Category: Predictions

Predictions League Elimination Chamber – The Results

Hey Folks! Firstly a massive thank you to everyone who took part in the first round of our new predictions league season! We had a massive 81 people taking part which is the highest number of entrants we have had so again Thank You! Lets get down to business as am sure the suspense is …

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Tybo Talk’s… Elimination Chamber Predictions

Hello one and all, Its been a long time but we are Back! SLTD Wrestling’s Rebirth beginning. Where better to start than predictions for the first WWE Network Exclusive PPV. Elimination Chamber. Firstly, before I get into this thing, I will throw out a shameless plug for the All New SLTD Wrestling Predictions League. Join …

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AOB’s WWE Elimination Chamber Predictions

Hello, SLTD Wrestling Universe! After months and months away from your monitors, smartphones and other assorted devices, we are back and with a bit of luck, better than ever before, as the SLTD #Rebirth commences. Keep an eye out over the next few days and weeks for more details regarding our return, but for now, …

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Predictions League – WWE Elimination Chamber

The world-famous SLTD PPV Predictions League is BACK!!! We might have re-launched the league, but the game is the same as always. It’s still the one you all know and love. For those of you who’ve never played before, basically we post the match card of every WWE PPV throughout the year and let you …

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Predictions League – Night of Champions 2014

Welcome along to the last round of our Predictions League as this part of the 2014-15 season ends with Night of Champions 2014. We did a re-launch of sorts last year, but the game is still the one you all know and love. We post the match card of every WWE PPV throughout the year …

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AOB’s NXT Takeover Predictions

I mentioned on Twitter this week that the only things interesting me on the way to Night of Champions were Cesaro’s encounter with Sheamus (which I wrote about last Sunday), Dolph Ziggler’s upcoming clash with The Miz (which I wrote about before SummerSlam) and Paige’s rivalry with AJ Lee. But since I’ve already covered two …

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AOB’s WWE SummerSlam Predictions

How’s it going, folks? This is the second time I’ve written this article, because on Friday, when I went to upload it, my computer decided to be a little bitch and one reboot later, half my shit was gone. Thanks a bunch, lenovo. So instead of ‘Under the Spotlight’, today we’re going to have a …

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Predictions League – SummerSlam 2014

Welcome along to the latest round of our Predictions League as our 2014-15 season continues apace with SummerSlam 2014. We did a re-launch of sorts last year, but the game is still the one you all know and love. We post the match card of every WWE PPV throughout the year and let you guys …

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AOB’s WWE Battleground Predictions

Well, hello there! Welcome to my first predictions post since May! Sorry it’s a bit late, but it’s up and that’s all that matters! Today we’re discussing WWE Battleground, which takes place this Sunday on July 20, 2014 at the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Florida. The deck is stacked, and other than a potential Sandow/Adam Rose …

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AOB’s WWE Payback Predictions

It’s me! It’s me! It’s AOB! Hello, everyone! Welcome to my final article before I take some much-needed time off from SLTD Wrestling to sort out some personal stuff and take a trip around Europe. I will be back on the first Sunday in July, but until then, my predictions for this Sunday’s WWE Payback …

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AOB’s WWE Extreme Rules Predictions

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! I’m Adam O’Brien, welcoming each and every one of you to my predictions for WWE Extreme Rules, which takes place this Sunday on May 4, 2014, live from the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The deck is stacked with some high stakes main events, as well as some rather intriguing mid-card bouts, …

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Updated SLTD Predictions League after WrestleMania XXX

  Welcome one, welcome all to the latest update of our Predictions League, which is sponsored by the good people over at Ringside World. As well as sponsoring the league, Ringside World have also provided a prize for you to win, as have Wrestling Manager, American Soda and the fine fellows over at MFX Podcast. …

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