#TyboTalks… Most Extreme Abyss Matches (@Tybo_SLTD) #IMPACTHomeComingWeek

Welcome once again to Tybo’s Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling.

With the newest member of the Impact ‘Hall of Fame’ making his in-ring return at HomeComing in his signature match ‘Monsters Ball’ against Eli Drake, I thought this would be a great time to look back on some of his most extreme matches. Ill be honest, there are a lot of them. No one gets the nickname ‘The Moster’ and their signature match being a ‘Monsters Ball’ by playing it safe, so let’s get started.

Monster’s Ball Match: RVD vs Abyss (Bound For Glory 2010)

This all went down at Bound for Glory 2010, this was an interesting time for Abyss as he would be obsessed with the fact that ‘They’ were coming on 10.10.10 (the date of Bound For Glory). RVD was the TNA World Champion and after a brutal Abyss attack, Van Dam had to relinquish the title. Obviously, RVD wanted revenge, so what better match to have than a Monster’s Ball match.

No stranger to foreign objects RVD was right at home in the carnage that was Monster’s Ball. The match itself had some of RVD’s classic crazy spots, but all added to with the inclusion of barbwire boards. The match is a tough watch in places with a lot of colour, and there are still four more extreme matches to go.

Monsters Ball Match: Rhino vs Abyss vs Sabu vs Jeff Hardy (Bound For Glory 2005)

This was the second Monster’s Ball match and was held at the first Bound For Glory PPV. This was back when it was said that each of the participants was retained in a dark room with no food or water 24 hours before the match.

When you think of hardcore wrestlers there are a few names that come to mind, it’s safe to say that Sabu, Rhyno, Abyss and Jeff Hardy will be on everyone’s list somewhere, so it’s easy to see why this one is on the list. A monster’s Ball match is crazy enough when you have it one-on-one but to make it a fatal-four-way was mental. There is a lot of blood in this one from almost the beginning, and some crazy spots, let’s be honest we all knew Hardy was going to dive off something big. This doesn’t disappoint.

Barbwire Massacre: Abyss vs Sabu (Turning Point 2005)

When you think of wrestlers with no regard for their own well-being I would be shocked if both Sabu and Abyss were not on the list, let’s be honest, you don’t get the tagline ‘the genocidal, suicidal’ Sabu for being a mat veteran.

This one is just madness, the basic idea was that Sabu and Abyss were embroiled in a feud where the matches were all about topping the last one. Including No DQ matches, and the previously mentioned Monsters Ball II, but this match was a completely different animal. The story goes that Abyss is scared of barbwire, how do we fix this? The first ever Barbwire Massacre, where the ring ropes are replaced with barbwire. This is not anyone’s favourite matches, but it’s worth checking out if you enjoy the ultra-violent corner of the wrestling world.

Tag Team Championship Monsters Ball: Beer Money vs Abyss & Matt Morgan vs LAX vs Team 3D

How do you build a Monster’s Ball match to be bigger than it’s ever been? Make it with four tag teams, obviously. This was only just pipped as being the most extreme Abyss matches. This is the match where Abyss had his ‘Mankind, Hell in a Cell moment’.

This is actually a really good match outside of everything else going on with spots and weapons, everyone gets involved and there seems to be someone in every corner of the arena. Everyone in the match steps up to do something memorable and the blood is flowing early. The moment that stands out has to be Team 3D setting a table on fire and slamming Abyss through it. Now I’m not sure how this all works but Abyss was legitimately on fire for a good (or bad) few seconds.

This was played a lot in TNA and was even on the opening titles to Impact for over a year.

Monsters Ball: Abyss vs Mick Foley

The idea of having a match to ‘pass the torch’ is a classic one, but if there was ever a more deserving ‘hardcore wrestling’ touch barer it would be Abyss. The things he has done to his body to entertain fans and shock audiences is nothing short of amazing.

In the same breath if there was anyone who deserves to pass that torch it has to be the ‘hardcore legend’ Mick Foley. This is a Wrestlemania worthy moment in wrestling history that should be checked out by any wrestling fan who loves violent wrestling with a story woven through the middle.

Abyss (as you would expect) idolised Foley, and they became friends, Foley even gifted Abyss with his own signature flannel shirt. In an interesting twist, where you would usually see the young rookie turn heel on the old veteran, here its Foley turning on Abyss saying he was a ‘carbon copy’ and cheap imitation of the hardcore legend. This obviously culminated in a Monster’s Ball match.

The match was just as brutal as you would think, with both men bleeding a lot, from different places. There are extreme spots everywhere in this match, including Mr Socko in a barbwire waistcoat, this match is truly a torch passing match and cements Abyss as the hardcore legend he deserves to be called.

These are the five most extreme matches I think Abyss has had, but what do you think? comment below or tweet me! 

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