How Defensive Booking Hurts WWE

“It is common sense to take a method and try it: If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, 22 May 1932

Hell in a Cell was a great show. There’s no denying that. There were a lot of great matches to talk about and there were a few shocking moments that made the show worthwhile and one to remember. However, the pre-show match with Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville beating Sheamus, King Barrett and Rusev really rubbed me the wrong way. For me, it was further validation of a booking method by WWE that will ultimately prevent them from making new stars. What I’d like to call it is defensive booking and Rusev, King Barrett and Sheamus were victims of this booking last night in Los Angeles.

On RAW, Rusev, Barrett and Sheamus won a six man tag team match against Neville, Ziggler and Cesaro. After watching that match, I thought that there was a lot of potential with this trio. I’m always one for experimenting, particularly with groups. All of these men have had great opportunities to become stars but have somehow floundered around the roster whether it’d be down to lazy writing, backstage politics or something else entirely. On their own, it’s been difficult for these men to stand out. Even during with his undefeated streak last year, Rusev was heavily reliant on strong booking and the mic skills of Lana to get to where he was. That’s a shame considering that Rusev’s actually got a really good moveset and a great character.


The point is, there’s plenty of potential in that stable scenario which could benefit all three of these individuals in the long run. There’s a lot of potential to make stars. However, there’s always that one niggling factor that steps in the way. It stepped in their way last night and it could step in the way of WWE’s “attempts” to make a new star. I predicted that this niggling factor would come into play at Hell in a Cell and as it turned out, I was right.

I said in my predictions piece for SLTD before the show: “I think the WWE would not risk having Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville lose twice. WWE are very cautious about protecting all of their talent if they lose. It’s this kind of defensive booking which prevents them from making stars in my opinion. For that reason, I think Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville will win the match. However, the Europeans should be the winners.” Low and behold, Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville won the match.

What was a promising alliance was shot down to protect the losers and to make sure Ziggler, Neville and Cesaro don’t suffer. I understand sometimes you need to protect your talents. However, there’s a time and a place to do that and plenty of other wrestlers that those men could beat to keep up their stock.

Last week I read this report and against my better judgement, I didn’t want to believe that this was true as there are a few exceptions to this. This came from a source on the Wrestling Observer Newsletter about the current booking problems in WWE:

“What is backfiring is the fact the company, its owners and executives now feel they have to answer for their decisions. `Some people did not like this guy won,’ and then feel the need to explain their own creative process. It’s a defensive posture that permeates even the booking, which is why it’s always 50/50, unless someone has the clout to avoid being in the 50/50 club. But the booking itself becomes defensive. Don’t offend anyone’s fan base. Don’t alienate anyone. Please everyone, at all times, and make either apologies offered or excuses given if the audience presents even the slightest backlash. It leads to no commitment to a decision, and therefore, long-term, long-lasting money situations become harder and harder to manufacture.”

Wade Barrett

Last night confirmed these fears as they could have easily made a viable European stable in order to get over these three talents. Listen, I understand how popular Cesaro and Dolph Ziggler are online and they have their own big following. I’m a huge fan of Cesaro and the last thing I’d want to do is have him get beat. I understand the fan backlash if guys like Cesaro, Neville and Ziggler are beat frequently. However, wouldn’t it be worth the risk of upsetting that fan base if you can build the next big heel stars? Isn’t it worth the risk of upsetting that fan base if you can elevate Sheamus, who could very well be the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion? It doesn’t matter if those fans are upset right now.

WWE’s main goal should be thinking about building up long-term stars. You’re not going to build stars with his 50/50 booking to “protect” all your stars. You’re not even protecting your stars at the end of the day. What will happen is that your fan base won’t stay connected to those wrestlers you’re wanting to protect. If that’s the case, take risks. Upset these fans to get over another wrestler. Do whatever it takes. It is common sense to take a method and try it: If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. Because when you’re trying to make new stars, something’s gotta give. Vince McMahon once said it takes a real son of a bitch to be successful in this business. Upset the masses to look out for the future.

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