#BFGWeek #TheWrestlingGuild: Bound For Glory – Predictions (@stoughe)

With Impact Wrestling’s Bound For Glory right around the corner, Chris and Nick of The Wrestling Guild have put down the microphones and picked up the pens to bring you their BFG Predictions.

Impact World Title Match: Austin Aries (C) vs. Johnny Impact

Chris: This is one hell of a main event. Not only do we have two of the most charismatic performers in the entire world. Impact might not have the acting chops, which is evident when Aries completely decimates him on the mic, but he has other qualities. They have just started the trios faction of Kross, Moose and Aries and because of this, it is too early for them to end up on the losing end of things. They need to look strong and Aries is just too good of a heel to lose already. Impact can survive a loss, and it gives him more of a chase and he can win it down the line. Aries is the man Impact can build their brand around, he is a great ambassador, talker and personality. To me, Aries can be the only answer here. He needs to look strong and only he can build it up.
Winner: Austin Aries

Nick: I personally think that Aries is a better wrestler than Impact. Austin always delivers with hard-hitting, fast-paced and high flying matches. Same goes for Johnny but he, unfortunately, is not quite on Austin’s level. On the other hand, Impact has been away for quite some time and it would have been great from him to actually take this match. I, therefore, think that Impact will be the champion.
Winner: Johnny Impact

Impact Knockouts Title Match: Tessa Blanchard (C) vs. Taya Valkyrie

Chris: This is the match that has had the least amount of build. This is mostly because Taya has a difficult travelling outside the US, even though she is Canadian. Since Impact has been in Canada and Mexico for the past two months, she has also been absent. Tessa is carrying the division right now, with several knockouts being put away by Su Yung there are few women left to challenge for the title. It is too early for Tessa to lose, and Taya has been off TV too long to win. So the obvious answer must be…
Winner: Tessa Blanchard

Nick: The same problem occurs here as well. Tessa, in my opinion, is a better wrestler than Taya. However Tay, on the other hand,d has been away for a very long time and if she does not win this match, she will not interesting to the viewers. But as I stated above Tessa is the better wrestler, she is definitely on a different level than Taya. However, I still believe that they will give the win to Valkyrie.
Winner: Taya Valkyrie

Six-Man Concrete Jungle Match: LAX & Konnan vs. The OGz & King

Chris: Even though we have seen similar matches between these two teams the build has been out of control and some of the best promo cutting I have seen in ages. Konnan and King are some of the best at what they do. This match needs to bring the violence on another level. I am worried about the quality that Konnan can bring. OGz have been on the losing end too many times so they are due for a win. In order to move this forward and to set up new tag team challenges, there can only be one outcome.
Winners: OGz

Nick: This is a hard match to predict. I have always liked LAX and forever will so I personally hope that they bring this match home. However, they have a tough match and the OGz are no joke. They know exactly how to destroy their opponent. So really, anything could happen in the match. LAX might win or the OGz.
Winner: LAX

Singles Match: Moose vs. Eddie Edwards

Chris: This is a difficult match to call. To be fair Edwards should win, just because it fits well into a standard storyline where the face gets the better of the heel. But like the main event, this new faction needs to look strong. This will be a hard-hitting match with lots of chops and kicks there is no doubt about that. In the end, though there can only be one winner.
Winner: Moose

Nick: I truly believe in Eddie, and I know that he has great potential to compete with Moose. It really depends on two factors. One is if Edwards will take the match seriously and actually give 100 % or if he is going to go for a more fun approach. The second factor depends if Moose will bring his A game or if he is going to be sloppy and slow. Moose has always been inconsistent with his performance in my opinion. Sometimes he gives everything and executes awesome moves and sometimes he is really slow and bores the viewers. I hope Eddie brings this one home.
Winner: Eddie Edwards

OVE Rules Match: Dave Crist, Jake Crist, & Sami Callihan vs. Pentagon Jr., Fenix, & Brian Cage

Chris: I keep going in between feeling that the feud between oVe and the Lucha Brothers has gone too far and it being fresh and new. In the end, having seen oVe fighting other trios groups and watching Sami Callihan on Twitch streams and One Night Onlies, it has only made me more excited about this match. It is difficult to say who will win when all is said and done and what the end result might be. Is there a future in this feud or not? If not, then Lucha Bros, and Cage win, if it still has legs then oVe win. That being said, this dog might need to be put to sleep.
Winner: Lucha Bros/Brian Cage

Nick: The feud between OvE and the Lucha Brothers is quite boring by now and needs a final end. OvE could be taking this one home as they have the well known Sami Callihan that really makes their matches worth watching. However, OvE has been getting a lot of attention and I personally think it is time for the Lucha Brothers to shine for a while. And I would not be surprised if the Luchadors take the win.
Winner: Lucha Bros/Brian Cage

Eli Drake’s Open Challenge

Chris: As has been noted several times on The Wrestling Guild Podcast Eli Drake is one of the most important wrestlers in the company. Even so, he has been floundering in obscurity, hosting his open challenge. While this is a good vehicle for unsigned talent to show what they can do, it does not further the myth of Drake. I believe that the speculation about Chris Jericho joining Impact would fit well here. If that is so, then Jericho will win.
Winner: Chris Jericho

Nick: As an inexperienced fan with close to 2 years of watching Impact, it is hard for me to think about a wrestler that could face Eli. However, I believe that Drake will destroy his opponent and easily take the win. As Chris stated above, Eli is truly one the best and most important wrestlers in the company. But, of course, is heavily depends on who he will be meeting. Come on Eli, you can do it!
Winner: Eli Drake

Matt Sydal & Ethan Page vs. Rich Swann & Willie Mack
Chris: This match has all the potential of being a show stealer. For most Impact viewers Ethan Page is a wild card. His tenure as Chandler Park was far from memorable and this is his chance to redeem himself. Matt Sydal’s new style as only benefited him and has made him a much better wrestler. Rich Swann needs no comment, his high flying style and comedic antics is still new to the Impact crows. Willie Mack announced as the fourth competitor on Thursday, is the true wild card. Anyone having seen him on Lucha Underground or PWG know what he can bring and what a crazy addition he is. That being said this match has no real stakes and is most likely added to start the show off right. In order to further the storyline and give Page a strong debut, I believe he will be on the winning side.
Winner: Page/Sydal

Nick: This is an easy match to predict in my opinion. Even though I truly believe in both Swann and Mack I do not think they can beat both Page and Sydal. I have been constantly stating that Rich is improving fast and he always impresses me. But, he does not have the same skills as Matt. Therefore I think that if Sydal performs well and brings his A game, he will dominate the entire match.
Winner: Page/Sydal


There are The Wrestling Guild Podcast’s Predictions for Bound For Glory, but what are your? Let us know below or on twitter @SLTDWrestling

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