#DigitalCorner March 5th (@stoughe)

Welcome to the lounge once again. Let us discuss what went down on the internet this past week. It was once again fairly quiet round the digital world, but let us get into it.

The Aldiss crusade continued this past week as the NWA Worlds Champion took on David Starr. He is challenger number five and it was challenged for in the UK. Where in the world will the champ be next?

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wvSGIkcgWs[/embedyt]

In Colt Cabana’s Art of Wrestling he looked back at his interview with Roddy Piper. This is an important historic document detailing his life. This was recorded only a short while before he passed away.

This week over on GWN the new match is oVe vs the new team of Tech, followed by an interview with Moose. The classic match is one between Gunner and James Storm, an I Quit match no less.




That was what happened on the internet this past week. If you know of something going on out there, comment or send out a tweet. Until next week.

-C. Marry Hultman


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