#MouthingOff with MikeJC: Dynamite Weekly. Wednesday May 5th #AEWDynamite: Blood and Guts Ep.83 (@MikeJC821)

Welcome, everyone to the latest edition of #MouthingOff (with MikeJC): Dynamite Weekly, the weekly review feature on AEW Dynamite here on SLTDWrestling.com. I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on all the highlights of the show as well as giving the “Remarkable Wrestler” of the week. So here are the highlights of the Wednesday, May 5th edition of AEW Dynamite: Blood and Guts.

Kenny Omega & MT Nakazawa vs. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston

If you were expecting anything special here, you were very disappointed, but if you were expecting Nakazawa to be in the match the majority of the time and Kenny Omega to only take cheap shots and distract the ref, then you got exactly what you expected. There’s not a lot to this match really. I probably would have started this show with the four-way tag match. Don Callis did his usually talking up Omega promo comparing him to the best wrestlers in Japan, then claimed that Omega wasn’t here even though everyone knew he was. Omega used that to come in through the crowd and attack both Moxley and Kingston with the World title. After Mox and Kingston got back in control and Omega didn’t really help Nakazawa in fact he walked out on the match, Mox and Kingston hit a Lariat/German Suplex combination for the pinfall victory.

After the match the Young Bucks came out on the stage causing a distracting giving The Good Brothers the opportunity to attack from behind, and then all of The Elite members would beat them up and nobody would come out to help so they would leave Moxley and Kingston laying and pose for the camera.

Also later in the night Moxley had an amazing promo directed towards his opponent for the IWGP United States Championship, Yuji Nagata, it was the best promo of the night, hands down.

Also as well later, they announced, that Omega’s next championship challenger will be determined next, Number 1 ranked PAC versus Number 2 ranked Orange Cassidy. Omega was slighting Cassidy and saying they might as well give it to PAC which to me implies Cassidy is probably winning. Omega also took Cassidy’s shades and put them on Nakazawa because he said Cassidy took that gimmick from him.

Segment Rating: 5/10

I felt like this match was kind of unnecessary but it was fine. It was exactly what I expected. Omega didn’t do much at all, I’m surprised he even put his gear on. I think it’s clear where this is going, at Double or Nothing it will be Moxley and Kingston versus The Young Bucks, they haven’t won a lot of tag matches so I don’t know if it will be for the titles but I’m sure they will find a work around for that one.

Cody Rhodes vs. QT Marshall

This was a fine wrestling match, the problem, I still don’t care about QT Marshall and this match didn’t help to make me care about him. They had a very good old school wrestling match but Cody winning means that it doesn’t matter. The whole point was to make me care about QT Marshall and that didn’t happen. What this should have been from day one was Comoroto or Ogogo in this spot and maybe I would’ve cared a little more because that’s the talent that matters. They shocked the crowd with a Cross Rhodes kick out but and they tried to make it seem like Cody was showing remorse helping QT up towards the end only to slap on the figure four leg lock for the win.

After the match Anthony Ogogo came out and punched Cody in the gut, and draped a UK flag over a laid out Cody so that match will probably be next and it will be the test of whether Ogogo is ready or not.

Also they announced that Cody will have an announcement regarding Double or Nothing next week.

Segment Rating: 5.5/10

My rating is for the match itself, because it was very good, but it’s time for the young guys to get the time to shine. It’s time for QT to be a manager to those guys he’s building. That’s where this should’ve went from the beginning.

Britt Baker in Action

There’s nothing to talk about here, Britt beat a local jobber very quickly with the Lock Jaw. They announced that Britt is getting her opportunity at the women’s championship and I can’t wait because she absolutely deserves it and I can’t wait.

Segment Rating: 5/10

This match did what it was supposed to get Britt another win to further her momentum to her eventual title win because we all know it’s gonna happen.

Four Way Tag Team Eliminator Match: SCU vs. Varsity Blonds vs. Jurassic Express vs. The Acclaimed

I didn’t need this match. I mentioned last week they telegraphed the win by doing the SCU promo last week, and I didn’t need that promo if they were just gonna have this match for no reason, they should have had this match first and then had that SCU promo towards the Young Bucks. I’ve seen a lot of that in AEW and that would be something I need them to fix big time. I’m not saying everything shouldn’t be predictable because as well all know if its good when its predictable, then predictable is okay. Everyone got some great spots in and a lot of great near falls, but there was no doubt who was winning this match. SCU won with the Best Meltzer Ever, which nobody was surprised by at all. So next week its SCU versus The Young Bucks and I can’t wait.

Segment Rating: 5.75/10

Everyone in this match looked good and just like the majority of the matches tonight that weren’t the main event, a lot of this was unnecessary but was very good. All four of these teams are great and all of this is leading to the inevitability of SCU breaking up and Daniels not working as often. What does that mean for Kazarian? Nobody knows yet but all these other teams have bright futures and I’m excited for what they all do in the future.

Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky Make a Statement/Miro Speaks

Alex Marvez was interviewing Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page, and Scorpio seemed to targeting Sting while Page seemed to be targeting Darby. Sky called Sting, Showtime Steve and called him a bitch. Ethan Page talks about the history between the two in other companies and how the reason Darby wears face paint is to cover a scar he received against him. This was eventually interrupted by Darby who attacks both guys by himself. Eventually the numbers were too much for Darby and they end up throwing Darby down a flight of cement stairs. They admire their work and the medical team checks Darby and help him up in the picture in picture break.

Before the main event Tony Schiavone interviewed Miro, and he speaks about how he made a promise that all the champions in AEW will have to deal with him very soon because he’s not playing games anymore. He has a contract and it states next week he will be challenging Darby Allin for the TNT Championship next week, and Miro has the best line to close it out, “What happens when the man who doesn’t mind dying meets the man who doesn’t mind killing him?”, I absolutely love this line and sold me on Miro being the won to take the belt off of Darby.

Segment Rating: 6/10

I loved both of these segments and I put them together because they are both about Darby and the TNT Championship, now my concern is something will happen next week in Miro versus Darby because of Ethan and Scorpio, to set up something else for Double or Nothing. Either way I’m excited to see what’s next for everyone involved.

Blood and Guts Match The Pinnacle (MJF, FTR, Shawn Spears, & Wardlow) vs. Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Santana & Ortiz, Sammy Guevara, & Jake Hager)

This match is so freaking good. Now there’s a few things I didn’t like that keep it from being perfect. The camera work was shotty in certain areas, the commercial breaks hurt this match a lot, spots that should have had more of a focus happened during commercials and hurt those spots, and I didn’t love the ending at all but I will get into that. The things that I loved, everything else, I felt the pacing was great, everyone had great opportunities to showcase themselves in their own way, Sammy Guevara was the star of the match and made me very excited for him. The Pinnacle all wore white to over emphasis the blood because we knew everyone was getting busted open especially on that team. I loved Spears and Guevara having an exchange on the top rope of both rings, and that exchange ending with a Spanish Fly. I loved the spot where I believe it was Ortiz, who was slammed into the cage and fell between the cage and the ring, I absolutely loved that. I loved FTR trying the piledrivers on Santana & Ortiz on the exposed wood of the ring only for it to be turned around and Guevara assisting on the double spike piledriver, it was such a nice spot. Guevara hitting a coast to coast of on an upside down Shawn spears with a chair was great as well. There’s so much good in this match. Also there’s so many good visuals in this match, MJF’s facial expressions throughout and the blood all over his face while he did it is all amazing and will be used as promotional material for years to come.

Now for the ending, I felt it was kind of flat. MJF escapes the cage thanks to Tully Blanchard helping get the door open, you might have missed this because it happens during a commercial, so that was annoying, MJF does the stupid heel thing of climbing up to escape and doesn’t think Jericho will follow, but off course he does. They have an exchange up there trading submissions, Jericho had the Walls of Jericho locked in, but MJF doesn’t tap, then MJF gets out of it by hitting a low blow. Then he immediately locks in his Armbar submission, and has it in for a while, then MJF works the hand and arm and stomps on it on the cage and locks it in again, but Jericho won’t submit. So then MJF threatens to throw Jericho off the cage, and yells at the other Inner Circle members that if they don’t surrender he’ll do it, So Sammy Guevara does surrender and the match is over. Then MJF does the heel thing and throws Jericho off anyway, and AEW did a pretty bad job of disguising the crash pad which was clearly cushioned. I’m not asking for anyone to get hurt at all but they need to do a better job of disguising these things and not make it look like a cushioned fall. The apparatus they used was clearly a gimmicked thing that you knew someone was going to fall on since it’s not there normally since it was in a very distinct location. Also I don’t like the “Surrender or I’ll do it” trope and then the heel does it anyway. I get it’s a heel magnet deal and it furthers the story of how much of a dick MJF is but I just don’t felt like this was good finish all around but the visual of MJF to close the show did it’s job.

Segment Rating: 8.75/10

This could have been a 10 out of 10 for me, but the negatives were too obvious not to notice and to write off, but it’s still an amazing match as a whole and I had a good time watching it regardless of those lows. Jericho clearly will be taking some time away to sell his injuries, I don’t want to see him for at least a month, he’s not Jon Moxley who also should have taken time off for the Exploding Barbed Wire Match but didn’t. I don’t know if things between Inner Circle and The Pinnacle is over, I’d love to see a future number one contenders match between FTR and Santana & Ortiz, I’d love to see a straight up singles match between Shawn Spears and Sammy Guevara, there more meat on the bone there, even though this should be a feud ending match, but it doesn’t have to be. I mentioned that Sammy Guevara was the star of this match and I’d love a legit singles push for him in the near future because of it. Only good things can happen from here for him. I’m curious where everyone goes from here.

Remarkable Wrestler of the Week

For this episode of AEW Dyanmite: Blood and Guts, the Remarkable Wrestler of the Week is MJF.

It couldn’t possibly be anyone else, MJF made it official that he is a main stay in AEW and has the brightest future of probably anyone on the entire roster, his potential has no bounds, he’s a future World Champion as soon as the end of this year or early next and there’s no doubt after his performance in this match.


This was a great show that kind of built to the ultimate climax, I mentioned and stand by for the most part every match that wasn’t the main event really didn’t matter or need to happen but they needed to fill time with something to get to the main event. I have a feeling this will be the highest rated episode of Dynamite ever, if you care about that kind of thing, I don’t but it will be a talking factor for most people. Overall, I give this episode of AEW Dynamite: Blood and Guts, a 6 out of 10. This is very much a one match show but there was some great promos and setup for future things amongst the pointlessness of the matches that were not the main event.

What are your thoughts on AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.

Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC82

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