AOB’s WWE Hell in a Cell Predictions


Hey everyone! I’m Adam O’Brien, welcoming each of you to my predictions for WWE Hell in a Cell, which takes place this Sunday night on October 27th from the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida. This also happens to be the only arena that I’ve actually been in to see a live, televised Raw, so make of that what you will. Perhaps I’ll be lucky enough to head over to the UK next April to catch Raw live in the O2.

Anyway, the card is pretty decent for the show, with each match having received solid build-up. There is enough room to add Dean Ambrose or the Wyatt Family to the line-up, so hopefully they don’t get cut completely. I will be returning to my live-tweeting ways for this PPV only, so don’t miss it! Follow us at @SLTDWrestling for insights, opinions and results from me as the show goes on. I’ll also be joined by my mate, Dylan, so follow him @dotoshiro as well. There’s a good chance that I’ll be live-tweeting Raw on Monday Night as well, so be sure to keep an eye out, folks!

Without further ado, let’s get right to it, with my match-by-match previews and analysis for WWE Hell in a Cell!


HIAC2013AxelBigEHell in a Cell Kick-off Match for the Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel (c) w/ Paul Heyman vs Big E Langston

I am a big fan of Big E Langston, so it’s nice to see him back on regular TV, especially with this Intercontinental Championship Match. The man has improved tremendously with his promos, and I really like the guy’s move-set. He is a large man, but he doesn’t let that sheer size get in the way while he’s in the ring. His quickness, never mind his strength, is a very nice part of his in-ring technique. Do I think he’s ready for a mid-card title reign? Quite frankly, yes I do. Curtis Axel is entertaining, and the fact that he holds the belt is a nice feature for the ‘Paul Heyman Guys’. But that’s just the thing. I feel like Curtis Axel is only there for Paul Heyman’s image, and not vice versa. Heyman is one of the greatest personalities and managers in wrestling history, but I feel like his alliance with Curtis Axel hasn’t really done much for the third generation star. On paper, yeah, it’s great. Axel is on WWE TV because of Heyman, he’s on the show every week, he’s been the Intercontinental Champion for several months, but I don’t see anything past that. He hasn’t had a feud that focused on him instead of Heyman, which is kind of a pity. I have no doubt that all of that will come in time, but I don’t think Axel should be holding the title while he waits. When he’s the champion, he should be in the limelight, not in Paul Heyman’s shadow. Therefore, I feel like he can afford the loss here. If Big E Langston wins the title, not only will it contribute to the sub-feud between him and Axel/Heyman, but it could expose a new, more aggressive side to Curtis Axel. The man needs to show more personality, and I think a big loss the Langston at Hell in a Cell will be the perfect time for that to happen. Plus, I think it would give the entire title picture in the WWE some much-needed refreshment. The Rhodes winning the tag-team titles was a nice change, so Langston winning some gold would also provide a breath of fresh air when watching weekly television. And I’d have no problem seeing Big E as a much more regular part of the roster as a singles competitor. It’s all there, my friends.

Winner (and NEW Intercontinental Champion): Big E Langston

HIAC2013UsosRhodesShieldWWE Tag Team Championship: Goldust and Cody Rhodes (c) vs The Shield (Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins) vs The Usos

This should be a great match. Cody Rhodes and Goldust have proved an almighty alliance thus far in the WWE, and they’re already doing what I never thought would happen. They’re making the tag-team titles important again. The guys have tremendous chemistry together, which is surprising despite the fact that they’re brothers. It’s great to see Cody in such a significant role in the WWE. The Shield are amazing. I wish Dean Ambrose was announced for a match, but Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns are no laughing matter. Both men are incredibly talented, and although they lost the titles, I don’t think they’ll have any problems with earning Championship gold in the future. The Usos are also incredibly talented, exciting and entertaining. I can’t believe they’ve never held the tag-team titles before, but I’m glad they are a part of this match. I don’t know if they can win, but they’ll definitely put on a great show. They always do. But I think this one belongs to the Rhodes. Cody and Goldie are on a major roll, so unless Triple H has something to say about it, their success is just getting started. I have no doubt that this one will be a ‘match of the night’ candidate, and it’s one that I’m really looking forward to. I can envision Cody Rhodes hitting Seth Rollins with Cross Rhodes for the victory, retaining the belts for him and his brother.

Winners (and STILL Tag-Team Champions): Cody Rhodes and Goldust

HIAC2013DelRioCenaWorld Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs John Cena


I’m trying to figure out who the lesser of two evils is in this match. If Alberto Del Rio wins, well, Alberto Del Rio wins. I hate him with every fibre of my being. He is the deepest kernel of corn in a heap of dog shit. I don’t know if I could comprehend seeing him with the World Heavyweight Championship for any longer than we already have. Then on the other hand, if John Cena wins, I’m going to flip a coin. The man just shouldn’t be anywhere near the WWE right now, never mind a title match. Sure, if he won, maybe the World Championship would get a little bit more important. Maybe Cena would stay away from main events. Maybe Cena would even lose the belt to Damien Sandow when he cashes in Money in the Bank. Then again, maybe Vince McMahon will sprout wings and fly away, but that’s not going to happen either. There has got to be something deeper to this match. Some reason as to why Cena was given this opportunity. Is Cena that much of an asshole, that he decided to screw the WWE’s schedule up and demand a title match upon his return, which is like 4 months premature to begin with? He’s probably taking somebody’s spot by facing Del Rio. I’m not buying into the fact that Cena can just waltz back in and win the World Heavyweight Championship, so I’ll assume there’s going to be the start of a big rivalry at Hell in a Cell, causing John Cena to get screwed over. I don’t want either of these guys to win, but the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. Alberto Del Rio has to leave with the World Heavyweight Championship. If Cena wins, we riot.

Winner (and STILL World Heavyweight Champion): Alberto Del Rio

HIAC2013AJBrieWWE Divas Championship: AJ Lee (c) vs Brie Bella

Brie Bella’s face turn should’ve been handled better. The WWE are going on the basis that just because she’s dating Daniel Bryan, that makes her a babyface. I do think she makes a good ‘good guy’, because she looks the part, and her interaction with the crowd and her intensity has been at an all-time high as of late, but the confirmation of her turn could’ve been better. It’s kind of like Triple H’s situation. He’s all friendly and happy around Shawn, but that doesn’t make him any less of a douchebag in the eyes of the fans. What makes it any different for Brie being engaged to Bryan? Nevertheless, I do like where Brie is headed (it’s still better than Nikki Bella getting a push). As you all should know by now, I think AJ Lee is fantastic in and out of the ring. Everything about her oozes character, talent and an overall love for the business. With that said, I’ll be sad if she does drop the Championship, but it’s looking like a definite possibility on Sunday. With ‘Total Divas’ coming back in mid-November, I’m sure the WWE will be eager to have one of their poster-girls for that show win the title. To be honest, I don’t see anyone who could win it from AJ apart from Brie Bella. If she wins, and if Daniel Bryan wins the WWE Championship, then they’ll be somewhat of a power couple. And like I said, Brie can hype up the reality show a lot more if she has the strap. I love AJ Lee, and I’ll be sad to see her lose, but I think that’s the sight we’ll be seeing come Sunday. Hopefully she’ll stay in the centre of the Divas division, and maybe join forces with Paige sooner rather than later.

Winner (and NEW Divas Champion): Brie Bella

HIAC2013PunkRybackHeymanHandicap Hell in a Cell Match: CM Punk vs Ryback and Paul Heyman

It’s been a rocky road, but I think this rivalry is finally on its last leg. The feud has been pretty good, and I’m intrigued by the match, but it went on a little bit too long for me. If it had been anyone other than CM Punk and Paul Heyman, I would’ve been complaining months ago, so there’s no point in lying. It’s not easy to have the same feud go on for several Pay-Per-Views, especially when one of the vital elements is changed each time. Brock Lesnar, Curtis Axel and Ryback have been interchanging within this feud for a while, and I hope that Hell in a Cell is where Paul Heyman finally gets what’s coming to him. No new Paul Heyman guys, no returns, I just want CM Punk to deliver some punishment and get the hell out. CM Punk has been promising for way too long that he’s going to rip Heyman’s face off, so it’s time for that dream to come to fruition. Punk and Heyman have delivered some spectacular moments throughout the course of this feud, so overall, it was an astounding success. But if it does continue to Survivor Series, I’m going to be disappointed. This thing ends with Punk coming out on top, and if that doesn’t happen within Hell in a Cell, it’s not going to happen at all. There is no better moment to do it, and no better structure to end it in. It’ll be interesting to see how Punk eventually manages to isolate Heyman, and eliminate Ryback from the equation. Perhaps the handcuffs are going to come back into play, with Punk chaining Ryback to the Cell wall so he can deal with his former mentor. I can also see Curtis Axel attempting to get involved, maybe by using a pair of wire cutters to get into the Cell. But ultimately there can only be one winner. The Best in the World, CM Punk has got to put Paul Heyman to rest. And then hopefully he’ll move onto something new, because it’s been a long time coming.

Winner: CM Punk

HIAC2013OrtonBryanWWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match w/ Shawn Michaels as Special Guest Referee: Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan

Shawn Michaels’ inclusion in this match is a rather confusing one. If not for his involvement, I’d immediately call Daniel Bryan’s victory. It’s been long enough, so it’s bound to come to an end soon. But one of three things can happen here. Either Shawn Michaels remains neutral and calls the match right down the middle, he superkicks Randy Orton and sets up a rivalry between Michaels and Triple H, or he screws Daniel Bryan over and turns heel. I personally would enjoy the second option (provided HBK would only return to the ring if he knew it would be an amazing match), but I wouldn’t rule out option number 3. Shawn has been happy, playful and fun since he showed up, so what if he actually ended up shocking the world by turning heel? He is still Triple H’s best friend, so one of them has to have changed a little bit. And I can guarantee that it’s not Triple H. He’s had Scott Armstrong up his sleeve, Randy Orton’s Money in the Bank briefcase and Big Show (even though that backfired), so maybe Shawn’s involvement is just another one of his grand schemes to get Daniel Bryan to lose. The last time Shawn was a referee, he hit The Undertaker with Sweet Chin Music to try to help Triple H win. It didn’t work, but he was still willing to do it. But I don’t know how they can drag out this feud with Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan any longer. Bryan deserves a lengthy WWE Title reign, and if there’s going to be any glimmer of hope in Triple H’s reign of terror, it has to be Bryan winning the strap, and Shawn Michaels opposing his best friend. We need to see Daniel Bryan and Shawn Michaels side-by-side chanting “Yes! Yes! Yes!” at the end of the night. And finally, Daniel Bryan will be able to call himself the face of the WWE.

Winner (and NEW WWE Champion): Daniel Bryan

And that’s the end of that! I’m looking forward to the show, so I hope you are too! Like I said, follow along with us during Hell in a Cell to join the discussion! You can also make your own predictions by joining the first round in the SLTD Wrestling Predictions League. If you enjoyed this article, please leave a like on Facebook, Tweet and retweet the articles and leave your comments down below! They help us out a lot!

If you want to speak to me about wrestling, my writing, Hell in a Cell or anything at all, be sure to follow me on Twitter @AdamOB_SLTD!

Thanks for reading!

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Creator of 'Under the Spotlight'.
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