#MouthingOff with MikeJC: Dynamite Weekly, Wednesday October 6th #AEWDynamite: Dynamite 2 Year Anniversary Ep.105 (@MikeJC821)

Welcome everyone to the latest edition of #MouthingOff (with MikeJC): Dynamite Weekly, the weekly review feature on AEW Dynamite here on SLTDWrestling.com. I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on all the highlights of the show as well as giving the “Remarkable Wrestler” of the week. So here are the highlights of the Wednesday, October 6th edition of AEW Dynamite: Dynamite 2 Year Anniversary.

8-Man Tag: The Super Elite (The Young Bucks, Adam Cole, & Kenny Omega) vs. Jurassic Express, Christian Cage, & Bryan Danielson

Dynamite kicks off with this huge 8-man Tag Team Match, they wasted no time by having the entrances off air on twitter before the show came on the air. As expected this match was every bit of amazing you would expect. Every single person in it had their time to shine. Jungle Boy was doing anything and everything in there, the Young Bucks played a lot of the hits, Luchasaurus had a huge rally where he took out everyone, Danielson and Omega once again faced off and they had a hell of showing there, Christian was trading off with Jungle Boy early and he would take an IndyTaker on the outside which basically took him out of the match.

Later in the match Bryan fires up and gets disposed of and its Luchasaurus all alone cleaning house and as he’s getting ready to close it out is hit from behind with a low blow. This is where a powerbomb spot is unfortunately messed up which is the only downside to this match but they save it with Cole hitting the Panama Sunrise on Jungle Boy and as Bryan makes the save and fires up again hitting multiple kicks he’s sent out of the ring and all four member of the Super Elite are in the ring now against Jungle Boy who hit the BTE Trigger four person version to take out Jungle Boy for the three count.

Segment Rating: 6.5/10

I loved this match as I expected I would and if not for that one blunder with Luchasaurus, there was a lot of interference in this match for the Super Elite as expected and Rick Knox who refs all of the Elite’s matches is absolutely horrible and proved it yet again. Otherwise this was a very good match and I wasn’t sure who was winning but them destroying Jungle Boy made sense to me because now Bryan has an even bigger gap in between him and Kenny to that second singles match and he didn’t lose the match, Jungle Boy did. I want to see a second match between them with a definitive winner and it doesn’t need to be for a title, just give us a winner and lets get to Hangman winning that belt at Full Gear. Also just to add, every single person in this match was over as hell with the crowd.

TNT Championship: Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Bobby Fish

The next match was TNT Championship open challenge answered by Bobby Fish. This was another great match and Bobby Fish looked great in there as expected. Him and Guevara had great chemistry and I enjoyed this match a lot. The action was back and forth before and during the commercial break and Fish hit a bunch of great looking strikes and a very good looking Avalanche Falcon Arrow which I love. Sammy immediately halts his momentum when hits the GTH for the pinfall victory.

Immediately after the match, American Top Team surrounded the ring and beat up Sammy Guevara Fuego Del Sol tries to make the save for his best friend but he gets beat up as well. This brings out the returning Chris Jericho and Jake Hager who clear the ring. Lambert gets on the mic and demands Judas be cut off but the fans finish the lyrics to the chorus keeping Lambert from talking. When the fans finish singing, Lambert says he hates the town of Philadelphia but a town he loves is Miami, and the front man of ATT, Jorge Masvidal can’t be stopped in Miami and in a few weeks in Miami it will be Inner Circle versus Men of the Year & Junior Dos Santos with Jorge Masvidal in their corner. Jericho says they are going to beat the sh*t out of them.

Segment Rating: 6.25/10

So this match was very good and the result of course was never in question, I wonder if they will offer Bobby Fish a contract or if he’ll continue doing indies and working for MLW. As for the American Top Team stuff, they get loads of heat because Lambert alone and it’s cool to see Scorpio and Ethan Page doing big things, I just don’t know if I need to see Junior Dos Santos in a wrestling match even if it’s a trios match. If they are playing up the Jorge Masvidal stuff just build to that. Skip all this other stuff because it’s not needed, if Scorpio or Ethan want to challenge Sammy then say that. This in between isn’t needed.

Darby Allin vs. Nick Comoroto

Right before this match we saw a pre-recorded interview of Darby Allin with Jim Ross. Jim asks him about the insensitive words of MJF from last week about his family history with his uncle and why he paints his face. Darby tells the story again of what happened to him and his uncle and his uncle dying, and that’s the reason he paints his face because part of him died that day. MJF thinks he got in his head but he didn’t and he’s never been in the ring with someone like Darby Allin.

This was exactly what you’d expect, Darby was hot out of the gate and Comoroto used his power at a few points to get the advantage back but throughout the commercial it was all Darby, and as soon as we came back from commercial Darby hits the Coffin Drop out of nowhere to the back of Comoroto for the pinfall victory. Immediately after the match while Darby is celebrating with Sting, QT Marshall hits a cutter on Sting but Sting gets up immediately, hits a low blow on QT and a Scorpion Death Drop.

Later in the night, Alex Marvez is interview Darby whose leaving the arena and is told MJF wants a match with him which Darby accepts and is going to leave but a limo pulls up in front of him and he gets ready to fight but is attacked from behind by masked men, who destroy him and throw him into a metal door and a bunch of guard rails. Then he receives an F-10 on top of the guard rails clearly this is The Pinnacle but they never remove their masks. Another masked man (who is clearly MJF) in a suit and uses Darby’s skateboard and rolls up and then chokes Darby with the skateboard and they leave and get in the car.

Segment Rating: 5.5/10

This was another okay match that ended pretty quickly just to get Darby a win here. As for the other stuff with Darby and clearly The Pinnacle, I don’t get the masks at all, we knew it was The Pinnacle, why were the masks needed at all. I like this but I don’t understand why Sting wasn’t there, where he’d go? I don’t understand again why the masks were needed when we knew it was The Pinnacle. Either way I really look forward to this match whenever it happens.

Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb

I love Serena Deeb, she is one of my favorite wrestlers in the world. She’s so freaking good and she proved it again, this was a hell of a match and they played up the fact that Shida was going for win number fifty and they even showed the trophy like it was on the line. Deeb showed frustration, she showed desperation and she did such a good job at it. Shida used her strikes and her speed throughout the match. Shida did a front face-lock airplane and followed it up with a missile dropkick which I loved. Deeb begins working the leg and Shida counters with a great looking running knee strike. I loved when Deeb was working on the leg she also did some dirty tactics poking the eye and hitting a great looking dragon screw.

They continue with a lot of great action and Shida hits the Falcon Arrow for another near fall which Shida thought would be the finish. Shida goes for more knee strikes but Deeb blocks it and hits the Deeb-Tox for a near fall and out of frustration goes right for the knee and slams it into the mat repeatedly and then puts in the Serenity lock for the submission victory. After the match Deeb took the fiftieth win trophy and broke it over Shida’s head.

Segment Rating: 6.75/10

Go out of your way to watch this match because boy are these two good together. I love Deeb so much, and Shida is great too especially when she has an opponent like Deeb. I love the heel turn for Deeb and I look forward to whatever she does next and maybe having a good showing in the future tournament they announced for the TBS Championship.

Casino Ladder Match: Orange Cassidy vs. PAC vs. Andrade El Idolo vs. Matt Hardy vs. Lance Archer vs. Jon Moxley vs. The Joker (“Hangman” Adam Page)

This match was as good as you would expect it to be for a ladder match on free TV. I think the reason we had some entrances off of TV was to make as much room for this match. Orange Cassidy and PAC started it off and they had a great showing to start this match off.

Out next was Andrade and PAC dropkicks a Ladder into him as he enters. PAC sets up another ladder and then they fight eachother while climbing the ladder only for Andrade to hit a sunset flip powerbomb on PAC.

Out next was Matt Hardy and he is followed by Lance Archer during a commercial break who cleans house with hard hitting offense. He clears the ring and instead of climbing he waits for the next entrant who is Jon Moxley whome Archer meets in the crowd as they brawl.

At one point back in the ring Archer uses the ladder as a weapon over his head and Orange Cassidy knocks him out with the ladder over him giving Cassidy the chance to climb while Archer is holding it. This brings out The Joker entrant who is as we all expected, “Hangman” Adam Page, making his long awaited return.

Now that all entrants are out, chaos breaks out between eveyone. Theres a crazy spot where PAC and Andrade fight on top of a ladder and Adrade falls off the ladder out of the ring on top of a much bigger ladder bridge. Hangman meets PAC up there wnd hits the Deadeye through a table which looked like it sucked for both. Mox then hits Page with the Paradigm Shift, and Matt Hardy and Orange Cassidy fight to the outside to a table where Matt hits a diving leg drop on top Cassidy on the table.

The closing moments see Archer set up a ladder but he receives a Buckshot Lariat from Page who then climbed the ladder but is met by Moxley who fights with Page on the ladder until Page knocks Moxley down and grabs the chip to secure his victory.

Segment Rating: 7.5/10

What a match, and the right person won, everything that has happened in two years of Dynamite has been building to this. This is Hangman’s time to finish the job and become the champion we knew he would be at Full Gear. I’m so excited for that to happen and the story will get to build to it. This match was awesome even though some of those spots were very concerning. I was very concerned for Page’s knees after that Deadeye through the table. What a match, go out of your way to watch it if you haven’t and again if you have just for the reaction of Hangmans return and win.

Remarkable Wrestler of the Week

For this episode of AEW Dynamite, the Remarkable Wrestler of the week is “Hangman” Adam Page.

Hangman gets the RWOW this week for his performance in the main event and how well he performance off of this emotional return where he had every single person in that crowd behind him.


Thia was a great show for all the wrestling on it, a lot of great story progression and new things happening that all came across well in the matches and segments following. Overall I give the Two Year Anniversary episode of Dynamite a 6.5 out of 10. There was a lot that happened that didn’t need a rating like CM Punk challenging Daniel Garcia to match on Rampage, the unveiling of another championship for the women called the TBS Championship to coincidence with Dynamite moving to TBS. Dante Martin stepped up and challenged anyone in the back and Malakai Black appeared, kicked him in the head and accepted. Arn Anderson had fire going outside Cody’s house and intimidated him into throwing his tie into the fire. A lot happened this week.

What are your thoughts on this special AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.

Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC821

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