AEW’s next big show in the history of All Elite Wrestling is this Sunday, as it will be the 2021 edition of All Out and it might be one of the biggest shows AEW has ever put on. Now not all the matches might live up to that sentiment but there’s sure to be some surprises and some stellar wrestling like there usually is on an AEW show and today I’m going to run down all the matches and give my predictions for each of them. So lets get right into the matches.
Buy In 10 Man Tag: The Best Friends (Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, Wheeler Yuta) & Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) vs. HFO (Matt Hardy, Private Party, and TH2)
This is one of the rare times when a match on a pay-per-view in AEW just doesn’t matter (and don’t worry we’ll have another one later). This match is off of the Matt Hardy having something against The Best Friends but nobody has really clarified what that is. They’ve just been trading matches back and forth between members and this past Wednesday Jurassic Express got involved since they had nothing to do on this show (that isn’t the reason why, that’s my reason why). I can’t really call this one because it could either continue for no reason or just finally end. I’ve mentioned during my reviews of Dynamite that I just don’t care for HFO at all, it doesn’t do anything for anyone, except hold back the people affiliated with Matt Hardy, it’s not for me, and I don’t know who it’s for. I’m gonna pick The Best Friends and Jurassic Express just because I want those guys to do something else.
Winner: Best Friends & Jurassic Express
Paul Wight vs. QT Marshall
This is the other match on this card that doesn’t matter, figured I’d get it out of the way. This match literally means nothing, it started because for weeks Tony Schiavone wanted an apology from QT Marshall for pouring a drink on Tony’s head and when they finally decided to do that in the ring QT and his Factory members beat up Tony’s son and roughed up Tony a bit, which prompted Tall Paul to help. None of this matters at all, this is the worst possible match to have to get Paul Wight in the ring and the reason for that is not a single person cares about QT Marshall. Ever since The Factory was formed they have done the exact opposite of what they should be doing which is showcase the younger guys. Now unless QT finds a substitution this match shouldn’t be longer then three minutes, especially since QT has been losing a lot to get here, he has zero momentum so he shouldn’t put up that big of a fight. Tall Paul wins handily.
Winner: Paul Wight (Tall Paul)
21 Woman Casino Battle Royale for a Future Shot at the Women’s World Championship
This match was originally scheduled for the Buy In before the Andrade El Idolo versus PAC match was taken off the card to be rescheduled for a later date. I felt like it should have been on the main card to begin with and Wight versus Marshall should have been on the Buy In, but I digress. There’s only one spot remaining for this match and that is the Joker spot. Announced for the match are the people pictured Julia Hart, Big Swole, The Bunny, Thunder Rosa, Nyla Rose, Red Velvet, Tay Conti, Penelope Ford and Diamante, as well as Kiera Hogan, Jade Cargill, Abadon, Emi Sakura, Hikaru Shida, Leyla Hirsch, KiLynn King, Rebel, Jamie Hayter, Anna Jay, Riho, and Sky Blue.
Now that is 21 entries which would fill the whole thing but part of me thinks someone is going to be taken out, like Rebel doesn’t need to be in there for example, because we all been speculating for a while that the debuting Ruby Soho would be in this match and if something doesn’t change obviously she won’t be in it and she’s showing up at a later date. So regardless of the speculation and all, time to pick a winner, now this might seem impossible, but I think Anna Jay is gonna win, she just came back and it’s way too soon for Jade to win a title shot and I think we need to wait a little to get another encounter between Britt and Thunder Rosa, everyone else I just don’t see winning. Anna Jay just came back from injury and she had a lot of momentum on her side before it, so give her a title shot at the Grand Slam event and go from there.
Winner: Anna Jay
Jon Moxley vs. Satoshi Kojima

So this is not the match that we all wanted here at all. There’s no denying that its sure to be an interesting match and all but, Kojima definitely isn’t at the level he once was. The match we all wanted was Moxley to face Hiroshi Tanahashi and that match couldn’t happen because Tanahashi is working in Japan this weekend. I fully expect that we will get some kind of video message from Tanahashi to set that match up. Now as for thi match, Moxley is the best he’s ever been in the ring and Kojima though he may have lost a step or two he still has great matches as evident by his little run in Impact. There’s no way Jon Moxley is losing this match. He’s been building this momentum for a while to get to that Tanahashi match and that’s going to continue here.
Winner: Jon Moxley
TNT Championship: Miro (c) vs. Eddie Kingston
This match came about because Miro wanted some more competition for his championship and he called Eddie Kingston which I like a lot. A fighting heel champion that just wants to beat people. Eddie is a great tweener-esque guy who just says it like it is and their promo on this week’s Rampage proved that in droves. This is going to be a brawl or a fight and I think it’s gonna be a hell of a match. I also don’t know if this will be over after this and because of that I think Miro is going to retain here. There’s reports of Kip Sabian being in Chicago this weekend and maybe he gets involved or shows up after but I still think Miro is going to retain and when we get to Arthur Ashe on the 22nd because it makes too much sense for Eddie to win there.
Winner: Miro
AEW Women’s World Championship: Britt Baker (c) vs. Kris Statlander
Kris Stantlander has been on a roll, she hasn’t lost a singles match since returning from injury and I love her style in the ring she’s kind of a powerhouse with technical ability. Britt Baker has been the top woman star in AEW for months even before she won the title. Her mic work is off the charts she comes off as a great character who knows she’s over but is still a heel it all just works. This match was kind of out of nowhere just because Statlander is the number 1 ranked and she earned the title shot just the way they announced it felt weird. I’m sure these two will have great chemistry in the ring but I don’t think Statlander is going to win here. Britt is doing too good to lose the belt here, and as mentioned earlier the Thunder Rosa rematch is going to happen just not right now and I think that’s who will be taking Britt’s belt when the time is right.
Winner: Britt Baker
The Final Fight: Chris Jericho vs. MJF
I hate that these two are having a fourth match together. I also hate the stipulation of Jericho putting his career on the line just to get another match with MJF. Now I get it MJF doesn’t need to give Jericho another match because he’s beaten him three times. MJF has nothing left to prove but the incentive of ending Jericho’s in ring career would be something for him to want to beat him again. Now when they did the Labors of Jericho there is no reason why that the match they had there couldn’t be this match with no career stipulation instead of having that match on Dynamite and then having this match after. It’s too much, it’s not needed. Also I don’t think this is the time for Jericho’s in ring career in AEW to end. Now sure they can retcon the stipulation down the line if they want but with MJF already having three wins on Jericho it just seems like he’ll finally get his win over MJF and that will be the end of this forever and MJF can finally move on and Jericho can do commentary for a while on Rampage until the next feud comes along which doesn’t need to be for a while but instead of going back on the stipulation like a Randy Savage in 1993 type deal.
Winner: Chris Jericho
AEW World Tag Team Championship Steel Cage Match: The Young Bucks (c) vs. The Lucha Bros.
So this match kind of surprised me because I fully expected Jurassic Express to get a rematch after the way they lost their most recent shot at the titles. So now we have this match not the first time these two teams are meeting certainly and not the first time they are meeting at All Out either. These two teams met at the very first All Out in a ladder match for the AAA Tag Team Championship and the Lucha Bros. won that encounter. This match is a Steel Cage strictly because of the fact that The Young Bucks always have their Elite members interfering on their behalf, and the cage is supposed to prevent that from happening. I think The Young Bucks are going to retain because I don’t think this is the right time for them to lose the belts. Also the story of Chavo Guerrero saying that The Lucha Bros. aren’t going to win any championships as long as they don’t have the guidance of Andrade El Idolo in their corner, and I think that story is going to play out here after the Bucks retain here. I don’t what follows for The Young Bucks after but there is a New York show on the 22nd and a certain team from New York hasn’t gotten a title shot yet, Santana & Ortiz.
Winner: The Young Bucks
AEW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Christian Cage
This is not the match we all expected for this show. It should’ve been Kenny Omega defending his championship against “Hangman” Adam Page. Hangman was unable to appear at this show for a good reason, he’s on paternity leave, so enter Christian Cage. Christian was number one ranked after Hangman lost his opportunity when The Dark Order failed to defeat The Elite and Christian hasn’t lost a match since coming to AEW and coming back to wrestling for the first time in seven years after we first saw him come back to wrestling at WWE’s Royal Rumble event. The thing I don’t like is that these two have already faced once before, when Christian won the Impact World Championship from Kenny on the first ever episode of Rampage. I don’t like that they did that switch there because to me that made this match a foregone conclusion.
I would have had this match first and then after Christian couldn’t win the AEW World Championship that’s when you have Christian take the Impact World Championship. Now there’s no way of knowing if that was the plan down the line or if things changed because of Hangman not being on this show. Regardless of that I think these two do have good chemistry in the ring already and expect they will have another classic I just wish I hadn’t seen it once before already not to sound like a broken record. I don’t think there’s any way Christian wins here as Hangman has to be the one to take the AEW Title off of Kenny when the time is right, so Kenny retains here absolutely.
Winner: Kenny Omega
CM Punk vs. Darby Allin
This match is last because it is the real main event and absolutely should go on last. CM Punk is back, and this will be his first match back in over seven years, and he couldn’t have a better opponent in his first match back then Darby Allin. Darby has been on a huge roll as of late having matches on every show and winning them. As well as teaming with Moxley and Kingston recently which only sky rocketed his momentum going forward. Even before CM Punk made his debut in AEW, Darby was referencing “The Best In the World” and saying that he could beat whoever was put in front of him, and when CM Punk debuted he addressed Darby Allin on night one, and the match was on.
I have loved the promos between these two to get to this match, which Punk saying that if he was fifteen Darby would be his favorite wrestler, and Darby saying how when he was fifteen Punk was his favorite wrestler, and then he left. Also Darby acknowledging that Punk chose him as his first opponent back but he should have been his last because he’s going to do the impossible and end CM Punk in AEW before he even begins in his town of Chicago. All of that amazing and I’ve loved every second of it, I’m so hyped for this match not just because I’m a CM Punk super fan but because Darby and Punk are surely going to have one of the best matches in AEW history especially if reports are true of Punk not losing a step and looking as good as the day he left in recent training sessions.
Now onto who wins, I don’t think there’s in anyway at all that CM Punk loses this match not even because it’s in Chicago, it’s his first match back in seven years and there is absolutely no way he is going to lose it but Darby is going to put on a hell of a show for sure and make a believer out of anybody who doubts him but CM Punk will win his comeback match here.
Winner: CM Punk
Now I’d like to address the rumors of Bryan Danielson here, because I came up with (in my head) the best way for him to debut on this show. After CM Punk and Darby have the match we all hope it to be, during the celebration 2.0 and Daniel Garcia should come out with a beaten up Sting who mentioned he won’t be at ringside, and then they go to the ring to take out Darby and Punk who are all by themselves three-on-two here, and that’s when we here it. The Final Countdown by Europe blares throughout the arena, and Bryan Danielson appears on the stage and runs to the ring to help Punk and Darby clear the ring as the show goes off the air with a huge “Yes!” chant by Danielson and the crowd. This is how I would do the debut of Bryan Danielson but he could show up at any point of the show or not even at all I’m just fantasy booking here.
What are your thoughts on the card for AEW All Out 2021? Who do you think is going to win each match on the card? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.
Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC821
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