Curtain Jerker & Old Skool View Predict: Bound for Glory

This Sunday, Impact Wrestling presents the biggest night of the year in their company, Bound for Glory. The PPV boasts four championship match, a Six Sides of Steel match and Impact original Abyss’ signature match, a Monsters Ball. Sunday is shaping up to be a solid PPV.

‘The Curtin Jerker’ @ColinHebertSLTD and ‘Old Skool View’ @mrnebarry share their predictions on Bound for Glory.

Impact Wrestling Global Championship Match: Eli Drake vs. Johnny Impact

CJ: Paying attention to what has been going on storyline wise, management is very upset with “The Defiant One” for missing press interviews.  They are in Canada for the PPV and anytime a company is in Canada, the old’ “Montreal Screwjob” gets used and Impact Wrestling screws over Eli Drake…BUT…Impact management then brings out Alberto El Patron to take the title from Johnny Impact.
Winner: Johnny Impact, then Alberto El Patron

OSV: I’ve been really enjoying Eli as Champion and I’d like to think they’d keep the title on him for a while longer and build the new generation around him. Impact hasn’t really caught fire since arriving on Impact, his time will come but I don’t think it’ll be here. Drake Retains.
Winner: Eli Drake

Six-Way For The X-Division Title: Trevor Lee vs. Peaty Williams vs. Dezmond Xavier vs. Graza Jr vs. Matt Sydel vs. Sonjey Dutt

CJ: Trevor Lee’s current run as X-Division Champion has just started, but there are 2 men in this match that I believe Impact are very high on Dezmond Xavier and Garza Jr. Xavier won the Super X Cup and had been promised an X-Division title shot, so I guess this is it and Garza Jr. has been elevated into the main event scene. Won’t be a good night for Trevor Lee.
Winner: Garza Jr.

OSV: 5 faces, 1 heel. Realistically the only person that has a proper claim at the title shot is Dezmond Xavier as he won the Super X Cup not so long ago. The rest is just thrown together from some random booking. I fancy Trevor Lee Retains come to the end of the match.
Winne: Trevor Lee

5150 Street Fight for the Impact World Tag Team Titles: OVE vs. LAX

CJ: There is a lack of depth in Impact’s tag team division, which gave me the thought that LAX would regain the titles to continue this feud. However, with OVE bringing in Sami Callihan (Solomon Crowe in NXT & Jeremiah Crane in Lucha Underground), OVE continues their run.
Winners: OVE

OSV: I’ve really enjoyed the in-ring work these teams have put on during their feud, and this street fight is an excellent way to end the feud. The numbers are all in LAX’s favor, however, I do have this feeling that a few people will come to help oVe even the numbers. oVe Retains.
Winner: oVe

3-Way for the Knockouts title: Sienna vs. Gail Kim vs. Allie

CJ: Fun fact: My friend, Traci Brooks happened to be the first-ever participant in a Knockouts title match, which was won by Gail Kim at Bound For Glory in 2017. It’s 2017 and nothing has really changed, Gail is on top of her game and will go out as a champion.
Winner: Gail Kim

OSV: This match is only going to end one way and that is Gail Kim walking out as Champion on his retirement. I’d say this is probably the most predictable match of the evening.
Winne: Gail Kim

Six Sides of Steel: Moose & Stephan Bonnar vs. Bobby Lashley & King Mo

CJ: I would be much more interested in a Moose vs. Bobby Lashley match inside Six Sides of Steel, but it’s Bound For Glory so Impact has to try to do something to bring other viewers in. I believe that Lashley is on his way out and Bonnar is trying to start up a pro wrestling career, so give me Moose and Bonnar.
Winners: Moose & Stephan Bonnar

OSV: This match should have been a straight one on one match between Moose and Lashley, which should have seen Moose go over. However, with it being a tag match I can see Lashley & King Mo picking up the victory.
Winner: Lashley & King Mo

Monster’s Ball Match: Abyss vs. Grado

CJ: I don’t know what Impact has planned for Grado, but he’s not going back to the UK independent scene anytime soon. Grado pulls off the upset for some reason.
Winner: Grado

OSV: This is going to be brutal for Grado, however, they’ve been building him nicely with the cheesy video segments. I expect him to take a savage beating but he’ll somehow come out on top. Grado wins.

Red Wedding Match: Rosemary vs. Taya Valkyrie

CJ: This is by far the most trouble I’ve had predicting any of these matches. Both could end up being the “Gail Kim” of the Knockouts division for years to come. Give me Taya doing something dastardly for the victory and because I like her better.
Winner: Taya

OSV: If this match isn’t given the time to be the match of the night I will be extremely disappointed. Taya is 1-0 over Rosemary at the moment, and given how I expect things to go down in the next few months, I do expect her to go over here too. Taya wins.

Team AAA vs. Team Impact

CJ: I should be more interested in this match because all 6 men involved are very talented. However, with Jeff Jarrett gone, I have a weird feeling that the AAA/Impact partnership is over, so the AAA guys will put over the Impact guys on the way out.
Winners: Team Impact

OSV: This match has been brought about with some crazy and weird booking permutations. In no way should Impact not pick up the victory here as it’s their show and they’re rebooting following this show, so Team Impact win.
Winner: Team Impa

There are our thoughts on Impact Wrestling’s Bound for Glory, what are yours?

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