#MouthingOff with MikeJC: Dynamite Weekly, Wednesday July 21st #AEWDynamite: Fyter Fest Night 2 Ep.94 (@MikeJC821)

Welcome everyone to the latest edition of #MouthingOff (with MikeJC): Dynamite Weekly, the weekly review feature on AEW Dynamite here on SLTDWrestling.com. I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on all the highlights of the show as well as giving the “Remarkable Wrestler” of the week. So here are the highlights of the special Wednesday, July 21st edition of AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Night 2.

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Spears (Shawn Spears can use a chair and Chris Jericho cannot)

Dynamite kicks off with the first “Labor of Jericho” that Jericho must win in order to get his match with MJF, and it was a pretty good match all things considered. MJF would be on commentary for the match. Spears of course used the chair as much as possible, which had Jericho working from behind majority of the match. Every time Jericho would try to get control back Spears would use the chair to his advantage. Jericho would eventually get the upper hand and lock in the Walls of Jericho, but Tully Blanchard would distract the ref which was thwarted by Sammy Guevara, and Spears would tap while the ref was distracted, and would break the submission with the chair. He’d follow that up with a C-4 resulting in a near fall. Spears then tries it again this time with chair on top of Jericho but Jericho would fight it off and shoved Spears into a wedged chair in the corner then hit the Judas Effect for the pinfall victory.

Post match MJF would get on the mic an congratulate Jericho for winning but would criticize him for not being able to do it without Sammy Guevara’s help, and add the stipulation that nobody from Inner Circle can help with the three remaining matches or the deal is off. He says that the next “labor” will be a no DQ match against a man who has no problem breaking the rules. He continues by say this man once stabbed his opponent in the middle of a match and also once robbed a bank without wearing a mask, Jericho’s opponent is Nick Gage!

Chris Jericho did an interview later in the night to give his thoughts on this and said in order to match Nick Gage he has to bring the most dangerous version of Christ Jericho to AEW, Nick Gage will be facing The Painmaker.

Segment Rating: 5.5/10

This match was fine and went exactly how I expected. The inclusion of Nick Gage is something I didn’t see coming for sure and that should be very interesting especially if you seen what a Nick Gage match is normally like. I will actually get to see one in person this Saturday at GCW Homecoming where he takes on Matt Cardona. So that will be a very interesting match for sure. Is it believable that Jericho comes off as “intimidating” just because he painted his face and put on a hat? Absolutely not and of course we all know Jericho is winning all these so called “labors”, it’s a wait and see how they will one-up it each week at this point.

Doc Gallows vs. Frankie Kazarian

This match was exactly what I expected Kazarian came in like a house of fire but the numbers game would get in the way and became too much for him. Gallows would use this to his advantage and pick the victory thanks to a lot of help from Karl Anderson. The real story however is what happens after the match. After the bell Gallows and Anderson continue the beatdown and give Kazarian a Magic Killer. Which then brings out Kenny Omega and Don Callis. Kenny says that Kazarian has been a thorn in the side of The Elite, and struggles at first get out “The Elite Hunter has now become The Elite Hunted.”

This brings out “Hangman” Adam Page by himself with a beer in hand. Don Callis tells Page to slow down because there’s four of them and only one of him and he’d be making a mistake getting in the ring, but he does anyway. Callis asks if Page is stupid or just drunk? Page brings the fight and succumbs to the numbers game, The Dark Order would come out to make the save and Kenny Omega would bail out as soon as that happens. They leave Karl Anderson alone in the ring and he takes a sequence of moves, an Enzuigiri by John Silver, a Stunner by Alex Reynolds and a Buckshot Lariat by Page.

Segment Rating: 6/10

This rating is solely for the segment after the match, not that the match was bad at all it was what I expected just not the winner I expected, if not for the segment that followed I’d probably give it a 5 by itself. The segment that followed of course added to the Hangman/Kenny and I love everything about that, these segments tell the story more then a match every week and that’s fine and next week we’re getting the 5-on-5 match to set up the future of all these guys involved and I’ve never been this excited for a multi-man match like this before, it’s gonna be good.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Darby Allin

This was a really fun match, this is the second week in a row of Wheeler Yuta getting to showcase his ability and this kid is really good at what he does, and even in a loss again he proved it here. Yuta had a beautiful Bridging German Suplex and an Octopus Hold they fight into the corner and Darby hits a big top rope superplex.

In the middle of this match we get an exchange between Orange Cassidy and Sting, where Sting actually begins a lazy kick exchange with Cassidy and Sting closes it out by doing lazy beat to his chest it was amazing and only added to the match. What made that part even better, was Darby Allin reacting to this like Sting was embarrassing him which results in a near fall after a role up by Yuta. Darby kicks out and fires back up and eventually hits the Coffin Drop to secure the victory.

After the match The Blade would give Orange Cassidy another brass knuckles shot before their match later in the evening.

Segment Rating: 5.75/10

I loved this match, Yuta has so much potential and is a future star, I’ve said before I won’t be surprised if AEW signed him very soon and him being a big star in the future. This was a fun match and that’s all it needed to be, and I loved that commentary put over the toughness of Darby Allin having a match one week later after the Coffin Match last week.

AEW Women’s World Championship: Britt Baker (c) vs. Nyla Rose

This was a very good match with a lot of back and forth action throughout. Early on Nyla used her power to get the advantage but Britt had an answer for everything. Nyla hit a bunch of big moves like a DDT and Chokeslam but Britt always had an answer. Britt is super over with the crowd to the point where it’s almost impossible for her to come off as a heel. Britt tried a Lockjaw but Nyla fought out of it and hit a Death Valley Driver, and a huge Knee Drop on a draped Britt over the top rope for another near fall.

Britt eventually hits two straight curb stomps, and Nyla surprisingly kicks out, I didn’t agree with that at all, the curb stomp is a big move nobody should be kicking out of two of them no matter who you are. Rebel then distracts the ref and Britt tries to do a Lie, Cheat, and Steal moment but Nyla turns it around, and while Britt is arguing with the ref Nyla hits a Beast Bomb for another near fall. After the kick out Britt locks in the Lockjaw, and gets the submission victory.

Segment Rating: 6.5/10

I enjoyed this match but with that being said I’m done with Nyla Rose, she doesn’t need to challenge every single champion, it’s time for her to step aside. I feel like she’s been put in front of us at any chance and that’s annoying. Let her work Elevation and Dark for a few months like more then four. Britt gets the win as that’s not surprising at all but as mentioned I really hate the two curb stomps being kicked out of. That’s a bad look to me, most people don’t kick out of one, by anyone and Nyla isn’t doing anything special to make it okay for her to kick out of two, if you’re not going to finish the match with it then go for the Lockjaw immediately after the curb stomps. That just makes more sense to me, but regardless of that I’m happy Britt is moving on.

Andrade El Idolo’s Surprise/Death Triangle Respond

Andrade comes out to be interviewed by Tony Schiavone and he tells the crowd to be “tranquilo” and says he has a surprise for everyone and his associate whispers something to Tony to announce. He announces Andrade’s new “Executive Consultant”, Chavo Guerrero. Chavo plays up the moment being in Texas and all and says that there’s a lot of great talent in the back, but he doesn’t see anyone as talented as Andrade.

This brings out Death Triangle who are out to respond to Andrade looking for them last week. PAC said he heard Andrade speak their name last week and wants it known that Death Triangle hides from nobody. Andrade says he’s an Elite Superstar and Chavo explains that Penta and Fenix can be as good as Andrade if they work for him. PAC says that Death Triangle is a team and they don’t work for anyone.

Fenix says they are the faces of Lucha and Penta adds that Andrade isn’t even on their level. Death Triangle makes their way to the ring at this point and referees and security get in front of them as Andrade leaves the ring immediately.

Segment Rating: 6/10

I enjoyed this segment a lot, I think Chavo is a very good mouth piece for Andrade a lot better then Vickie. Chavo is prefect for this role. I hope that this is foreshadowing Death Triangle breaking up because they haven’t gotten to do enough as a group. This has been mentioned by others if Andrade must have a group of his own he should bring in some people from AAA or from LIJ members from New Japan or ROH’s LFI group. I’m very interested in seeing singles matches between Andrade and every single member of Death Triangle, those will be crazy good matches.

The Blade vs. Orange Cassidy

This match was way too long. The Blade came out and expected his hand to be raised because Cassidy didn’t come out at first but Cassidy came out and attacked The Blade from behind which started the match. They traded a bunch of signature moves and headed outside the ring and The Blade pulled Statlander in front of him. Blade accidently collides with The Bunny and they head back in the ring. Orange attempts the Beach Break a few times and this was his third attempt that he actually hits it and that was a near fall even though it should have been the finish. The Blade tries to use the brass knuckles again and misses twice and Orange hits an Orange Punch for the victory.

After the match he takes the brass knuckles from The Blade and uses them by connecting with another Orange Punch knocking out The Blade and keeping the brass knuckles by putting them in his pocket.

Segment Rating: 4.75/10

As I mentioned this match was way too long, and there was another false finish that should have ended the match. They spent the entire match setting up the Beach Break and when Cassidy finally hits it, that should be the end. He attempted it three times and finally hits it absolutely shouldn’t be a kick out. I’m also done with these two feuding and it just seems like Statlander will probably beat Bunny again before getting into the title picture because to me that’s who Britt should face next. What’s next for Orange Cassidy I have no idea but I’m done with him feuding with The Blade.

IWGP United States Championship Texas Death Match: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Lance Archer

This was a hell of a match. I’ll be honest I didn’t expect Moxley to lose but the more I thought about it, Lance Archer was losing a lot of title opportunities to the point where he really needed a big win and he got it here. I really like these Japan rules of a 10 count knock out or submission in this match because this didn’t hurt Moxley one bit taking the 10 count loss especially the way he lost this one. This was a fight this wasn’t a wrestling match and they continued to one up each other through out, fighting into the crowd Archer throwing a planted fan into Moxley.

There’s some great spots throughout these that only Moxley and Archer would probably attempt, one that makes you squint but you can’t look away at the same time is when Moxley sets up two chairs back to back and Archer turns it around chokeslams him on the tops of those chairs. I love that spot so much despite that it made me look away. Mox hits a Paradigm Shift expecting that to be the end, and in a defiant manner Archer gets up immediately at five like he just didn’t care and flipped off Moxley which pissed Moxley off and he used a fork stabbing Archer multiple times.

This prompts Moxley to go outside take out two barbed wire boards and put them on top of two tables and goes to hit a Paradigm Shift off the apron but Archer turns it around and hits a chokeslam on Moxley off the apron for the 10-count victory. Lance Archer is the new IWGP United States Champion. Hikuleo whose next in line for the championship enters the ring has a stare down with Archer to end the show.

Segment Rating: 6.75/10

I enjoyed this match a lot, Archer needed a big win and he finally got it, and I’m intrigued by his match with Hikuleo and how Hikuleo will do on that stage. Moxley is not hurt by taking the 10-count loss as they can explain it away that he was stuck in the barbed wire and it doesn’t hurt him because he wasn’t pinned. I’m curious what’s next for Moxley here but I do still think Moxley and Kingston deserve a tag tile run. We’ll see what’s next for him.

Remarkable Wrestler of the Week

For this episode of AEW Dynamite, the Remarkable Wrestler of the week is, Lance Archer.

Lance Archer gets the RWOW this week because of his great performance in the main event. He needed a big win and he had a great performance here to go along with it.


This was a very good episode of AEW Dynamite, these specials have been great and we get another next week, for this episode of AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Night 2, I give it a 5.9 out of 10. Of the things not rated there was a promo by Christian to set up a six man tag between him, Jurassic Express and HFO next week. Brian Cage talked about Team Taz’s celebration next week and that he’ll probably stop by. They continue have great storytelling on their shows and I look forward to what they do every week. It’s gonna keep getting good and next week and is sure to be another one.

What are your thoughts on this special AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Night 2? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.

Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC821

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