Farewell to a Staple

Last week the news broke that long time Impact Wrestling personality Jeremy Borash, JB, had parted with the company and had signed with the WWE. This was just one in a long line of talented performers who have gone to the alumni section of Impact. When it comes to wrestlers, like EC3, Lashley and others it is of course always sad to see them go, but JB’s departure might impact the company in a different way.

For those who have followed TNA/Impact since the first PPV or have watched it on the GWN-app JB has been a staple of the company. His frosted tips were first seen as an announcer on the program and he has since evolved to be a multifaceted performer, a jack-of-all- trades of sorts. He even worked matches against EC3 and Abyss. Borash was always involved with broadcasting and wrestling, dating back to a time in WCW and to most of us he has been synonymous with Impact, especially in a time where people have come and gone.

When he was interviewed by Colt Cabana on The Art of Wrestling podcast, he detailed all that he did. From being the sole behind-the-scenes man on house shows, producing and editing British Bootcamp, running a podcast, commentating and being instrumental in Final Deletion and the The Broken Hardys. When looking at those accomplishments one might think Impact would like to hold on to him. WWE were looking at hiring him when The Hardys came in on their latest run, but he had said no. Why is anybodies guess, Borash does not speak of such things too often. It coincided with the return of Jeff Jarrett so that may have been a reason.

This time his move comes at a point when Impact is looking at another soft relaunch. Contracts are being redrawn and the new creative team is looking at different directions to go. In that world there might not be a place for good old JB. Maybe he found that the future was too uncertain with the company, or maybe he was asked to take a pay cut, we may never really know. The question is what he will do in WWE.

There are wrestlers there now that he has worked very closely with. The aforementioned Hardys are there and are floundering. Rockstar Spud just debuted as GM of 205 Live, EC3 is in NXT and there are of course others. If he is to be another writer among the thirty that are already there, he might just get lost in the shuffle.

The best thing for JB might be to work with 205 Live and develop that brand. He has the experience working with the X-division. Others will take his place in Impact and they will survive, like they always do. I for one will miss his voice, just like I miss those frosted tips

C. Marry Hultman

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