The Fox Files- The amount of injuries

Welcome back to another edition of The Fox Files, as today we are going to be talking about injuries, when enough is enough, and much more. Let’s not waste anymore time and get into this!

Now, before we truly start I want to just say, I have stepped inside a wrestling ring, and the bumps hurt you, they take a toll on your body. For anyone who says it’s fake, I want you to start training, and I want you to then come back to me. All the moves are very real, from a chop to a bodyslam. Any wrong bump can end your career. I’ve been through injuries that take you out of action for a long time, everything you see including bumps are real, even though we only see the canvas, underneath the canvas is pure hard wood.

Now the pep-talk is over, let’s get into the true stuff of this article, injuries! Now, over the years of watching professional wrestling(more WWE then anything else.) I have seen many injuries occur, some minor such as a twist of the ankle which only takes you out of action for a couple of weeks, or something like a torn shoulder which could take you out of action for months, or even career-threatening. Any injury that a professional wrestler recieves really does set you back though. At the end of the day, wrestlers don’t get enough credit. Yeah, some punches or kicks may not connect, but at the end of the day they are only doing their jobs, and that is to entertain the professional wrestling fans and do what they do best and wrestle in that ring. In every profession, there’s consequences. With professional wrestling it’s hurting your body and possibly getting injured.

No one wants to see any professional wrestler get injured, but it’s the risk they take to entertain us and I’ve just said, they don’t get enough credit.

With the WWE though, for example. When is enough, truly enough? Take 2015 – mid 2016 as an example, they had many, and I mean MANY of the top talent get injured, superstars such as Seth Rollins, Tyson Kidd, and Nikki Bella just to name a couple. You could argue that they are the ones that signed up for this, but the injuries are VERY real and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Luckily, Seth Rollins and Nikki Bella have returned, unfortunately, Tyson Kidd’s career ended because of one move. People are saying “ban that move!” But at the end of the day, that’s the risk that Samoa Joe and Tyson Kidd took at the time, as it was the Muscle Buster which ended Tyson Kidd’s career, and many other careers have come to an end, but they know it’s all worth it.

What did it for WWE, was the amount of live events. The same superstars were on the road, EVERY SINGLE DAY putting their bodies on the line, and most of the injuries do actually happen at live events. Luckily, WWE have learnt their lesson. Firstly, they’ve bought in the brand split, only one serious injury has happened since the brand split and that is Seth Rollins unfortunately landing wrong and reinjuring his knee. It’s much less than what it used to be though. Secondly, there isn’t as many live events. This means the WWE Superstars have time to heal, and keep on top of their health and if something is niggling them they can get it checked out before the next show instead of continuing on.

This was almost a rant, and this was not the aim. The aim was to firstly send the message of professional wrestlers put their bodies on the line for our entertainment, and the consequences could be career threatening, and 2 also realising really how WWE have finally learnt their lesson of not doing live events everyday because everyone needs time to heal, after taking hundreds of bumps the night before.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this edition of The Fox Files! For the next 3 weeks here on The Fox Files, we’re gonna be doing something slightly different, in which we are breaking down the past 32 WrestleManias, in 32 incredible matches! You guys will see exactly what I’m talking about when it comes to it. But comment your thoughts down below on this article!

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