The Fox Files- What is the best WWE Game of all time?

Hello there, Haydn back again here today as we are going to talk about what truly is the best WWE Game of all time. This is a controversial topic with many opinions so make sure to get involved in the comments below and let us know what you think!

In this article, we are going to break it down into little sectors, and then truly talk about the best WWE Game and the reasoning behind it, so let’s get underway:

Realism- Realism in current WWE Games is a HUGE part of the games, therefore giving us the game like it would be in real life. Whether it’s how you fight, the stamina and submission systems or the coller and elbow chain Wrestling, there are so many things that have got introduced from WWE 2K15 onwards. But the most realistic WWE Game of all time is definitely WWE 2K16. This is because of all the things introduced such as the slow-paced gameplay, the realism of the graphics and superstars and overhauling many of the features we have been used to for many years, and this gives the player a more realistic feel about it.

Cover: just because I want to, they have been many fantastic covers over this past decade especially, and whether it’s THQ or 2K, no one can doubt that the covers are awesome. The best cover on a WWE Game though for me is WWE 13. CM Punk was totally unexpected, as the game was about the Attitude Era, and CM Punk been on the cover, no one guessed that and it was awesome to have him on a cover before he went.

Game modes: now this sector is the toughest, because we have had season mode, GM Mode, 24/7 mode, Road To WrestleMania, Attitude Era Mode, 30 Years Of WrestleMania, 2K Showcase, Universe Mode, MyCareer, and thats all I can think of. For me though, Smackdown vs RAW 2007 had the best game modes, because the GM Mode had not only RAW and Smackdown, but Velocity and Heat for the minor shows too. GM Mode was always a great mode to play because it was fun to buy storylines, renew contracts, hire and fire people, make storylines, create the matches, AND PROMOS! And much more. Also, the season mode on the game was fun too, although the best season mode without a doubt is Here Comes The Pain, Smackdown vs RAW 2007 pipped it due to the GM Mode.

Gameplay: now as I mentioned earlier, gameplay has changed over the years because it has gone from been really fast-actioned arcade styled to been very slow but more realistic. Now, dependant on what you like, for me the best gameplay came from Smackdown Here Comes The Pain. This game was absolutely fantastic, and the gameplay for 2003, was amazing.. the hours I spent on that game are countless. And for 2 reasons- season mode and gameplay!

So the best WWE Game of all time, in my opinion is Smackdown Here Comes the pain!

If you enjoyed this, then make sure to tune in next week for another “The Fox Files” but until then, I’ll catch you later!

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