#DigitalCorner May 14th 2018 (@stoughe)

Hi all those out there in wrestling land. Here is your friendly Wrestling Artisan with the weekly look back at the digital week that passed.




The Global Wrestling Network put out some new material in the form of another One Night Only. This time Cali Combat featuring the enigmatic James Ellsworth.




They also updated some of their hidden gems, showing how many different up and coming stars have passed through the doors of the company. Among them, Sanada and Dalton Castle.







This week on Twitch, Impact had a seminar on Rise, women’s wrestling. It featured Gail Kim, Jimmy Jacobs, Scott D’Amore and Sonjay Dutt.

On the Art of Wrestling Colt Cabana hung out in New York and New Jersey at Wrestlepro. He spoke to KM and The Hot Dog Man. Showing that wrestling is a strange business.

On Why it Ended with Robbie E. Robbie spoke to Matt Morgan of both WWE and TNA fame. He has become more and more of a staple in the Wrestling Inc podcast and he is also City Councilman in Longwood.

On the NWA Youtube they asked the question. Who surprised Nick Aldiss in their NWa debut. Check out for yourself.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkAXLxHu4VI[/embedyt]

That is all for this week as it pertains to the Digital Corner. Thanks fro stopping by and see you next week.


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