#DigitalCorner 2nd April 2018 (@stoughe)

The weeks are ticking down towards Mania and everything that is happening during the Wrestlecon week. On the internet things are pretty much the same, with content coming out all the time. So here goes.

As the NWA roster builds and more and more characters show up there is no question that some of them might work together. The question this week is; will Jocephus and Crimson join forces?

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBsUHO1Gig4[/embedyt]

In an attempt to boost GWN interest, which has worked, Impact are putting out classic TNA matches on Youtube. While AJ Styles vs Booker T was a good one Ken Shamrock vs. Takao Omori takes the prize this week.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p86CiKo5Co[/embedyt]

Over on the aforementioned Globla Wrestling Network KM wrestled the indie darling Sugar Dunkerton, of Chikara fame. oVe and Sami Callihan were interviewed by Josh Matthews and Jeff Hardy wrestled Samoa Joe at No Surrender 2012.

Colt Cabana revamped his podcast from a strictly interview format to a more documentary style. In this premier episode he travels to Japan for DDT and talks to Mike Bailey, Ethan Page and Joey Ryan. They chat about life on the road and being in Japan overall.

On Why it Ended? with Robbie E they talk to Wildcat Chris Harris, also known as Braden Walker and talk about what happened to him. This is more interesting to me than the well documented ends of Muhammed Hassan and Glacier.

Those are the most interesting events on the internet this week. Stay tuned for the next post as everything picks up.

C. Marry Hultman

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