Category: WrestleMania

The Dean Dilemma

So let’s talk Dean Ambrose. What are WWE’s intentions with the ‘Lunatic Fringe’? He seems to be one of many who the company seem to have no real long term plan for, along with the likes of Dolph Ziggler and Cesaro. The fans are fully behind Ambrose, but he never seems to reach that level …

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My Wrestlemania Week Round Up

April 1st 2016, NXT TakeOver, Dallas Before I go any further I think it’s pretty safe to assume that everyone who watched NXT TakeOver Dallas agreed that it was vastly superior to Wrestlemania 32. From start to finish WWE’s developmental brand made the granddaddy of them all an afterthought. When I think back over the …

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SLTD Predictions League – WrestleMania 32

The world-famous SLTD PPV Predictions League is BACK!!! (The SLTD Predictions League points are not connected to the SLTD Fantasy League points) This may be the Forth Season of SLTD Predictions League, but the game is the same as always. It’s still the one you all know and love. For those of you who’ve never …

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WrestleMania 32 – Booking the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Wrestlemania 32 – Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal preview For me, there are many possible outcomes to this one, with a number of contenders to win this Battle Royal. So far announced are Kane, Social Outcasts, Tyler Breeze, Big Show, Goldust, R-Truth, Jack Swagger, Fandango and more. Let’s take a look at some realistic …

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WrestleMania In-Depth: Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch

The History As shocking as it is, the Divas Championship match might just be the only match that has seen a long storyline come full circle. It started with Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch debuting on RAW on the same night and at WrestleMania, the same three women are competing for the gold after …

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The Voice of Reason: Roman Reigns vs. Triple H

In just under a weeks time, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship will be defended by Triple H at wrestling’s biggest event of the year, WrestleMania, against the Samoan Badass Roman Reigns. I use the term Samoan Badass as it is constantly used by Paul Heyman and does sound pretty cool. This encounter has been teased about …

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WrestleMania In-Depth – The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon: Part Two

The Build Up In what is being treated as one of the biggest Wrestlemania matches in history literally came out of nowhere. Following Wrestlemania 30 there was literally nothing left for Undertaker to do in WWE, he’d held most championships, taken part in almost every match and defeated just about everyone there was to defeat. …

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THE Top 5 Wrestlemania Main Events, by #WriteLegendWrite

Shawn Michaels Vs Bret Hart, Wrestlemania 12, 1996  This event and match was built on the ‘Boyhood Dream‘ of Shawn Michaels, in the months before Wrestlemania Shawn had made known his intentions to capture the WWF Title. His opponent was the ring general all round professional Bret Hart, the reigning WWF Champion. It was known …

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WLW’s Top 5 Wrestlemania Matches

It’s Wrestlemania season and what better way to prepare than look back at the past events and some of the greatest matches ever! Today I give you my top 5 Wrestlemania matches, enjoy Steve Austin Vs Shawn Michaels – Wrestlemania 14, 1998  The match itself was a war between two of the greatest competitors in …

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WrestleMania In-Depth: The Undertaker vs Shane McMahon

The History The Undertaker HBK may have coined the phrase but The Undertaker is “Mr. Wrestlemania”, boasting 21 straight victories at the mecca of sports entertainment, the Deadman deserves the right to be called a legend. In the years prior to Wrestlemania 30 the subject of the Undertaker’s undefeated streak was what the event was …

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Wrestlemania In-Depth: Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose

Wrestlemania 32: Brock Lesnar versus Dean Ambrose The History: Dean Ambrose is trying to assert his claim, his dominance potentially as a main-event player. He is a guy who has had many labels and comparisons and also incarnations to his character (Loose Cannon, Mick Foley, and Steve Austin). Put those three in a blender and …

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TeamSLTD – Hall of Fame – The Godfather

With WrestleMania right around the corner and SLTD Wrestling’s ‘ManiaMonth’ well under way, the SLTD Team have come together to share our thoughts on Charles Wright ‘The Godfather’s Hall of Fame Induction. Below are our thoughts, but as always we invite you to share yours below, or on our Twitter and Facebook. @TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis) I …

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