The Fox Files- Why Samoa Joe was the right option

Hello everyone The Fox Files returns! At Extreme Rules, Samoa Joe won a HUGE Fatal 5 Way, and today we are talking about why Samoa Joe was the right option to win the Fatal 5 Way at Extreme Rules.

Now, in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, a Fatal 5 Way Extreme Rules match happened at the PPV between Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, Bray Wyatt and Samoa Joe, with Joe walking out victorious.

I didn’t like the finish with making Balor tap out, especially after Heyman saying all the things he did about Balor, WWE have DEFINITELY chosen the right option with making Samoa Joe victorious to verse Brock Lesnar for the time being.

Why? Well, Great Balls Of Fire is 5 weeks away and with Strowman scheduled to return at Summerslam to verse Lesnar for the Universal Championship, this will only be a short programme. Samoa Joe seems the most likely, out of the 5 participants who can put up a legitimate fight with Lesnar. Joe was also the only one from the Fatal 5 Way who hasn’t won the Universal, or WWE Championship so it’s something different.

The hype levels for Great Balls Of Fire have definitely increased knowing we now get to see a lot of fans dream match between the Beast and the Destroyer. Even though we already know the result that Lesnar is winning(unless they throw a MASSIVE curveball) it will do wonders for Joe’s career to be in the ring with Brock Lesnar, and luckily won’t do much harm to his career by taking the loss. Not many people get the opportunity to step in the ring with Brock Lesnar. We know this will be a VERY brutal match, and I look forward to seeing it, because I have a feeling that A LOT of legitimacy will go down in this fight.

I hope you enjoyed my article on why Samoa Joe was the best option, comment down below who you wanted to win! I’ll catch you all in the next Fox Files!

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