#DigitalCorner 9th April 2018 (@stoughe)

Welcome to another edition of the digital corner where the Guild Master will try to guide you through what happened this past week. As we are all aware it was Mania weekend and NOLA was home to Wrestlecon where awesome matches happened. Let see what you could watch.


Twitch is really where it went down. Impact Wrestling won the weekend by streaming for the full four hours. One could follow Sonjay Dutt and Josh Matthews go all around New Orleans, get interrupted during dinner by the Chief Engineer of ROH’s wife, eat Beignets with Stone Rockwell and Jimmy Jacobs, do cat yoga with Eddie Edwards and watch Rosemary, accompanied by Sienna, Allie and Andrew Everett, get her palm read. Of course you can’t miss Lucha Underground vs. Impact at a sold out arena.

Check out the videos here: https://www.twitch.tv/impactwrestling/videos/all







Also on Twitch you could enjoy House of Hardcore from Saturday. This is where Austin Aries announced the new main event for Redemption on April 22nd.





Over on the old Youtube Impact Wrestling put out Jeff Jarret’s favorite in-ring moments. This obviously to celebrate his Hall of Fame inductions.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGX0zeolcM8[/embedyt]

NWA celebrated Mania weekend by hosting a Q and A with their champion Nick Aldiss

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poj2-Pw-41Y[/embedyt]

Colt Cabana’s new format for the Art of Wrestling continued with another episode from Japan. This time he visits Koruken Hall and Disney World.

On the latest episode of Why it Ended? with Robbie E they talked to Buff Bagwell about why his career ended so abruptly.

Of course there was so much more going on this weekend. Check in on the Fite app through Flipps media to see both Shimmer, Ring of Honor and more. But for now, have a great week.



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