#DigitalCorner May 1st 2018 (@stoughe)

Hi there, this is your friendly Wrestling Artisan wishing you a happy May 1st. I trust Valpurgis Night, May Eve for some, was safe and free from elder spirits. Today we remember those workers who sacrificed themselves for labor rights with some wrestling content of the digital kind.

Over on the Art of Wrestling Colt Cabana continued to detail life on the road as he wrestled in Milwaukee and Texas. He talked to several wrestlers along the way, among them a one legged indy wrestler.

Nick Aldiss and Ustin Idol were on Busted Open radio on Sirius, but NWA saved the audio and ran it on their network. Listen to it here.



On Why it Ended? with Robbie E D-Lo Brown stopped by and told the story of his career and why it ended, both times.


Deep Blue Something, the Chikara podcast returned and Mike Quackenbush and Bryce Remsburg talked about what has been going on in Chikara the past months.

On Youtube Impact Wrestling put out another classic match from the GWN archives. This time it is Christopher Daniels vs Jerry Lynn as well as Judas Mesias vs Joseph Park

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDbWrX-nBXw[/embedyt]

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvWrs5fVtMY[/embedyt]

As both GWN, Twitch and the rest has been very calm, that is all from the Digital Corner for this week. Now go forth and protest social injustice…


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