Welcome everyone to the latest edition of #MouthingOff (with MikeJC): Dynamite Weekly, the weekly review feature on AEW Dynamite here on SLTDWrestling.com. I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on all the highlights of the show as well as giving the “Remarkable Wrestler” of the week. So here are the highlights of the Wednesday, November 10th edition of AEW Dynamite.
Bryan Danielson vs. Rocky Romero
Dynamite kicks off with a great match, also it was revealed that Kazuchika Okada (yes that one) has given the okay to make Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, Wheeler Yuta, and Kris Statlander the newest members of Chaos. That’s awesome for the relationship between AEW and New Japan because just mentioning Okada’s name at all gives hope for him to appear on an AEW show or two (or three) in the near future and that needs to happen soon.
As for this match, there’s so much to love here, the history acknowledged between both guys by commentary, the trading of technical transitions and submissions was amazing, the striking by Bryan, just a great match. Bryan has one of the best bridging German suplexes in all of wrestling which Romero kicked out of and Bryan went for a back superplex but Romero countered it mid air with a body press, after Bryan kicked out Romero transitioned into a triangle choke which Bryan would escape out of with a powerbomb counter. Bryan would then attempt a bunch of different submission holds that Rocky would fight out of but not when Bryan locked in a tequila sunrise for the submission victory.
Segment Rating: 6.5/10
At this moment there’s no such thing as a bad match in AEW with Bryan Danielson’s name attached he’s had eight matches total and they have all be great to amazing, literally all of them, and nobody should be surprised at all. Bryan Danielson is a wrestler and he’s now in a wrestling company with 0 restrictions that is a top of his game Bryan Danielson. Rocky Romero being the connection to New Japan here is very good for wrestling as a whole and as mentioned earlier it’s only inevitable at this point that more big stars come to AEW like KENTA and Minoru Suzuki have previously.
Inner Circle Get Destroyed Again
Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview the Inner Circle, that ended up being a waste of time for Tony Schiavone to be the ring because American Top Team and Men of the Year would attack Inner Circle during their entrance. They beat down the Inner Circle with weapons and toss them into the steel steps and the barricade, and then bring Chris Jericho into the ring.
Men of the year set up a table in the corner and lift Jericho up to Dan Lambert on the middle rope for a super powerbomb through the table, which wasn’t horrible at all with help from Men of the Year of course. Scorpio Sky then gets on the mic and mocks Jim Ross by saying “Bah God he was broken in half!” and continues by saying this is only a taste of what we will see at Full Gear. Ethan Page then takes the mic and says they’re not only going to make sure they win but they are going to make sure Dan Lambert pins Chris Jericho at Full Gear, but tonight Dan Lambert is going to make Jericho tap out, and Lambert proceeds to lock in the Walls of Jericho on Chris Jericho, and Scorpio would grab Jericho’s hand and make like Jericho was tapping.
Segment Rating: 5.75/10
This is the first time I didn’t hate an American Top Team segment that didn’t follow a match, the talking was over at this point they did all the talking leading to the match on Saturday already, this was what it needed to be. They set up for the ending we all expect at the pay-per-view, Jericho making Dan Lambert tap out, and hopefully saying goodbye to Lambert forever in AEW.
Trios Match: Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and Rebel vs. Tay Conti, Anna Jay, and Thunder Rosa
First thing right off the bat, I love babyfaces having matching gear, it’s a nice little touch that doesn’t go unnoticed by people like me. Okay now the match, AEW needs to fix this referee problem in multi-person matches. There was a particular moment in this match that I didn’t miss and boy is it a bad one, Rebel and Anna Jay are legal and Jamie Hayter attacks Anna, right in front of the referee, the ref then tells Hayter to stop but while he is doing that Thunder Rosa and Tay Conti try to come in to stop it, so remember the ref saw it and instead of fully stopping his turns his attention to the babyfaces to tell them to get out of the ring, giving the heels Hayter and Britt Baker, the opportunity to attack Anna Jay further. This is egregious and commentary tried to save this somewhat by saying the thing they always say, “the official is losing control of this one.” This needs to stop.
The match as a whole is not a bad at all, Thunder Rosa is really good and she continues to show that, every single time she enters a ring, Hayter at it hard on a diving crossbody by Rosa. Tay Conti gets the win with a DDT on Rebel and Britt such a heel champion walked out on breaking the pin because she doesn’t care about this trios match, what matters is the title match on Saturday and she will show out there.
Segment Rating: 5/10
Every single one of the wrestlers in this match are great, Rebel isn’t a wrestler so not really speaking on her here. I love Britt not caring about this match because she doesn’t need to the title is what matters. I love Tay Conti getting the win to get to her title opportunity at the pay-per-view and its really cool seeing her getting this spot when she didn’t get literally anything in the other place. Also as mentioned the ref stuff, fix that AEW.
Jungle Boy vs. Anthony Bowens
This was another great match, and both of these guys are so freaking good at wrestling which is what I want to see on a wrestling show. Anthony Bowens needs to have more singles matches on Dynamite, I know he has a lot of them on Dark and Elevation but not as many people watch and see how good he truly is. We all know how good Jungle Boy is, and he seems to have good chemistry with everyone he enters the ring.
Max Caster spent most of the match trying to cause distractions and give Bowens an advantage. The finish saw Jungle Boy fight out of a Uranage into such a smooth arm drag transition right into the Snare Trap. Max Caster tries to reach in to help Bowens get to the ropes as Jungle Boy looks at Caster and flipped him off while he has the submission locked in on Bowens as Bowens taps out.
After the match Bobby Fish runs in and attacks Jungle Boy, and Christian & Luchasaurus ran out to make the save. After this match the Superkliq are talking and Adam Cole introduces Bobby Fish to the Young Bucks. The Bucks seem like they don’t care to be friends with Fish but they say they know him and tell him to know his place basically.
Segment Rating: 6/10
I loved this match, I love that Cole and Fish still have a relationship based on the last four years of their career and AEW acknowledging that, it was the right thing to do. They announced Jungle Boy versus Bobby Fish for Rampage on Friday to help “soften up” Jungle Boy for the Superkliq on Saturday. Also as mentioned, more Bowens singles matches on Dynamite please.
Wardlow vs. Wheeler Yuta
Wheeler Yuta is one of the best sellers in wrestling. This match was what you would expect from a Wardlow match against someone who hasn’t won a lot. Yuta started the match with a bunch of dropkicks and strikes that really aren’t affecting Wardlow, then Yuta goes for a springboard move in the corner and he stumbles, I couldn’t tell if that was meant to happen for added affect or if Yuta really slipped but either way it helped tell the story of the match. Wardlow hits Yuta hard and then hits a side slam and follows that up with four consecutive powerbombs which looked really good.
After the match while Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor are checking on Yuta, they are attacked by Isiah Kassidy and The Blade. Matt Hardy who happened to be sitting at ringside all night, go to his twitter and watch the videos he put up all night while watching the show. Matt Hardy would get in the ring and wrap a chair around the neck of Orange Cassidy and hit a twist of hate (which I believe is specifically a twist of fate with the chair wrapped around the head). It was later announced that Orange Cassidy will face Matt Hardy this Friday on Rampage in a lumberjack match.
Segment Rating: 5.25/10
So this was great win for Wardlow he’s needed something like this for a long time as he hasn’t really had singles matches on Dynamite in a while and I just don’t have the time to watch Dark and Elevation to see his matches. As for Orange Cassidy and Matt Hardy, I am so over this feud, this lumberjack match on Friday needs to be the end of this. I don’t even care who wins, even though Orange should win.
Lio Rush & Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal & Lee Moriarty
I was not prepared for the level of good this match would be, Dante Martin and Lee Moriarty are stars in the making and they are both so freaking good. Dante is a high flying machine and Moriarty is one of the best young technical wrestlers I’ve seen he is off the charts good. Those two had a great exchange of mat wrestling and to say that about a Dante Martin match says a lot because for the whole time Dante has been in AEW it’s been “He’s so athletic”, this proved he can do it all. Lio Rush and Matt Sydal pick up the pace and the match never slows down.
Lio Rush is amazing and always has been his problem in the past has always been his attitude but I believe that he has worked to change that. My one and only gripe with this match is, Rush hit a twisting killswitch and I don’t think anyone should kick out of that match, that’s a finisher, that’s not a move that we see all that often so it should be special. This was followed up by Moriarty hitting a Belly-to-Belly superplex on Dante followed by an uppercut for another near fall, amazing stuff. The finish sees Martin finish Moriarty with a moonsault for a pinfall in a crazy good match.
Segment Rating: 7/10

This match…I can’t even express how it made me feel. This was Lio Rush’s debut match in AEW and wow what a match to debut in, Moriarty and Martin are amazing, Sydal is such a good a worker that definitely was the guy in this match that needed to be there to make it work, it was all so great. Dante’s brother Darius is due back soon so I wanna see a story play out between him, Dante and Lio its gotta happen.
PAC vs. Dax Harwood
So that last match was great right? This match…freaking amazing. So forever, Dax Harwood has been a tag team specialist, we all knew how good he was but this was not counting tag matches of course his best match ever. I can’t even put into words the amount of awe I was feeling during and after this match, I can’t even put into words.
The transitions, the striking, the brainbusters, a freaking brainbuster superplex which look gnarly in a great way. I talked earlier about Bryan Danielson’s German suplex PAC hit a great one in this match and I’m a sucker for a great looking suplex of the German variety. This is one of my favorite matches this year hands down, it’s up there with Danielson versus Omega from Grand Slam which is easily my favorite match this year and not just because I was there.
Harwood hit a sick looking Rebound Liger Bomb with a beautiful stacked up pin for a near fall, man that could have been the end. Harwood would hit a bunch of strikes but PAC would catch him into a backslide and transition into the Brutalizer for an immediate tap out victory as commentary explained, Hardwood taped early to save his shoulder from getting further hurt before his title match at Full Gear which makes total sense being that he’s regularly a tag team wrestler. I love that logic.
After the match Cash Wheeler would come out to attack PAC and the lights would go out, and when they come back on Andrade El Idolo and Malakai Black for a four on one attack of PAC. The Lucha Bros would run out to help their Death Triangle teammate and Cody Rhodes would come in through the crowd (for some reason), to clear the ring. It was announced later that official for Full Gear it will be Cody Rhodes and PAC versus Andrade El Idolo and Malakai Black.
Segment Rating: 8.5/10
There’s not much more I need to say about this match I absolutely loved it and It’s is absolutely worth a watch and re-watch. I love everything about this match, as for the post match stuff, I was confused about why Cody came in through the crowd considering he’s always in the Go Position, that was just strange to me. That tag match at the pay-per-view should be interesting for sure, and surely a great match.
Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page AEW World Championship Contract Signing
Tony Schiavone is hosting the signing like usual, and we are shown The Elite and The Dark Order leaving the building because they have been banned from the contract signing. Hangman goes to sign first and gets on the mic and says he doesn’t really know what else there is to say, and the sooner he signs the sooner he gets to whip Kenny’s ass at Full Gear. Omega goes to sign next but stops and says he wishes he could share in the excitement of Page and the fans but he’s actually sad. He says they were family at one point and everything in AEW was for Page, but The Elite always had to be there to pick Page back up when he was down, because of Page’s insecurities over his failures. Kenny says he always saw a piece of him in Page but not anymore now Page is just a disappointment.
Page recalls that Kenny once had a tag partner who he once had insecurities over (talking about Kota Ibushi) and after everything Kenny may have surpassed his previous partner. Page says that Kenny was always afraid to face him and Kenny being there to lift him up was and keep him from failing, because he knew he would become what Kenny became.
Omega says he cared about Page and just wanted to make sure that Page reached his full potential and offers a hand shake which Page gives him. Omega says he’s proud of Page in a mocking manner and then a camera man hits Page in the back of the head with a camera, it’s Don Callis in disguise and Omega signs the contract with Page’s blood and yells at the camera to end the show.
Segment Rating: 6.75/10
This is the culmination of a nearly three year long story at Full Gear. Page was the chosen one, and when he failed and reach his all time low his friends (The Elite) abandoned him and made him out to be the bad guy, and made him not believe in himself, even when Kenny and him were tag champs together they made it seem like that was because of Kenny and now Page has a new set of friends finally at the penultimate part of the story he’s ready to beat Omega, he’s ready to be the number one guy in the company and he’s ready to fully put The Elite behind him and be the champion he was meant to be in 2019. I can’t wait for this match, I can’t wait to see how this match ends, and this promo was so old school and good, it was what it needed to be, this match is going to be amazing and an even better ending to such a great story.
Remarkable Wrestler of the Week
For this episode of AEW Dynamite, the Remarkable Wrestlers of the week are PAC and Dax Harwood.
This match was so freaking good that I couldn’t give the RWOW to just the winner. It told a story throughout the match, it was a masterpiece of a singles match that Dax never got to have before, I can’t express enough how much I love this match and that’s why both PAC and Dax Harwood get the RWOW this week.
This was a stellar episode of AEW Dynamite, great wrestling, great promos, great segments in between, overall I give this episode of Dynamite a 6.3 out 10. There was also a great backstage pull apart between CM Punk and Eddie Kingston, which seemed very personal and I loved, and another great pre-recorded promo by Miro talking about his match with Danielson at the pay-per-view, which are always great. Also another great promo video for Ruby Soho versus Kris Statlander in round two of the TBS Title tournament, super excited about that match as well. I hope everyone enjoyed this episode of Dynamite as much as I did and I hope you also enjoy Full Gear this weekend as much as I know we will. Look out for predictions for that show by me and @kwkorner ahead of that show.
What are your thoughts on this special AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.
Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC821
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