Why Is Charlotte Still The Champion

She has the blood of a sixteen-time world champion. She’s just as athletic as she is beautiful. She seems to be a very nice person outside of the ring. That’s all well and good for the WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte. Yet, for some reason, she is not able to deliver to the level of the push she is receiving from WWE. She’s trying her hardest and to a huge degree, it is not her fault. Despite this, there are still so many other women in the WWE more over than Charlotte with little done by the powers-that-be. After nearly a year as champion, why is she still not over to the level that she is expected to be and after all of this time… why is she still the champion?

It’s not like the women’s division is dangerously thin or anything. If it was like AJ Lee’s first title reign, with no one being over enough to take the title from her, I’d totally understand. However, I’d hardly call the current WWE women’s roster thin at all. If anything, it’s possibly the strongest it’s ever been. There’s a lot of hidden gems and proven champions in the mix, should the current champion not work. Therefore, if someone doesn’t work as the champion, you move on to somebody else. You put it on Paige, you put it on Becky Lynch, you put it on Sasha Banks, you put it on whoever you want. It’s extremely difficult to pick someone that wouldn’t make an interesting and somewhat credible champion, unless you’re purposely going out of your way to do it. However, despite all of the alternatives, WWE is still set on Charlotte being their champion.

Divas Match

Even after the Paige/Charlotte abomination, a completely flat face run and a title reign where nearly all of her challengers eclipse her in popularity, Charlotte is still the “top” woman in WWE. WrestleMania 32 could have been the perfect way for her title reign to end. They tried everything they could with her but at least she would have been the champion walking in to the most historic women’s match in WrestleMania history. Even if she lost, she still would have had her “WrestleMania moment” with an incredible performance and going out with a bang. Not to mention that she would be losing the belt to either Becky Lynch or Sasha Banks, who were both over to a great level. But no… they had to have Charlotte walk out with the Women’s Champion at WrestleMania.

I would have loved it if Becky Lynch walked out of WrestleMania as the champion. Despite this, the very best option WWE could have went with as the champion was Sasha. She was somewhat protected up until WrestleMania, despite not really being pushed until the Royal Rumble. She had the grand entrance of Snoop Dogg rapping for her as she made her way to ring and she was donning the attire of the legendary Eddie Guerrero, who inspired her to be a wrestler. This was HER WrestleMania moment. This was her moment to solidify herself as a genuine WWE superstar. Not just the top woman in WWE, but one of the hottest commodities in the company period. The stars were never this well aligned for Sasha to win the title. Let me say it again…



You can give Sasha the championship at Summerslam, Money In The Bank or even at next year’s WrestleMania. It doesn’t matter because you’ll never get another opportunity to get Sasha over as the next top star. You really think Charlotte was the right person to walk out with the championship that night? No. God bless Charlotte and I’m sure she’s a really nice person. However when I saw her doing media with Paige during the European tour, I just sat down and laughed. I laughed because her feud with Paige was supposed to be a big deal of the career of Charlotte and six months later, she is sat down and talking chummy with the same woman that insulted her brother who committed suicide. At the end of the day, it’s like telling those fans in the UK that not of that stuff mattered.

This development of Charlotte as champion supposedly didn’t matter as at the end of the day, Paige is now the “babyface” and Charlotte is the “heel” which makes the division as a whole seem meaningless. This lack of character development has really hurt Charlotte. What’s also hurting Charlotte is her inability to get over on her own. The fact that Ric Flair needs to come out in order to get her a reaction is just so detrimental. God bless Ric Flair but the fact that this woman has been unable to get over on her own in the nine months or so that she’s been on the main roster is just absurd.

With all of this in mind, there’s no good reason for her title reign to continue. If there are more over woman around, that could provide a lot more as champion, then something’s got to give. Put the belt on Natalya at Payback. Put it on Becky Lynch. Put in on Sasha. Put it on Emma. Put it on Naomi even. Anyone else would be a great champion as there is simply no need for her to have this long of a title reign. At this point, this long title reign is making everybody else look bad. When you’re trying to sell the idea of a new era of women’s wrestling, then there has to be real change.

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