Hell in a Cell: By the Numbers – Courtesy of @JoinTheRukkus

Welcome one and all, today we have something a little bit different for you.

Our good friends over at rukkus.com have gotten Jake Sharpless, who is equal parts obsessed with wrestling as he is with numbers, (follow him here @RukkusJake) to use his awesome knowledge of both numbers and wrestling to create a ‘Hell in a Cell Infographic’.

What is a Hell in a Cell Infographic I hear you ask? It’s Hell in a Cell by the numbers of course!

Before we get to that, We at SLTD want to give a shout out to @JoinTheRukkus for letting us use Jake’s work.

Rukkus.com is a pretty cool site that sells tickets but with a greater emphasis on customer service and artist discovery. Their blog is meant to provide engaging Sports/Music/Theatre related content. So make sure to give them a follow on Twitter, and check out their website.

In what has become one of the more anticipated pay-per-view events in the WWE, Hell in a Cell has delivered some extremely memorable moments in the past decade and a half. While the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view only debuted in 2009, the cage matches date back to 1997 when Shawn Michaels defeated the Undertaker at Badd Blood to become the #1 contender for the WWF Championship. Over the next 12 years there were 16 Hell in a Cell matches held at various pay-per-view (and a few RAW) events before it was given a full pay-per-view with it’s namesake.

We broke down all 30 of the Hell in a Cell matches in the history of the WWE and discovered that only 33 wrestlers have entered the caged competition (with 11 wrestling more than once). Of those who have wrestled more than once, only Batista touts and undefeated record (2-0) while Mick Foley, whose name is synonymous with Hell in a Cell, has never walked away from a HiaC match the victor (0-2-2). Unsurprisingly, the two men who have squared off the most in the cell, Undertaker (12 times) and Triple H (9 times) are tied with the most victories in such matches, going 6-5-1 and 6-3 respectively.

In terms of championships being decided, only two belts have ever been up for stake in the cell, the WWE (previously WWF) Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship. Only three times has a belt changed hands, and CM Punk and John Cena are the only two wrestlers to ever lose a belt in a Hell in a Cell match.’

HiaC Infographic


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