The Fox Files – 10 things We Want to See in WWE 2K18!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to The Fox Files, as unfortunately today’s article will be the last Fox Files for a good amount of time due to some unforeseen circumstances, but saying that I wanted to make it a passionate post. Thats why today, we are going to talk about 10 things we want to see in WWE 2K18.

10. Better Soundtrack


In WWE 2K17, P.Diddy decided the soundtrack for WWE Games, including hits such as “Paranoid” by Black Sabbath, and his own song “Bad Boy For Life.” But I only have one problem: These soon get VERY repetitive! Now I know you can also choose to put entrance themes on in the menus, but that truly isn’t the point. Remember back in the SVR series, that had 35/40 different soundtracks before they all played again? That was FANTASTIC, because you haven’t heard them in a while, plus you never got bored of them due to the songs they picked! It isn’t hard, take it back to the good ole’ days and give us a better Soundtrack, WWE Games!


9. Better commentary

During the development of WWE 2K16, WWE started making many changes to their commentary table which were finally culminated during the draft with the new commentary teams of Byron Saxton, Michael Cole and Corey Graves for Smackdown, with JBL, Mauro Ranallo and David Otunga for Smackdown. Now I know they have changed again since then, but I want a updated commentary team in WWE 2K18! It doesn’t feel right having Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole & JBL call the action in NXT, because Tom Phillips, Percy Watson and Corey Graves do it in NXT! Having a new commentary teams in the game not only makes it more realistic, because that’s the type of game WWE Games and 2K are aiming for, but it means a lot of new lines must be recorded which hopefully leads to many commentary improvements because, the commentary in WWE Games have always been lackluster and never like it is on the WWE programming, so seeing a overhaul in commentary would be nice, too!!


8. More Match-types & Improved Match-types

In WWE 2K17, For the next generation of consoles anyway, we got many more matchtypes returning to the series, but as we know, there’s still many more to be done! Firstly, on the last gen ports of the game, you were able to play Slobber Knocker, Inferno Match, I Quit, and special referee matches. Now I’m not asking for Inferno matches, or Buried Alive matches to even return to the game as we haven’t seen these matchtypes in a very long time, but slobber Knocker match returning to next gen would be SO fun to do, and gives you something different to do, if you are playing by yourself​.  I also want to see some new matchtypes come to the game, such as Ambulance & Stretcher matches (PLEASE, not Kendo Stick on a pole match…) Ambulance matches and stretcher matches have almost became a staple in the WWE, and I’m surprised that they are not in the game already, surely this is the year! Plus, I need a Braun Strowman OMG! moment, don’t let me down 2K! The last thing to add to do with matchtypes is ladder matches. Simply, go back to the old system. All the fun has been taken away, by limiting players to where they can position the ladders! Hell no, I may want it nearer the ropes to do a crazy spot, not in the middle of the ring just to grab down the briefcase or championship. Give players back their freedom!

7. To Edit All Aspects of a WWE Superstar

In WWE Games for many years now, you have only been able to change attire colours of in-game superstars, but what happens if the superstars undergo a massive transformation? Many gamers want to keep their game as up-to-date as possible, but that’s very tough to do when WWE Games are limiting us. Simply allow us to edit ALL aspects of the in-game superstars, from the hair to the wrestling boots and everything in between.


6. Create A finisher

This was introduced in SVR 2011(Please correct me if I’m wrong) and it has been a fan favourite mode ever since. Unfortunately when they made the transition over to the next gen consoles with WWE 2K15, they took out the feature from both ports, and we haven’t seen the return of it since! I’m personally not a creative guy, but one thing I did always use to create is finishers. Seeing this return to WWE 2K18 would make MANY different fans happy.

5. Make Gameplay More Fun!

2K took a HUGE leap in the right direction with WWE Games by bringing back fighting in the crowd and backstage brawls. Now to make these modes better, simply don’t limit us to what we can do, but except from that, playing WWE 2K17 can get VERY boring, VERY quickly. Speaking the truth, if it wasn’t for me having to run 2 wrestling channels, I’d have stopped playing this game months ago. With current day WWE Games, the gamers get bored of the game after a month of it releasing and truly that’s how it shouldn’t be. I always find around December time I boo up the PlayStation 2 console and play those games, and that’s 8/14 years on depending on which one you play. That’s how current WWE Games need to be, bring back some fun-ness to the games, and make gamers want to play WWE 2K18 until the next one releases.

4. Bring Back Showcase Mode

2K Showcase was introduced in WWE 2K15 with CM Punk Vs John Cena which carried from 2011-2013, and Shawn Michaels Vs Triple H from 2002-2004. These were fantastic to play through, and a great way to unlock superstars & other things alike(although honestly, the VC system in WWE 2K17 is much better) and Showcase Mode continued through to WWE 2K16 by looking back on the career of Stone Cold Steve Austin. However, they decided to take out this mode from WWE 2K17, and it was well missed when we found out another mode wasn’t going to replace it. Bring it back for WWE 2K18!

3. Free Roaming

Do you sometimes ask yourself why games such as Smackdown Shut Your Mouth and Here Comes The Pain are classed as 2 of the greatest WWE Games of all time? Well one reason why I personally think so is the ability to play a fully fledged season mode, and be able to control your superstar in all aspects, including backstage. You were able to walk / run around the backstage area of the arena, talk to superstars, or even have a fight with them. They removed this feature in Smackdown Vs RAW and replaced it with a “move” option in which was still suitable, but no where near been able to control the superstar yourself. Unfortunately they removed the feature in 2007, and except from Road To WrestleMania in SVR 2011, we haven’t seen it since. WWE 2K18 would be the perfect time to make it return, especially since you see superstars talking to each other, the GM, or even getting interviewed on WWE Programming.

2. ‘Shut Your Mouth’ Draft!

Another reason why Smackdown Shut Your Mouth was so fantastic was at the beginning of season mode, you had a fully fledged draft where Ric Flair, and Vince McMahon, chose their brands. Imagine seeing Kurt Angle and Daniel Bryan doing the exact same draft, 16 years later with the current roster? I have a feeling we could see something like this, and it would sure be a welcomed return!


1. GM Mode

This mode was introduced in 2006, and wow did it rock! You were able to take control of either RAW or Smackdown(with ECW in 2008) and you started out with $10,000,000 but out of that you had all of your superstar contracts, matchtypes, storylines, rivalries and so much more to buy. Other features includes match and show ratings, propose trades, fan interactions, and so much more, and your aim was to make sure to keep the show running, beat the other GM and become GM of the year. But can you imagine doing this for Kurt Angle representing RAW, Daniel Bryan representing Smackdown, and William Regal representing NXT as the GMs, with the current day roster? It would be INCREDIBLE. And after what’s happened in WWE for the past year, I say there’s no better time to return this mode then in WWE 2K18!

I have a gut instinct that WWE 2K18 will be the game wrestling fans have been waiting for. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this article, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comment down below on anything else you would like to see in the WWE Games, and I’ll catch y’all in the next one!

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