#DigitalCorner 19 November 2018 (@stoughe)

Welcome back boys and girls, to the wodnerful world of the internet. I am your wonderful guide, The Wrestling Artisan, and this is what we like to call, The Digital Corner.

They’ve got a HARDCORE highlight of the dozens of new events on PowerslamTV this week, now with almost 4,000 HOURS of content!

CZW Better Than Our Best

King of the hardcore, this week CZW not only offers you their best, but BETTER than their best!

AAW Austin 10:12

You know when you mix AAW, Brody King and Sami Callihan that is a CLASSIC recipe for a HARDCORE cocktail!

Rockstar Pro

Rockstar Pro’s Black Top Battle brings the fight to your neighborhood and promises to take NO PRISONERS!

Guests: Tommy Dreamer, Trent Beretta, David Arquette, Mark Briscoe, Todd Sinclair & Chuck Taylor. The ROH Global tour is upon on us for four days on the East Coast & Canada. Plus Colt heads to Pittsburgh on his day off.

There was once a wrestler named Lanny

Whose brother was savage and manly

He wrote many rhymes, debuted moves many times,

a virtual genius vigilante.

This week on Why It ended!

Hollywood actor David Arquette pleads with partner RJ City to let him FLY in this sneak peek of “One Night Only: BCW 25th Anniversary”. Go on the Global Wrestling Network and check the latest One Night Only

World-renowned magic duo Mysterion & Steffi K blow Stone Rockwell’s mind with incredible mentalism and magic! Watch the full episode now at http://twitch.tv/impactwrestling

Nick Aldis has regained the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship from Cody Rhodes at #NWA70 and his next major challenge comes from Jake Hager (FKA Jack Swagger from WWE) for the NWA Ten Pounds of Gold.

See the match live on 11/24/18 at Wrestlecade. http://www.wrestlecade.com Or live on PPV on Fite https://www.fite.tv/vl/p/wrestlecade/ Jake Hager decided to leave WWE in a mutual decision with his wife Catalina. In this latest NWA Ten Pounds of Gold, hear the story of how Jake grew up in Perry, Oklahoma, playing football for the University of Oklahoma and then becoming an All American wrestler for them as well. Also hear from Nick Aldis on what makes Jake Hager so dangerous and how he’s preparing for this match.

EVOLVE wrapped up its Midwest weekend in Oak Lawn, IL with #EVOLVE116 and what a homecoming it was for Montez Ford of The Street Profits and Mustafa Ali!? This EVOLVE Recap focuses on the EVOLVE Tag Team Championship match between The Street Profits of Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins and AR Fox & Leon Ruff as well as a rather unexpected challenge by Darby Allin for EVOLVE 117 on December 15th in Queens, NY!

And this dear friends has been yet another trip through the tangled woods that is the Digital Corner with your guide; The Wrestling Artisan.


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