#DigitalCorner 1 October 2018 (@stoughe)

Hi there buddies. It is once again Monday and once again time to traverse the murky depths of the internet to find the digital wonders of the wrestling world. I am your guide, your friendly Wrestling Artisan. Try to stay afloat.

On this week’s “IRL Adventures”, Stone Rockwell invites a hypnotist to the studio to put his friends under his spell! Watch the full episode now at http://twitch.tv/impactwrestling

To celebrate the induction of “The Monster” Abyss to the IMPACT Wrestling Hall of Fame, these are the Top 5 Most EXTREME Abyss Bound for Glory Matches! Start your GWN 30-day free trial NOW: https://globalwrestlingnetwork.com/Yo…


Two legends of the division square off as Low Ki (aka Senshi) puts his X-Division Championship on the line against Chris Sabin at Bound for Glory 2006!

Guests: Brody King, Brian Cage, Matt Cross, Truth Martini. This week Colt wrestles on the far East coast and the Midwest. Two different shows with two different locker rooms.

Shawn Stasiak, AKA “Meat” joins us for this episode and does not disappoint.  From his beginnings as a son of a WWWF champion all the way to his days in the dying years of WCW and his last run with the WWF.  We cover “Meat”, the video taping incident, the difference between the power plant and Funkin Dojo, on this, another Can’t miss episode of Why It Ended with Robbie E!


Over at powerslam.tv you can find over 2700 hours of wrestling from around the world. From Ireland we have Over the Top Wrestling with ten shows. Among them you can watch this little gem. Will Ospreay vs. Matt Riddle. Go get your free trial right now and then sign up.

And that was that for this time on the Digital Corner. Stay safe and until next week, have a grappling good time.


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