#DigitalCorner 16th April 2018 (@stoughe)

After a very busy Wrestlemania weekend the digital corner of the world has been quite calm, but that does not mean that it has stopped revolving. Let’s see what has been going down.

Billy Corgan met with Jocephus music manager for a proposition; Crimson vs. Nick Aldiss vs. Jocephus for the NWA worlds championship. Will he think about it? The NWA title picture is truly heating up.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVDNH7XCo5s[/embedyt]

To celebrate the success of Lucha Underground vs Impact Wrestling one can look at the top five interpromotional events in Impact history on Youtube.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJahkCz1aSU[/embedyt]

Staying with the Wrestlemania weekend Colt Cabana’s podcast, Art of Wrestling detailed his exploits during the weekend. From wrestling, talking to Jeff Cobb and sharing a hotel room with Grado.

On Why it Ended? Robbie E and Matt Coon spoke to Zack Gowen and surprisingly enough found the true reason to why his career ended.

On the Global Wrestling Network Laurel van Ness faced Alisha Edwards. The first part of The Road to Redemption premiered and there was an X-division championship match from Lockdown 2011 with Suicide vs. Robbie E vs Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck vs Jay Lethal vs Chris Sabin vs Brian Kendrick vs The Amazing Red







That was that for the Digital Corner this week. Stay warm and see you next week.

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