Lose Owens Lose?

Hello, The Wrestling Brain is back. In Kevin Owens’ final 3 big matches, he has lost twice to John Cena and once to Finn Bálor for the NXT Championship, and recent speculation is that Owens is no longer perceived as a Main Eventer, cue the quote “buried by Cena” actually not, buried by Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn is the right quote to use, and here is why.

Let’s be honest, Kevin Owens doesn’t have the look or build of a top WWE Superstar. Compare Owens to Wrestlers like Ryback, Reigns, Cena and Sheamus. However in all honesty Owens is a better wrestler than all of them put together, now surely that’s what matters, no unfortunately Vince believes that big muscular men are perfect as the figureheads of his “wrestling empire”.

Also the other main problem on why Owens isn’t receiving a push that he rightfully deserves, is down to creative, in NXT since the moment he power-bombed his best friend Sami Zayn on his debut as WWE Superstar, we all knew he was going to receive a huge push in NXT, but look at who is/was behind the creative side of NXT, the late and very great Dusty Rhodes and Triple H. Both were very high on Kevin Owens, whereas Vince McMahon may not be as high as we all hoped. Therefore Vince McMahon likely decided for Super Cena to retain his U.S. Title at Battleground on Sunday and last month at Money In The Bank. So how can Kevin Owens push his way back up as the coveted Main eventer, which he should be and leave the overcrowded Mid Card scene.

Turn Face: Right even though he is my number one heel in WWE currently and only been a WWE Superstar for 7 months,could Kevin Owens turn face? I hope not but why not, he could mention that he is doing this for his family, mainly his son who has autism, but he chose the surname Owens after Owen Hart, who he idolised whilst growing. He could say he is fighting in Owen Hart’s legacy, how you could do this well, as per-usual, The Authority would be cutting a promo, saying they are the most dominant family in the whole of the WWE, enter Owens, he could say even though he isn’t from a wrestling family, he is fighting in the honour of the greatest wrestling family The Harts, he could then mention that his surname is taken from his role model Owen Hart and there you go, the Kevin Owens face turn.

Form an NXT invasion: Okay let’s say Kevin Owens is kept off main programming for a few weeks, then at the next PPV hypothetically Hell in a Cell, the main event of the night is John Cena vs. Seth Rollins, and during the match the referee gets knocked down. Out comes Owens, who rips the Cell door off, enters the ring, Sami Zayn runs down presumably to make the save,but he doesn’t do anything, as does Bálor and Itami, they then suddenly attack Rollins and Cena.

Next night on Raw Triple H reveals that he sent the NXT men down to prove a point,to prove that Vince McMahon is out of touch and instead of looking at the past of Cena and Orton, he needs to look at the future, it is revealed that at Survivor Series it will be Team NXT with Triple H taking part alongside Owens, Bálor, Itami and Zayn vs. Team WWE with Cena, Undertaker, Sting, Orton and Brock Lesnar, some of the most established wrestlers ever. The NXT team win to cement that the full NXT revolution has begun, Steph and HHH gain full control over creative in WWE, as Vince is forced to retire. Over the next few months the NXT team control the Titles in the whole of the WWE, with Owens being the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Retiring the Deadman: If you want Wrestlemania 32 to be the biggest Wrestlemania ever, why not the future of WWE ends the past of WWE for good. Undertaker will announce that the next time he loses he will retire, enter Owens who says that he will make sure that it is Undertaker’s final Wrestlemania, by beating him to a pulp and killing The Deadman (not literally). As written in my article last week I mentioned that if Owens faced Taker and beat him, it would cement a huge hated heel, which he should be.

That’s all from me this week,I won’t be writing an article next Monday (August 3rd) as I am on holiday, anyway there is a lot more on offer on SLTD Wrestling, including Cause Stun Seed Said So, The Verbal Brainbuster, Write Legend Write, Under the Spotlight, Fantasy Friday Fight Night and the newest editorial Wreste Chica written by The First Lady of SLTD Wrestling. Join me again on August 10th.

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