The Fox Files- Is Roman Reigns really “The Guy?”

Now, before we get into the newest editorial, I’m just going to give a quick introduction about myself. I’m Haydn Fox and I’ll be doing The Fox Files once a week on the site, talking everything wrestling. Also I’m the YouTube manager, and do most of the videos on the SLTD Wrestling channel. Enough of the introduction, it’s time to get into the fun stuff!

Now. It’s simple: is Roman Reigns really “the guy”?

Now, I’m not the biggest Roman Reigns fan in the world, but even I have to admit that he has definitely improved his in-ring skills in the 3 years he has been in WWE. Just look at his Payback match with AJ Styles, it was one incredible match that I keep watching over and over again. His skills in the ring have definitely improved, and if you can’t see that then you must be blind.

There is one thing he has to improve on though, and that’s his mic skills. He is not good on the mic and everyone knows it. To be honest, he is one of the worse we have seen on the mic in the history of WWE.

I also get that ALOT of fans don’t like Roman Reigns due to the way WWE push him down our throats week after week after week, and it definitely gets VERY annoying! Roman Reigns has won 3 WWE World Heavyweight Championships since the start of the year(and we’re only 6 months into it) and we don’t like that. Not only WWE Fans do this, but all the Wrestling fans cheer the guys that we like, and boo the guys we don’t. Due to the way Roman Reigns has been booked and his mic skills, 9 times out of 10 he gets booed out of the building pretty much.

To be “the guy”, the face of the company and worthy of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship,you need to have brilliant Wrestling skills, be good on the mic AND have fans really behind you. Reigns doesn’t qualify for that, meaning he shouldn’t be ” the guy” And I hope you agree with this.

I can think of 5 superstars right now that qualify for this role, and we’ll go into detail about this in another Fox Files, but the superstars are Kevin Owens, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, AJ Styles and Cesaro.

What are your thoughts? Let us know!


Catch ‘The Fox Files’ again next week on here, as we discuss whether or not the mid-card championships are still relevant, or should be gone.



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