Kevin Owens vs Dolph Ziggler, Intercontinental Championship

Newly crowned Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens won’t have to wait long for his first title defence, as this Sunday he faces the challenge of former four-time Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. You’d think WWE would be hard pressed to find a feud for Kevin Owens in time for this weekend’s Fastlane PPV, however the past couple of months a ready-made story has been whipped up between Owens & Ziggler. A never ending feud it seems.

This feud started back in December at WWE’s Slammy Awards, when Kevin Owens assaulted Dolph Ziggler. Each meeting between the two has been more intense and evenly matched than the one before it, and to capture victory on Raw on Feb 8th, Ziggler resorted to extreme tactics, illegally putting his feet on the ropes to score the pinfall. Though he cried foul, Owens had tried employing a similar strategy earlier in the match, leading many to conclude that The Show off had simply beaten the unapologetic rule-breaker at his own game. Owens prevailed when the stakes were the highest, overcoming Ziggler, Tyler Breeze, Ambrose and Stardust in a Fatal 5-Way Match on Monday nights RAW to win the Intercontinental title and begin his second reign.

Although Owens/Ziggler has been done to death over the last two months their styles mix beautifully, they never disappoint. Owens victory on Monday was not expected yet somehow with Dean’s growing influence on the heavyweight scene they had to get the title off him, Owens is the perfect champion when booked well, he like Dean is a workhorse and in the ring he will give everything he has to be the MAN. Dolph meanwhile is chasing his 5th IC title in a career that never really seems to places, Ziggler is either climbing the mountain or falling down it, he never completes anything. The match itself will be nothing other than amazing, as previously stated their styles mix and they know what works, both have egos that won’t let them fail.

I would like to think this second reign for Owens means a lengthy one, but I just don’t have that confidence in WWE. I actually think that unless Dean faces Brock at Wrestlemania 32 then he will probably get the title back on April 3rd. Dolph on the other hand may win it on Sunday and to me that means devaluing the title once more, with Dean the IC Championship was becoming an important title again, a title worth winning. So at Fastlane I’d like to see Owens retain and march forward beyond Mania as champion, a possible summer feud with Sami Zayn sounds intriguing.

For me it’s always #FightOwensFight


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