#BFGWeek #TheCurtainJerker: Bound For Glory 2018 Predictions (@ColinHebert614)

We are right in the middle of our #BFGWeek, so The Curtain Jerker is here to predict the winners and losers of the championship matches on the biggest show of on the Impact Wrestling calendar.

Impact Knockouts Championship: Tessa Blanchard vs. Taya Valkyrie

Tessa Blanchard has come into Impact Wrestling and in just a few short months, became the Impact Knockouts champion and defeating every Knockout in the locker room. Quite honestly, she is the best female professional wrestler on Earth and possibly, pound-for-pound, the best wrestler. Taya has come back to Impact after a few months away, so I’m not sure how the layoff will affect her. I can’t fathom Impact taking the title off of Tessa only a month after putting it on the talented young female, so this is quite easy for me. Give me Tessa Blanchard in another great performance.
WINNER: Tessa Blanchard

Impact Wrestling World Tag Team Championship: LAX & Konnan vs. The OGz & King

This has been THE hottest feud in Impact Wrestling during the summer and maybe all of professional wrestling. This will be a “Concrete Jungle” match right in the heart of New York City. The tag team scene in Impact has been lacking lately, so I see why they extended this feud and I’m glad they did. LAX has beaten and sent away many teams from Impact and this match will see the same result. LAX wins another feud over one of the best tag teams in Impact history and further cement themselves as possibly the best tag team in professional wrestling right now.

Impact Wrestling World Championship: Austin Aries vs. Johnny Impac

Aries has been champion since May after regaining the title from Pentagon Jr. Impact has been chasing the belt and has lost a couple of title matches since joining Impact Wrestling last summer. Aries’ 2nd title reign has been so-so with his matches lately having interference from Killer Kross and/or Moose. While I would love to see Aries retain the title, and have Killer Kross turn on Aries and pursue the title himself, Johnny Impact will finally win a World title, mainly due to him being on “Survivor” and Impact Wrestling loves to capture momentum from their talents being in the mainstream media.
WINNER: Johnny Impact

There are The Curtain Jerkers Championship predictions for Bound For Glory, but what are yours? Let us know below

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