AOB’s WWE Extreme Rules Predictions

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! I’m Adam O’Brien, welcoming each and every one of you to my predictions for WWE Extreme Rules, which takes place this Sunday on May 4, 2014, live from the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

The deck is stacked with some high stakes main events, as well as some rather intriguing mid-card bouts, so without further ado, let’s get cracking with my match-by-match previews and predictions!


weelcer2014Pre-Show WeeLC Match: El Torito vs. Hornswoggle

Luckily, due to a Bank Holiday, my busy schedule has subsided for one Monday, and I get to watch Extreme Rules live on Sunday Night. Which means, I can count my lucky stars that I get to see this match take place as it unfolds in front of the New Jersey crowd.

The Bull takes on the Leprechaun, or as Michael Cole so eloquently put it, the Horned takes on the Horny. Not sure what he was getting at with that one, but I’ll let it slide for now.

All jokes aside, what the hell is going on here? I get that they’re going for a bit of comedy to open the show, but I thought the days of the “juniors” division were over! Two dwarves fighting it out on Pay-Per-View? I mean, take nothing away from Torito or Hornswoggle, the guys are good in their respective roles, and they can get the job done (whatever that job is, you be the judge), but I’m sure I’m not the only one finding this a little bit too much.

They’re using two dwarves to evoke a giggle or two from the crowd on a PPV, when the spot could easily be awarded to Damien Sandow and Dolph Ziggler for their hard work over the last few years. I hope (after the segment with Hugh Jackman on Raw) that Sandow and Ziggler get a spot on the card, but if they don’t, you can point the finger at this travesty. If El Torito and Hornswoggle were taken seriously in WWE, maybe I’d be more tolerant, but this is just ridiculous.

The only saving grace for this match is that it will be on the pre-show, so we don’t exactly have to watch it. Granted, I probably will anyway, but that’s my own fault. In order to finally put this crap to rest, expect El Torito to gore Hornswoggle and probably kick him in the balls for good measure, well as good as you can get under the circumstances.

As for the stipulation itself, I mean, I’m a sucker for a good pun, but come on. REALLY?

Winner: El Torito


triplethreater2014Jack Swagger vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro

This potential show-stealer is bound to impress the hell out of a lot of people. Despite what your reaction was to how this match came about, you can’t deny the sheer talent involved. And given enough time to shine, the three men will surely create magic as they step in the ring.

A lot of us thought that Cesaro was a definite to win the tournament to face Big E at this very event, but it didn’t turn out this way. Instead, WWE decided to add some final closure to the feud between Jack Swagger and former buddy, Cesaro, while also incorporating the high-flying, electrifying, Rob van Dam.

RVD does feel like filler in this triple threat match, but I think they did a decent job of bringing him into the fray. It’s always nice to see WWE acknowledge history, and Rob Van Dam and Paul Heyman have nothing if not history together. So to see that relationship explored on TV after so long is great to see.

Speaking of Paul Heyman, how good is he on the mic?! Obviously, we’ve known for decades that he was solid gold when it comes to words, but his “my client Brock Lesnar conquered the Streak” stuff is mesmerising beyond belief. And like I said, I love a good joke, so the Knock-Knock stuff on Raw had me floored. Excellent work from the genius himself and a great way to keep Lesnar relevant even though he’s not around.

Also, I’ve enjoyed the run-ins between Heyman and Zeb Colter. You would expect two seasoned, wise veterans when it comes to management in wrestling to be on the same page, but to see an animosity brewing between the two is even sweeter. It’s not just about their respective clients, either. It’s a personal vendetta between two old men who despise each other, and they let their clients decide who wins when they step in the ring. Right now Cesaro clearly has the upper hand, but RVD could turn around to become the Dark Horse in this match.

Rob’s advantage is not having Heyman or Colter in his corner, because you know Swagger and Cesaro will become distracted by the bickering between the two managers at ringside. So it won’t surprise me to see Mr. Monday Night use this to gain the upper hand at some point throughout the match.

However, Cesaro seems like the sure-fire winner to me. He’s been fantastic up to this point, and with this new ‘Heyman Guy’ push he’s been receiving, the only way is up for the King of Swing. Expect the Swiss Sensation to hit RVD with an emphatic European Uppercut to eliminate him from the equation, before putting Swagger away with a Neutralizer for the victory.

Winner: Cesaro


ictitleer2014Intercontinental Championship: Big E (c) vs. Bad News Barrett

I never thought we would see Barrett back on a Pay-Per-View again. Despite his obvious talents in and out of the ring, the man just couldn’t seem to get out of the starting gate for a return to the big leagues. But this ‘Bad News’ character has well and truly done the trick, and I believe he came up with the idea himself, so he can pat himself on the back.

Bad News Barrett’s matches in the Intercontinental Championship Tournament have been incredible. Firstly, he had an amazing match with Dolph Ziggler which had me on the edge of my seat, then he put Sheamus away with a surprise Bullhammer in a terrific bout, then he beat Van Dam in a fun match as well.

This tourney has indeed brought some much-needed importance back to the intercontinental Title, and it will all come full circle if Barrett happens to win on Sunday. I like Big E a lot, but his reign has been less than stellar to say the least, so passing the title onto Barrett will be an excellent way to finish off what this tournament set out to accomplish. The gold gets its prestige back and we get a change of pace with regards to the Champ.

Hopefully Big E doesn’t suffer too much from the loss, but I reckon he’ll find a spot on upcoming PPVs, such as the Ladder Match at Money in the Bank. As for Barrett, well I’m afraid I’ve got some good news for you!

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Bad News Barrett


truthwoodsrusever2014Alexander Rusev vs. Xavier Woods & R-Truth

I’ve been liking what I’m seeing from Alexander Rusev since his reign of terror began in NXT. Often times, it’s hard to appreciate someone’s wrestling ability when they are constantly placed in squash matches, but we’ve seen enough from Rusev to know that he’s the real deal.

However, this bout does seem awfully familiar to that of Ryback’s first matches when he was debuting. He’d have his 2-on-1 Handicap Matches, in which he lifted both opponents up for Shell Shock, and left ‘em lying in the ring. And a few months of the same old shit saw him catapulted straight into a WWE Championship Match with CM Punk on Pay-Per-View.

We don’t want Rusev to be involved in lower-end matches like this for ages before Vince decides “screw it, he’s ready to beat Daniel Bryan”. We do not need another Ryback, and Rusev hasn’t been screwed up for me yet, so leave him be. Plus, I’m enjoying Lana the way things are. A lot.

On the other side of things, you have to feel sorry for Woods and truth. R-Truth because he’s a veteran who isn’t acknowledged as such, and will be jobbing to a new guy at a low-level PPV. And Woods, because he made his debut before Rusev and the highlight of his career so far was dancing with the Fuckadactyls. Now he’s going to get his ass handed to him on Sunday, which is a damn shame.

Either way, Alexander Rusev will continue to dominate throughout the summer, and it all starts right here. Expect him to lock in the Accolade (or even a double one, which would look sweet) for the victory at Extreme Rules.

Winner: Alexander Rusev


divastitleer2014Divas Championship: Paige (c) vs. Tamina Snuka

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Paige. She’s literally one of the people that make me tune in to see Raw and SmackDown each week. She’s everything anybody could ever want in a Diva, and I honestly don’t care how biased I am, but she’s the best around today.

I was very annoyed at how things transpired with her on Raw this week. I feel like it was highly unnecessary to involve her in the Daniel Bryan story, which is quickly starting to become the Brie Bella/Stephanie McMahon story. Tamina Snuka won a #1 Contender’s Match, fair and square, but Brie gets one handed to her? Sounds like a slap in the face to Paige and Snuka.

Regardless, I’m hoping for a decent match here. We all know how the Divas perform when given the time and the opportunity, so a lengthy match wouldn’t be regretted by WWE management. Paige and Tamina have crossed paths before, in fact it was Tamina who Paige beat to win the first round of the tournament to crown the first ever NXT Women’s Champion, so they do know each other well.

And much like the story of that match, I see Snuka getting the upper hand early here, dominating the majority of the contest. But instead of a sneaky win, I would hope to see Paige put Tamina away with the Scorpion Crosslock or a Paige Turner to solidify it as a deserving victory.

It has been pointed out how Paige keeps getting beaten up, then turning around to gain some momentum before winning at the very end of each of her matches, and I hope this changes soon enough. The champ’s matches should be slightly more competitive, so hopefully this was just to sell the story of her being a rookie and coming in to win the belt.

Rookie or not, Paige is the most dominant member of the Divas roster right now, and I look forward to AJ Lee’s return, to see these two in a real rivalry culminating in a fantastic match. In the meantime, however, Paige isn’t going to be losing her title any time soon.

Winner and STILL Divas Champion: Paige


cenawyatter2014Steel Cage Match: Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena

At this stage, it must be physically impossible not to love Bray Wyatt. He is the epitome of professional wrestling. Quirky character, great look, skills to pay the bills on the microphone, and abilities to pay the utilities in the ring. Bray is a hypnotic super-human to put it lightly.

John Cena on the other hand is supposed to be WWE’s Superman. And after several years of seeing Cena put his foes down with snide comments about their looks or their dress senses, as well as beating them once and for all in the ring, it looks like someone finally found some Kryptonite.

Bray Wyatt holds the key to unlocking emotion in John Cena. Not joy, not sorrow, but fear. And he does it every week, with that eerie, hypnotising song…

“He’s got the whole world in his hands, he’s got the whole wide world in his hands, he’s got the whole world in his hands, he’s got the whole world in his hands…”

And Wyatt went straight for Cena’s heart on Monday Night Raw this week, when he targeted Cena’s most cherished fan base, the children. Seeing all those kids join that maniacal monster was a creepy sight, and gave Bray Wyatt the mental edge heading into the Steel Cage Match on Sunday.

As for a winner, I need it to be Bray Wyatt. I was hell-bent on Wyatt winning at WrestleMania, which he didn’t, but he can’t lose twice in a row. If he does, he’ll just prove what Cena’s been saying about Wyatt not being able to get the job done without Rowan and Harper by his side.

Also, surely the work he’s put into his promos lately can’t go unrewarded. Wyatt is the best talker in the WWE today, and if there is anyone that can perfectly follow up on a victory over John Cena at a Pay-Per-View, it’s him. The WWE needs to have Wyatt win here, otherwise this whole thing has been for diddly squat. I’m not saying that because I hate John Cena, because I don’t I like the guy, but if he’s ever needed to lose a match, it’s now.

Winner: Bray Wyatt


wwetitleer2014Extreme Rules Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Kane

It’s looking like this won’t be the main event, which is a damn shame. Bryan didn’t put years of work into winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship just to play second fiddle to Triple H. Again.

But it is what it is, and despite its position on the line-up, it will undoubtedly be one to watch. It don’t think anybody is expecting Kane to pick up the win here, but like I said in my last article on Sunday, that doesn’t really matter.

What does matter is that Kane and Daniel Bryan weave together a story that enthrals the audience. This is beyond personal. Kane and Bryan were once Tag-Team Champions together, and just two weeks ago, Kane tried to snap Bryan’s neck like a twig with three Tombstones on Raw. He also tried to harm Bryan’s wife, which Bryan is not going to let slide.

The Extreme Rules stipulation is supposed to strike fear in our hearts. Fear for Daniel’s health and future as our Champion. But I believe it will provide a chance for us to see a new side to Daniel Bryan. A side that is sick and tired of being pushed around and treated like a B+ Player.

To put it bluntly, Bryan is going to kick the shit out of Kane. I don’t mean he’s going to “bury” him or anything, he’ll just give as good as he gets. And I see Kane kicking ass on Sunday too. This match could end up being the most Extreme on the card, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see Bryan go nuts on Kane with a Kendo Stick near the finish.

His Dad died, his biggest fan died, his wife was put in harm’s way, Stephanie McMahon continues to lie to him, he’s still not in the main event despite the titles over his shoulders and Kane nearly killed him on Raw a few weeks ago. This emotion has to come through at Extreme Rules, and we need to see Bryan’s monstrous side.

Because the only way for Bryan to get a believable victory over the Devil’s Favourite Demon after all that’s happened to him, is if he reaches deep inside himself and lets his anger out. That’s how any normal man would react in his position.

Kane is looking good as a monster again, but Daniel Bryan is just getting started as the champ. So let me ask you… Is Daniel Bryan walking out of New Jersey with the titles over his shoulders? YES! YES! YES!

Winner and STILL WWE World Heavyweight champion: Daniel Bryan


shieldevolutioner2014Evolution vs. The Shield

I have loved seeing Evolution back together. The kid in me is jumping for joy whenever ‘Line in the sand’ plays, and I see the guys in their custom suits and limousines. It’s the way I would want to be if I was a pro wrestler. Even though I hated them as a child, I still wanted to be like Evolution. The dudes had style.

But, with a name like ‘Evolution’, Trips, Randall and Big Dave know better than anyone else that times change. And new times suggest that The Shield are the most dominant faction in today’s WWE, not Evolution.

Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose represent the future of the industry. Young, impressive and powerful guys who lay waste to anyone in their way, including eleven guys in one night on SmackDown last week. They march to the beat of their own drum, and they call themselves the Hounds of Justice. Well, Evolution just stepped in their yard.

But unfortunately for these Hounds, Triple H practically owns the yard. At least he will in a few years anyway. And what he says goes, so on Sunday I’m not sure he’ll be willing to lay down for The Shield. As much as we would love to see Evolution “perish” at the hands of The Shield at Extreme Rules, I just don’t see it happening.

The band just got back together, and while Batista may be leaving soon to deal with Hollywood obligations, Orton and Triple H are still here, and I don’t see this being a ‘one night only’ deal for Evolution. Which basically means they have to win.

The way it has been going, one match isn’t going to be the deciding factor between Evolution and The Shield, and so I reckon Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose will be able to get revenge down the line. But right now, it looks like Evolution will prevail at Extreme Rules.

Winners: Evolution


And that about wraps us up! Be sure to log back on here on Sunday afternoon to read my review of Shawn Michaels’ show in London from this past Monday!

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Thanks for reading, and enjoy Extreme Rules!

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