#DigitalCorner 2nd July 2018 (@stoughe)

Welcome back to another edition of the Digital Corner, with me, your friendly Wrestling Artisan. Let’s see what’s been cooking out there in internet land.

Rich Swann is the special guest on the weekly IMPACT Wrestling Media Teleconference

One week after IMPACT Wrestling’s first anniversary show, Shane Douglas storms the Asylum to call out his old foe Raven!

Former NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Tim Storm returned to the spotlight during the Nick Aldis vs Crimson vs Jocephus match a few weeks ago. Tim had taken time off from the National Wrestling Alliance after losing not only the Ten Pounds Of Gold but his rematch to Jocephus. The wrestling world met Tim Storm through his story told in Ten Pounds Of Gold. Now Tim is back and out for revenge vs Jocephus.

Guests: Chuck Taylor, Chris Masters, MJF, Bad Bones, David Starr, Nate Webb, Orange Cassidy, Stu Stone, Magen Bros, Rich Palladino, Rory Gulak & Jack Armstrong. Colt goes to Chicago, Boston and wrestles for 500 orthodox Jews in a backyard in Toronto

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