#MouthingOff with MikeJC: Dynamite Weekly, Wednesday November 3rd #AEWDynamite Ep.109 (@MikeJC821)

Welcome everyone to the latest edition of #MouthingOff (with MikeJC): Dynamite Weekly, the weekly review feature on AEW Dynamite here on SLTDWrestling.com. I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on all the highlights of the show as well as giving the “Remarkable Wrestler” of the week. So here are the highlights of the Wednesday, November 3rd edition of AEW Dynamite.

Kenny Omega vs. Alan “V” Angels

AEW opened with another classic match between these two. 552 days ago near the very beginning of the pandemic we’ve all lived through since last March these two faced, and had a hell of a match when not a single person knew who Alan Angels was, he proved himself in that match, he earned his place in that match, and AEW acknowledging that history and letting us know that he “had Kenny’s number before” is the kind of story telling that belongs in wrestling, because we all saw that match and its great when a wrestling company acknowledges the history between two talents.

Once again these two had a great match and once again the result was never in question but it did something else that people probably saw coming and that was further solidify the status of Alan “V” Angels as a future star. Their first match got Angels a job and got him a spot in Dark Order, this further proved how good he is. Kenny would get the victory when he would hit three straight V-Trigger knees to the back of the head after getting frustrated from Angels kicking out of one.

After the match, Kenny went to give Angels a One Winged Angel on a chair but “Hangman” Adam Page would make the save and Kenny would run out of the ring leaving the title. Page would get on the mic and tell Kenny he forgot the belt but he’ll leave it here for him because he’s gonna win it in ten days at Full Gear.

Segment Rating: 5.75/10

This was another great match between these two and I look forward to what Angels does in the future. Omega and Page is gonna be great and I can’t wait to see that as well.

CM Punk Has Some Words For Eddie Kingston

CM Punk comes out and he’s not in the happy mood he’s been in since day one in AEW. He says he has something to say and it has to do with two people who are not here today and one of them is for a very legitimate reason. He tells the fans not to chant his name because they should be chanting for Jon Moxley because it takes a big man to realize when they need help and he gives Moxley props for doing so and mentions to the fans that if anyone ever needs help for anything that they should say something, and he mentions how he wishes he had gotten help when he needed to and taken that time away from wrestling.

The second person that isn’t here today is Eddie Kingston, he mentions how Kingston interrupted him last week and he doesn’t like to get interrupted and he doesn’t know if Eddie has some past issue with him or what but it didn’t need to get the way it did last week. Fans chant Full Gear, and Punk says Full Gear would be great but he’s thinking this Friday in St. Louis. He says he wanted to take Moxley’s spot in the tournament but he’ll settle for beating up Kingston instead.

Segment Rating: 5.5/10

I liked this promo because Punk is finally getting past the honeymoon stage of his return and getting serious and that’s good for his character. The nostalgia factor of him being back is wearing off and it was going to eventually that’s fine, he’s still CM Punk and he’s going to get in the title picture eventually, now is just not the right time. It was later announced that it will be a face to face on Rampage so it appears they probably are saving the match for Full Gear.

Jurassic Express and Christian Cage Get Revenge On The Super Kliq

The Super Kliq is being interviewed about what’s next for them when Christian Cage appears and then Luchasaurus they make like they are gonna walk away and then they attack and then fight out to the stage and they make like they are going to the powerbomb Christian when Jungle Boy makes the save. The brawl continues and Christian goes to give Nick a Killswitch but Matt hits a superkick (if I got that reversed it honestly doesn’t matter.) Adam Cole gets locked in the Snare Trap and passes out to the hold. Christian would later hit a spear and then get two chairs and give Adam Cole a one person con-chair-toe, leaving him lifeless.

Segment Rating: 5.25/10

I thought this was good revenge segment for Christian and Jurassic Express, I don’t what this leads to since we’ve seen this trios match and I don’t need a rematch, maybe Christian versus Cole and another Bucks versus Jurassic Express match respectfully but I guess we’ll see how it plays out.

AAA Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs. Samuray del Sol & Aerostar

This was the debut of Samuray and Aerostar in AEW, getting this title opportunity for the AAA Titles against one of the best tag teams in the world. This was a very fun match, which isn’t surprising we know that FTR can have good matches with Samuray considering their history in another company, so it’s not surprising they also were able to work well with Aerostar, someone they never faced before.

This match is worth the watch a lot of great back and forth action, high flying by the luchadors, the cut off the ring offense by FTR. Always meshes well and always makes both teams whoever FTR is facing look good. This match was very competitive, and back and forth, the finish saw Dax hit a brainbuster on the outside on del Sol on the floor and then when Aerostar thought he had the win with a roll up and Cash reversed and used the ropes for leverage to retain the titles.

Segment Rating: 6.25/10

I loved this match and it is definitely worth watching if you missed it. FTR won as expected to gain momentum to there eventual AEW Tag Team Title match with Lucha Bros. at Full Gear and there will be more to talk about between those two teams later in the night.

TBS Championship Tournament Round One: Anna Jay vs. Jamie Hayter

This was a fine match that unfortunately took place mostly during the commercial break, which is fine but I guess its AEW’s way of saying “hey make sure you watch that picture in picture stuff”. I thought these two meshed well in the ring and Anna Jay did a great job of adapting in the ring with Hayter who has more of a powerhouse style compared to Anna. The finish saw Britt Baker and Rebel get involved by choking Anna on the ropes, Hayter hit a big lariat following the interference to secure her victory to face Thunder Rosa in the next round.

After the match, they continue the attack on Anna, Tay Conti would come out to make the save, and she is followed by Thunder Rosa to even it out and run off the heels.

Segment Rating: 5/10

There’s not much more that needs to be said here, it’s not surprising at all that Hayter won here with Britt getting involved and Anna’s friend Tay challenging Britt at the pay-per-view. Hayter versus Rosa will be a good match surely.

MJF and Darby Trade Words and Fight

MJF comes out to address Darby who is in the crowd, he says he wonders why fans cheer for Darby but boo him, he says Darby is mentally weak just like the fans. He mentions that on the off chance that Darby doesn’t charge the ring like an animal and attack him with his skateboard tonight, he’s still a better wrestler then Darby.

MJF says that he could beat Darby with something as simple as a headlock takeover because he’s that good of a wrestler compared to Darby. Darby cuts him off and says he’s not going to attack MJF with his skateboard because they are going to have a wrestling match at Full Gear, and that will happen because he’s going to take his anger out tonight, MJF goes to leave but Sting comes out with a crew of guys in Sting masks that make MJF go back to the ring, Wardlow and Shawn Spears would come out to brawl with Sting and the guys in masks to the back and MJF backs off to the side of the crowd where Darby is waiting.

MJF would hop the barricade and brawl with Darby in the crowd, MJF is now leaning on the barricade and Darby would back up and hit a running clothesline over the barricade back to ring side and they fight into the ring and Darby sets up for the Coffin Drop but MJF would bail up the ramp to end the segment.

Segment Rating: 6/10

This was another great MJF promo, getting under Darby’s skin, and getting Darby to prove MJF’s point that he couldn’t help losing his temper and trying to fight MJF before the match takes place. Sting coming out with a bunch of masked guys just to get Darby to beat up MJF, not really needed but I guess that was fine. I can’t wait to see this match.

Andrade El Idolo vs. Cody Rhodes

This match was freaking awesome. Cody and Andrade had such great chemistry in the ring, the storyline wrinkle of Malakai Black not being allowed at ringside, and Malakai doing a promo before this was amazing. Andrade is so freaking good, and Cody playing this character who is slowly teetering on the edge is great. Him getting beat up by numerous people week after week no matter who it is, is a good way to get him to that point of being sick of playing nice and him finally reaching the breaking point.

FTR getting involved was great because Andrade got them the AAA Title match, so this helped on more then one level and I loved it, because it made sense. Andrade got the win after hitting the Hammerlock DDT to secure Andrade’s victory. After the match FTR held Cody up and Andrade hit a running kick to the face. Arn would enter the ring and square up to Tully, but Lucha Bros. would come out and slide into the ring which scatters the heels but the Lucha Bros. would hit big dives on FTR and Andrade to end the segment.

Segment Rating: 6.75/10

I love everything about this, I’m very curious about where all of this are going. I love the payoff between FTR and Andrade, I love the Cody slowly slipping into insanity stuff, it’s gonna be good when he finally officially turns and it needs to happen soon. Where does this stuff with Andrade and Malakai go, we’ll see what happens, I’m very curious and want to see what this all means for Cody especially.

AEW World Title Eliminator Semifinal: Orange Cassidy vs. Miro

So as mentioned earlier Moxley is taking time away so a replacement was needed in the tournament to face Orange Cassidy in this match, and the selection became Miro. This was another great match. Miro is so good, a lot of great back and forth action in this one, Orange Cassidy is so good with anyone he steps in the ring with and I love when he flips that switch and turns it on in the ring because that is him proving that he’s not just a sloth gimmick he’s a wrestler who can adapt to anyone he enters the ring with.

Miro used his power throughout, and mid match Orange tried to win by count out by hitting a big crossbody to the outside but Miro would make it back in right before being counted out. Orange would follow that up by hitting the Beach Break where it looked to be over but Miro would kick out again. Cassidy then goes for the Orange Punch but Miro side steps it and hits a big kick then locks in the Game Over for the immediate tap out victory.

After the match Bryan Danielson who was on commentary for the match, would enter the ring and have a stare down with his Full Gear opponent, Miro, to end the show.

Segment Rating: 6.5/10

Miro being the replacement for Moxley is very good as I’m super excited to see this Miro versus this Bryan Danielson. In my research they have only had one singles match against each other in 2018 and I hope they kill it at Full Gear. Orange Cassidy is at a cross roads right now he’s always big matches but he doesn’t seem to win them, his time with a title will come eventually because as mentioned he’s more then a sloth gimmick. Cassidy will be TNT Champion one day surely.

Remarkable Wrestler of the Week

For this episode of AEW Dynamite, the Remarkable Wrestler of the week is Alan “V” Angels.

Alan Angels gets the RWOW this week because even in a loss he proved how good he is like he did the last time he faced Kenny Omega, and I think he’s going to be a future star.


This was a pretty solid show with a lot more talking segments then I’d like but the wrestling was really good. Overall I give this episode of Dynamite a 5.9 out of 10. Among the things that didn’t get a rating, there was a very long, very unnecessary segment between Inner Circle and American Top Team, with boring sexual jokes and Inner Circle picking their opponents which as expected they picked Junior Dos Santos, Andrei Arlovski and Dan Lambert, so we know how that’s going, Dan Lambert will tap out to the Walls of Jericho and end this hopefully forever. Also just an added note, I hate Jake Hager as a whole, he’s no longer needed at all. There was a Jade promo, a Statlander versus Soho promo, a John Silver promo hyping a singles match with Adam Cole for Rampage, a segment setting up a tag match between Matt Sydal & Lee Moriarty versus Dante Martin & Lio Rush, and lastly a very bad promo between Nyla Rose and Hikaru Shida. We’ll see what happens next week to get us to Full Gear.

What are your thoughts on this special AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.

Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC821

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