Category: Editorials

Five Great: #Wrestlemania Matches That Could Have Been… #SLTDManiaMonth

Over the years we’ve seen many classic matches take place on WWE’s grand stage but what would have happened if Seth Rollins wasn’t injured in 2015? If CM Punk retained the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber 2013? Or if Eddie Guerrero was still with us?  Here are Five Great Wrestlemania Match That Could Have Been…This …

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#WhatTheFact: The #Wrestlemania Matches That Never Happened. (Part Two) #SLTDManiaMonth

Since the incarnation of Wrestlemania, there have been many matches, ideas, and finishes that were initially planned but for some reason, they never came to fruition. We are going to share some of the most interesting stories that have been talked about by the people involved over the years.  Remember these are all stories from different wrestlers, …

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Five Great: #RawAfterMania Moments #SLTDManiaMonth

It’s become a tradition that ‘anything can happen on the Raw after Wrestlemania’, especially since we’ve seen a spate of returns, debuts, farewells and landmark moments take place the night after Wrestlemania. It’s at this moment that WWE seems to cap off one year (tying up rivalries and hunts for championships at Wrestlemania) by going full steam ahead …

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Five Great: #Wrestlemania Opening Matches #SLTDManiaMonth

WrestleMania is the biggest show of the year and the opening match is what sets the tone for the entire show. Every year we hope for a big show to entertain us as wrestling fans and when you are entertained by the opening match it gives you hope for the rest of the show. So …

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Five Great: #Wrestlemania Entrances #SLTDManiaMonth

One of the best things about Wrestlemania is the special entrances we get every year. So I have put together five of the best! let me know what your favorite Wrestlemania entrance is in the comments below. FIVE: ‘Macho Man’ Randy SavageWrestlemania IX Randy Savage was known for his lavish entrances and crazy colored ring …

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The SLTD Wrestling Awards 2022 {VOTE NOW!}

Get your votes in now for the returning SLTD Wrestling Awards! We have streamlined this year’s awards and only included WWE and AEW. Listen to our ‘Shortlist’ Episode of The SLTD Roundtable Podcast HERE! Vote Now and make sure you listen to The Results episode on The Roundtable Podcast.

#TyboTalks 1995: Survivor Series (@TheTyboLedson)

Welcome to the eleventh, Tybo Talks 1995. We are continuing from WCW Halloween Havoc and shifting gears from WCW to WWF with Survivor Series. We have officially rolled into the ‘Monday Night Wars’ Era… With the ease of access to pretty much all of WWE’s back catalog on the WWE Network I thought it would …

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#TyboTalks 1995: Halloween Havoc (@TheTyboLedson)

Welcome to the tenth, Tybo Talks 1995. We are continuing from WWF In Your House 4 and shifting gears from WWF to WCW with Halloween Havoc. We have officially rolled into the ‘Monday Night Wars’ Era… With the ease of access to pretty much all of WWE’s back catalog on the WWE Network I thought …

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#TyboTalks 1995: In Your House 4 (@TheTyboLedson)

Welcome to the ninth, Tybo Talks 1995. We continue from In Your House 3 and go straight into In Your House 4. We have officially rolled into the ‘Monday Night Wars’ Era… With the ease of access to pretty much all of WWE’s back catalogue on the WWE Network I thought it would be cool …

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#TyboTalks… #WWE Extreme Stipulations Watchlist (@TheTyboLedson)

Welcome once again to Tybo’s Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling With WWE’s annual Extreme Rules PPV done and dusted for this year, and it being more extreme than usual I thought I would bring out …

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#SLTDWrestling Presents: Ten Interesting #ExtremeRules Fact (Compiled by @TheTyboLedson)

WWE’s annual Extreme Rules PPV is this weekend, and with the event dating all the way back to 2009, there have been some interesting facts that have come out of the one night a year where anything goes. So sit back and treat yourself to ten interesting facts from the history of Extreme Rules. ONE: …

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#TyboTalks 1995: In Your House 3 (TheTyboLedson)

Welcome to the eighth, Tybo Talks 1995. We are continuing from WCW Fall Brawl – WarGames and shifting back to WWF, with In Your House 3. With the ease of access to pretty much all of WWE’s back catalogue on the WWE Network I thought it would be cool to change it up a bit …

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