division, and the fact that she’s Jimmy Snuka’s daughter means she knows a thing or two. But her involvement in this story doesn’t make any sense.

Naomi turns her back on Paige, and the fans for that matter, because she’s tired of being overlooked and so she’s going to do things on her own terms and make something of herself from now on, but then she jumps straight back into an alliance? And with Tamina Snuka of all people, who hasn’t achieved a glimmer of success aside from having her face appear next to AJ Lee’s for a short while.

Seems like the creative team wanted to make Naomi this badass independent character, but then didn’t know how to write TV for her, so they reverted back to meaningless, cowardly handicap attacks that seem to have worked in the past, and call for little effort on their behalf. It’s just lazy writing.

Nikki Bella is somewhat different, because she started off a few years ago with barely any in-ring talent but I would now consider her to be one of the most gifted female wrestlers on the main roster. I like Nikki as Divas Champion because she represents the journey and evolution that WWE Divas can go through.

For example, Kelly Kelly started her WWE career by taking her clothes off in ECW, but she rose up through the ranks, and while I would still say her overall ability was extremely lacking to be considered championship-worthy, she still became the face of the Divas division for a long time as its Champion.

Even Eva Marie, who was hated by virtually everyone in the Internet Wrestling Community for her lack of experience only a year ago, is impressing me with every video I see of her training with Brian Kendrick. I’ve had some strong words about the lady in the past, but I look forward to a day where I can hopefully say I was not only wrong about her, but that she is one of the most fun Divas to watch perform in the ring. I can already say that I respect her for her surprising commitment to the business.

It would seem that Nikki Bella has benefitted tremendously from her relationship with John Cena, as her respect for the WWE and her work ethic has increased drastically since 2013. I’m sure having Daniel Bryan as a brother-in-law hasn’t hurt her either.

The Bella Twins’ future with the WWE is unknown to fans at this point, but I’ll be honest when I say that I hope they do stick around for at least another year. They’ve come so far, and it would be a damn shame if they decided to move onto other projects at their current level of ability. Hopefully this isn’t it for the Bella brand in the wrestling business.

Last, and far from least, we have arguably the best female wrestler in the WWE, Paige. It is hard for me to put into words just how much I love watching this woman perform. She was literally bred for greatness in the industry, and she does Ricky and Sweet Saraya proud every single time she steps between those ropes.

Now that AJ Lee is no longer a member of the WWE roster (as sad as it makes me to type that), Paige is the best candidate to take over from her as the fan favourite Diva, because she has the full package. As far as top notch wrestling qualities go, Paige ticks all the boxes. And she’s only been around on the main roster for a year.

I would like to see NXT girls be brought up sooner than later, because I wouldn’t want Paige to be over-exposed to the fans due to such as limited number of women on Raw and Smackdown at the moment, so hopefully we get to see her mix it up with the likes of Sasha and Charlotte sooner than later.

As far as a prediction for this match goes, I am leaning towards Naomi, and I wouldn’t have any problem with her walking out with the title. I get the feeling that Nikki and Brie may not be around much this summer, and Naomi walking out as champion under questionable circumstances would surely call for her rivalry with Paige to be lengthened.

Especially since a Battle Royal in England made Paige the one true rightful #1 contender to the championship, before she was rather unceremoniously injured at the hands of Naomi herself.

It makes the most sense to have Naomi win here, if Elimination Chamber calls for a new champion, that is. And I have a strong feeling that she’s going to take this one by storm.

Winner and NEW WWE Divas Champion: Naomi


20150517_elimination_EP_LIGHT_HP_matches_rollinsambroseWWE World Heavyweight Championship: Seth Rollins (c) vs. Dean Ambrose

It’s great to see Dean Ambrose get the recognition he deserves. This whole post-WrestleMania season has been all about Roman Reigns’ journey to and from Levi’s Stadium, as well as Seth Rollins’ ‘Heist of the Century’ when he became the first man to cash in Money in the Bank on the Grandest Stage of them all.

With Ambrose in the opening match last March, and holding strong against the likes of Luke Harper in the mid-card for the following weeks, it seemed that his equally impactful role in The Shield had gone unnoticed by WWE management. But it’s been awesome having him not only acknowledged again, but have him main-eventing PPVs for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

A lot of my favourite moments from watching WWE since The Shield’s implosion last year have come from Dean Ambrose and his endless antics, such as tampering with Rollins’ briefcase and his brief run against Bray Wyatt last winter. So to see him headlining this Sunday is a good feeling for any fan of the Lunatic Fringe.

Ambrose and Rollins had possibly the most entertaining rivalry of 2014, with some top quality matches at SummerSlam and Hell in a Cell, and to see their euphoric, albeit brief reunion with Roman Reigns at Payback was electric. So I have no doubt in my mind that they can bring that level of excitement to their match on Sunday.

I would love to see Dean Ambrose win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and I have no doubt in my mind that he will someday carry the gold with pride, but Seth Rollins has not achieved his full potential as champion. Not only that, but it’s quite obvious that this Elimination Chamber event was thrown together on the fly, so crowning a new champ wouldn’t make any sense.

There were only two weeks to build towards this event after Payback, and I’ve read that a lot of the talent didn’t even know this was taking place when it was announced. I think WWE lucked out by finding a venue that could support the weight of the Chamber, so they booked the show.

The biggest reason I have for going with Seth Rollins as my prediction this Sunday is that I don’t see anyone taking the strap from him until Brock Lesnar gets his rematch and/or his revenge. I’m guessing that will come around SummerSlam, which means we have the next few months with Seth Rollins as our champion to look forward to.

And in my estimation, that’s a great thing. Seth Rollins has been groomed for success since the day he became the first NXT Champion, to the moment he adopted Triple H’s Pedigree as his own at Payback (which makes a fine replacement for the Curb Stomp).

He’s put on five-star match after five-star match, especially thinking back to his epic triple threat main event at the Royal Rumble, taking on two of WWE’s greatest stars, John Cena and Brock Lesnar. It proved to me that Seth Rollins not only has the ability to back up his deserved role as WWE World Heavyweight Champion, but can believably go toe-to-toe with the beast that is Brock Lesnar when he needs to. It just makes me excited for their eventual singles match this year.

As for this match, I’m sure Seth and Dean will bring the house down as they have done in the past, but Seth Rollins’ reign isn’t ending any time soon. Expect Dean to prove himself as a top contender in the WWE, but just come short of his first WWE World Heavyweight Championship as Seth Rollins retains the gold using the Pedigree for the second time.

Winner and still WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Seth Rollins


And that’s that, folks! Make no mistake, SLTD Wrestling is back. While I haven’t been writing much over the last nine months or so (excluding a couple of blogs I did for MFX Podcast, who you should totally check out), I’m going to give it my best shot this summer to bring you some grade-A editorials on all things wrasslin’. Well, grade-A as far as my work goes…

So stick around, and you’ll be introduced to some new authors here on the site, as well as a few familiar ones from days gone by. One thing you’re definitely going to want to check out is the SLTD Wrestling Predictions League, which makes its return for Elimination Chamber. It’s easy, it’s free, and it adds a new element of fun to the shows we all know and love, so check that out here.

I’ll leave it there so, and I will see you all next Sunday morning for the return of ‘Under the Spotlight’ to SLTD Wrestling. I can already sense your anticipation.

Thanks for reading!

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Self-Professed Conversational Wizard.
Admin, Editor and Writer for SLTD Wrestling.
Creator of 'Under the Spotlight'.
Studying Computing in Games Development.

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