Fantasy Fight Friday – Luke Harper vs. Bruiser Brody

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another edition of ‘Fantasy Fight Friday’, SLTD Wrestling’s one stop shop for professional wrestling’s most intriguing dream matches. Don’t worry if you didn’t get a chance to vote for a winner over the last few weeks, you can still do so right now! Those polls won’t be closing any time soon.

This week we are looking at two of the most ruthless wrestlers in WWE. Both have shown their wild sides in the ring and have captivated audiences with their ability to be so unpredictable and have both been known as madmen while in the ring. Today we at SLTD Wrestling put these two bearded, crazed wrestlers against one another as we see Luke Harper and Bruiser Brody go head to head in a unprecedented dream match.

In one corner we have one third of the Wyatt Family, Luke Harper. Not much is known about one of Bray Wyatt’s followers who we have seen take out many assaults on various superstars on Wyatt’s say so. Harper followed Bray for some years until he was released by the Wyatt family leader, which saw Harper strike fear throughout the tag team division with tag team partner Erick Rowan until we would see these two pitted against each other at Survivor Series 2014 after Harper became a team player and worked for Team Authority. With fury in his eyes and showing incredible speed and ruthlessness Harper won his first Intercontinental Championship beating Dolph Ziggler.

In the other corner we have the late and mythologized Bruiser Brody. After debuting in WWE in 1976 Brody showed fans that he was an intelligent monster and became a legendary brawler. Brody adopted a wild and freewheeling brawling style long before the days of hardcore wrestling and attacked anyone who got in his way, including referees and fans if he needed to. Brody rampaged across the globe looking for tougher competitors and became one of Japans most sought after performers and dominated the tag team division in Giant Baba’s All Japan Pro Wrestling. Taken from us far too early, Brody is known as one of the great outlaws and his legendary status continues to grow even to this day.

It goes without saying that these two mad men would surely pull out all the stops to be named the winner of this match, but who would come out victorious?

SLTD Wrestling’s Tybo, author of ‘Tybo’s Top Five’ gives his thoughts.

“This is a tough one this week as both these guys legit have a screw loose. Brody was without a doubt smash-mouth before the saying smash-mouth, he invented that! He was a monster before monsters were common place, he was so hard hitting he made everything look like an absolute brawl. This was all back when wrestling wasn’t like that. If you go back and watch some of his matches he looks almost uncontrollable attacking everyone.

Then there is Harper who everyone knows has lost it, with basically doing whatever Bray Wyatt tells him or whatever he wants really. Harper is the embodiment of what Brody was 30 years ago, and that’s what would make this such a great match. Harper has been compared to Brody so many times for being a wild man, the two of them in one ring would be amazing to see.

As for picking a winner, that would be a real tough one. Brody was so good, and was doing things far before his time. Which is probably the reason why he is still getting talked about now. Honestly, I think it would be Harper who came out on top though. I think the deciding factor in a match like this would be if Bray Wyatt was at ring side with Harper. Something comes out of Harper when Wyatt is around and i don’t think even Bruiser Brody could control it”

There you have it, folks! Now we pose the question to YOU! Who would win between Luke Harper and Bruiser Brody, in one of the most unpredictable dream matches in contemporary professional wrestling? Be sure also to comment down below and tell us why you chose who you did.

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