Guest Writer: Five Instances Where Roman Reigns Couldn’t Connect with the Audience

Roman Reigns has been a famous personality in the World Wrestling Entertainment community. However, he has been subject to a lot of criticism from fans which has made him kind of an embarrassment for WWE.

There are several reasons for the boos he receives during his appearance at matches.

Here are some of them:

1.Roman’s fame and push has the potential to leave other superstars of WWE in the shadow. The crowd expects those old heroes to be in the spotlight as well. A WWE RAW Star like John Cena, who is excellent in ring and personality wise can be pushed out of the limelight because of Roman

Hence, the WWE fan base has made no attempt to give Roman an easy road. He was booed to a great degree at the 2015 Royal Rumble on 25 January, after Paul Heyman praised Roman, saying he was better than any other guy in the history of WWE.

2. Roman has been pushed into matches against fan favorite stars like Wyatt, Lesnar, Ambrose, Rollins, Triple H, and Daniel Bryan. The wrestling organization never made an attempt to establish a proper background for Roman. He was booed at four consecutive WrestleManias, from 31 to 34.

3. Roman is not a very attractive wrestler when it comes to verbal conversations with other wrestlers through the microphone. He has a fixed style of moves and dialogues which he has repeated so many times that it is now predictable to the fans, making the whole thing uninteresting.  Roman was booed at the 2017 Royal Rumble, after his surprise entry. The crowd was expecting different wrestler and were disappointed at the entrance of Roman.

4. Roman was mercilessly booed at RAW, after Wrestlemania in 2017. The boo and curse words were loud and the crowd microphone volumes had to be reduced.

5. Roman was cheered after winning the WWE Universal Championship against Brock Lesnar. However the following night he was booed again after defeating Bálor.

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