#FFR: Sophistication in Wrestling (@IronCitySaint)

Ah, the fans, those big fans. They’re terrible when it comes to wanting something. You give them a character with a simple gimmick that can be developed over time and they scream scandal. You give them a character with an interesting gimmick, they’re going to scream for scandal because it’s not booked like in their dreams. You give them an ultra-sophisticated character with everything that goes with it and of course they’ll scream “there’s too much stuff about the character.” You have to know what you want in the end.

Has society influenced our vision of how wrestling should be viewed?

Of course, even if you don’t see it or you don’t want to believe it, now we live in a society where everything has to be ready at the moment, with a snap of the fingers. Everything has to be perfect and delivered in 2-minutes. Fast-food style.

At the time in the wrestling of the 90s, we certainly had some wacky characters for some but others were basic but in the long run, became important figures in the federations where they were. Stone Cold Steve Austin for example, apart from the beers that make his character more “likeable”, the gimmick is just a loudmouth Texan. That’s all he is. The Undertaker’s the same. He’s a fucking undertaker. His gimmick is a job. Shawn Michaels, he’s a guy that girls like, and so on, you get the idea.

And now you get these fancy gimmicks for the big stars, and a month later they’re back in these phoney storylines with no head or tail. For me, I’d rather see a character with a gimmick not very developed and then see the evolution of this same gimmick with more and more developed storylines than see a gimmick too perfect for him with a big storyline so that afterwards, we see his fall in the map and find himself at the bottom.

So, what do you think? Are you a fast-food gimmick or a gimmick that simmers for a delicious meal?

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