#MouthingOff with MikeJC: Dynamite Weekly, Wednesday September 15th #AEWDynamite Ep.102 (@MikeJC821)

Welcome everyone to the latest edition of #MouthingOff (with MikeJC): Dynamite Weekly, the weekly review feature on AEW Dynamite here on SLTDWrestling.com. I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on all the highlights of the show as well as giving the “Remarkable Wrestler” of the week. So here are the highlights of the Wednesday, September 15th edition of AEW Dynamite.

Adam Cole vs. Frankie Kazarian

The show kicked off with CM Punk making his entrance to do commentary for presumably the whole show until later where he had an encounter with Team Taz who attempted to put him through a table.

This match was very good, Adam Cole is making his debut here and Kazarian once again is having the first match of a new star in the company like he did for Christian Cage as well. This match came off of last week when Kazarian came in an hit Cole during the save of Bryan Danielson. Tony Schiavone was making it clear that he didn’t like Cole on commentary due to his words for Schiavone last week over his relationship with Britt Baker.

This match was exactly what I expected. Cole came in hot and Kazarian had flairs of offense as expected. One thing I would change about Cole’s offense is he shouldn’t do the Panama Sunrise all the time if people are going to kick out of it. It’s a flip piledriver that is supposedly supposed to have added momentum from the middle rope jump so people always kicking out of it just doesn’t make sense to me, now I get people do the move or a variation all the time, but he needs to be different and I hope he only does it on special occasions, first match in the company, that’s fine but do it less to preserve it.

I love that he’s still doing the last shot as his finish, I don’t know what he’s calling it now but regardless it’s a great move, I like that kneeling brainbuster to the knee a lot and I’d like that to be his finisher but still like the last shot. Kazarian has been calling himself the “Elite Hunter” but he’s never beaten any of them, he didn’t even beat Gallows one on one. So that name isn’t carrying a lot weight. Cole won with the Last Shot by pinfall.

After the match Cole would get on the mic and discuss how nobody can keep up with The Elite, and three guys in particular really have gotten under his skin already. Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Jungle Boy. He challenges them to a six man tag against himself and The Young Bucks and mentions that the SuperKliq is back and nobody is going to stop them.

Also Christian Cage and Jungle Boy would address Cole in an interview and Jungle Boy would say he’s better then Cole in every way, and knows he especially has better hair then Cole. Christian steps in and says Cole doesn’t realize his friends the Young Bucks threw him a lifeline and got him out of developmental, and Cole should be used to losing wars on Wednesday so no he’s gonna lose one on Fridays.

Segment Rating: 6.5/10

I loved this match and I love that Cole is back with the Bucks and Kenny because that was some of the best work he did at the end of his ROH run, absolutely love that he’s here and super excited for what’s next for him. As mentioned earlier Kazarian continuing to call himself the “Elite Hunter” when he’s never beaten any of them is not good. It kind of makes him sound stupid here.

MJF Addresses Lose Cannon/Pillman Jr. Answers

MJF comes out for a promo and talks about everyone was sympathetic for “Cryin’ Brian” last week but they should feel bad for him because he’s standing in New Jersey. He then makes fun of Bruce Springsteen and mentions how a lot of people didn’t care for his words he had for the Pillman family last week and he doesn’t care because he’s the Salt of the Earth.

He said he’d like to have a conversation with the late “Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman, he looks up and goes “who am I kidding” and looks down at the canvas, and talks about Brian Jr’s mom and warns Pillman Jr. about the match next week. Fans chant for Pillman and MJF says they can chant all they want but it won’t matter in the end. Pillman Jr. comes out through the crowd with a chair with Wardlow looking at the ramp and goes to hit MJF with a chair but Wardlow realizes and grabs the chair, Pillman slaps Wardlow and when Wardlow charges him Pillman pulls the top rope down and swings the chair at Wardlow on the apron but he gets out of the way.

Immediately after this which is really odd, we go to a pre-recorded interview between Jim Ross and Brian Pillman Jr. JR mentions how MJF embarrassed him last week and if he’s going to get retribution? Pillman says he felt embarrassed and he’s going to rectify what happened last week and he might be college educated but he was born feral, and on September 22nd he’s gonna know what’s like to deal with a Pillman.

Segment Rating: 6/10

This was a good promo, and I’m really excited about this match. MJF is too good at getting heat and of course I’m sure everything he’s been saying was discussed ahead of time and that’s why I don’t have a problem with it he’s such a good heel. This is the biggest opportunity Brian Pillman Jr. has had and I honestly hope he wins and I’m not sure he will but it should be a great match.

FTR vs. Matt Sydal & Dante Martin

This next match was not very long but it didn’t need to be at all. Matt Sydal is in the good hand role put guys like Dante Martin under his wing and teaching them and FTR is working on building up wins again and the match pretty much went exactly how I expected.

Both Dante and Sydal would have flashy moments of offense live usual but after a double pin attempt and Dante runs right into the Big Rig which he gets up super high for which made the move look better then usual for the pinfall victory.

Segment Rating: 5.25/10

This was a good match that as mentioned did exactly what it was supposed to and FTR’s next thing they will be doing would be established later in the night and we’ll get into that soon. Dante Martin is getting opportunities to show his athleticism in matches like this but until his brother Darius returns I don’t think he will be accomplishing much until that happens but remember he’s only 20, plenty of time for him to get better and get opportunities later.

Dan Lambert Has Harsh Words Again

Dan Lambert is in the ring with Men of the Year, as well as a group of MMA fighters who once again did and say absolutely nothing (making their appearance there absolutely pointless). While Lambert is making fun of AEW fans, he is interrupted by the familiar sound of “Judas” as Chris Jericho and Jake Hager make their way out.

Lambert yells to turn the music off an that the fans don’t know the words and are looking up the lyrics on their phone. The music stops and the fans continue singing. Jericho tells to fans to sing “you’re a fat faced shithead yeah, yeah, yeah.” Lambert would mention it’s not surprising that the fans like Jericho because he’s the true con man of this company and he gets the fans to “spend their allowance” on his “book of the month” and crappy Fozzy Records.

Jericho cuts him off and mentions how Hager is a undefeated cage fighter, and Jericho has a history of getting into backstage fights with MMA trained guys. Jericho mentions something about wondering who is “on top” out of the people in the ring. As Jericho and Hager head to the ring, Lambert says if Jericho wants Men of the Year to end the Inner Circle-jerk, it’s not gonna happen in a sh*thole place like New Jersey and it will happen next week in New York.

Jericho says if Men of the Year are too scared to face them in Jersey then they will beat the hell out of them next week and their will be now escape from New York.

Segment Rating: 4/10

Plain and simple, I don’t care about this at all. This Dan Lambert stuff where he makes fun of current wrestling and brings MMA fighters to back him up but they don’t do anything, just doesn’t work at all. Now Jericho is involved and I don’t care about that either. I get Jericho would want to work the first NY show and that’s fine but this isn’t it it doesn’t work and maybe the match will be good since they are facing Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page who are both very good. I wonder if maybe this is where they pull the trigger of Hager turning on Jericho because of the MMA ties but I guess that’s a wait and see for next week.

Jade Cargill vs. Leyla Hirsch

I enjoyed this match, both ladies did a good job here. Leyla Hirsch is really good and carried Jade through this match and Jade showed more crispness in her offense and did a great job here. Leyla Hirsch deserves to have more, she doesn’t need to fight for a title but it would be nice if she did something more frequently.

Jade is on the rise as we all expect she’ll be in the title picture eventually when she will get there sooner rather then later. Hirsch had a lot of great strikes and suplexes in this match. Jade had numerous parts here she foot back and used her power and she did a great pump handle facebuster and a huge bicycle kick, followed by a glam slam for the victory.

Segment Rating: 5/10

This was a good match as mentioned and there needs to be more women’s matches on Dynamite. They do most of the women’s matches on Dark and Elevation and not a lot of people watch those shows. Good performance by both ladies and we’ll see what’s next for both of them, don’t expect much for Leyla but she needs something, like putting her in Team Taz for example because that would be a perfect fit.

Shawn Spears vs. Darby Allin

This was another great match, these two work very well together and think they did a good job telling a story of how the face paint is how Darby expresses himself and like going for a mask, Spears trying to wipe away the a paint is disrespectful and that told that story well during and after the match.

The action during this match was great baack and forth action and it was very hard to pick a winner. Both guys gave it their all and I have loved Shawn Spears’ matches recently where he seems more aggressive and focused but he just hasn’t been able to get it done by winning. The steel steps would come into play early and much later after both guys are spent Spears would attempt to do the C4 from the apron onto the stairs but Darby would counter out of it by stunning Spears on the top rope and following it up with the coffin drop for the win.

After the match, during the celebration, FTR enters the ring and start a brawl with Sting and Darby and Tully Blanchard tries to get involved and hits Sting in the back with a chair but it has no affect but before Sting could answer back FTR overwhelms Sting and gives him a spike piledriver and FTR holds Sting up for Tully to wipe the paint from Sting’s face just like Spears did to Darby.

Segment Rating: 6.5/10

I am interested to see where this leads for the members of The Pinnacle with MJF and Wardlow presumably feuding with the Varsity Blonds maybe after next week this will lead to a six man tag down the line or something of that nature but I’m glad The Pinnacle is doing other things now and this intrigues me because Darby has been on such a roll lately and The Pinnacle haven’t lets be honest. So I’ll be interested to see how this plays out after next week where MJF faces Brian Pillman Jr, and FTR faces Darby & Sting.

Bryan Danielson Lays Down the Challenge to Kenny Omega

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces Bryan Danielson. He ask Bryan about wanting his first match in AEW to be with Kenny Omega. Before Bryan could answer Kenny and Don Callis make their way to the ring. Callis interrupts on the mic and says this is over and we’ve heard enough. Callis calls Bryan a “Carny POS” like Christian Cage had done to him and says he’s spoken to Kenny and Kenny knows Bryan a little bit and understands a little that he isn’t a Carny POS he’s a mark.

Callis goes to continue talking and Bryan cuts him off and calls him a POS. Bryan says he came here tonight to talk to Kenny Omega, he came here to fight the best bout machine, but since he’s been in AEW all he’s seen is a guy who hangs out with goofy stooges and allows a POS like Callis to talk for him. Bryan said he’s heard rumors that Kenny has lost a step and lost his confidence but he doesn’t think that’s true and says Kenny has lost his balls.

Bryan says someday it will be about the title but right now it’s just about whose better. Bryan just wants to know his answer to find out who the best wrestler is “Yes” or “No”. The fans chant yes and Kenny gets on the mic after a short delay to think about it, Kenny says yes. As the talking is over and they get in each other’s faces for a stare down to end the segment as the crowd loses it.

Segment Rating: 7/10

This is the match we’ve all wanted since Danielson showed up in AEW and it’s happening next week. Not only is it crazy that it’s happening but I’m gonna be there. It doesn’t matter that it’s not for the title. This is going to be the biggest episode of Dynamite ever just because of this match. Think about how good that match has the potential of being and we get to see it for free on television next week. I loved this segment because it wasn’t pointless it as straight to the point and both guys did a great job. Can’t wait for this match.

Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs. 2point0

Another very enjoyable match here. The 2point0 guys have been killing it with their character work and these types of matches. Moxley and Kingston once again are just themselves here, very hard hitting, brawler mentality which I love. You can see early on that 2point0 were trying to play Moxley and Kingston’s game but it just didn’t work out for them.

There’s a lot of great moments throughout this match but the closing moments saw Moxley get a hot tag to Kingston who cleaned house by himself throwing punches at both Matt Lee and Jeff Parker, and knocking Daniel Garcia off the apron after trying to get involved. Following that up with a spinning back fist to Parker and a DDT to Lee.

Moxley tags in again and him and Kingston fire each other up before hitting a lariat/German suplex combination on Parker to secure the victory via pinfall.

After the match the music of Minoru Suzuki plays throughout the arena. He makes his full entrance unlike last week where the “Suzuki incident” was all the talk over social media last week where Suzuki found it disrespectful that he didn’t get to experience his full entrance in Moxley’s hometown. As Suzuki enters, Lance Archer appears from the crowd and pulls Kingston out of the ring to start a brawl between the four men.

Moxley fighting Suzuki and Kingston fighting Archer the show goes off the air with the four brawling while commentary runs down the matches for next weeks events as the show ends

Segment Rating: 5.75/10

This was a fine enjoyable match that lead to more storytelling and I’m completely fine with that as that tag match between Moxley & Kingston versus Suzuki & Archer should be very good. 2point0 and Daniel Garcia continue to impress with there character and in ring work and look forward to what they do in the future.

Remarkable Wrestler of the Week

For this episode of AEW Dynamite, the Remarkable Wrestler of the week is Adam Cole.

Adam Cole gets the RWOW this week for how good of a performance he put on in his first match in AEW. The future is bright for all these new signings in AEW but Cole killed it here tonight with Kazarian and can’t wait to see what’s next for him being involved in The Elite stuff going forward.


This was another very good episode of AEW Dynamite that was basically the go-home show for next weeks biggest episodes of Dynamite and Rampage as it will be almost pay-per-view quality as we will also have the first ever two hour Rampage as well. Overall I give this episode of Dynamite a 5.75 out of 10. A lot of good progression as far as new and ongoing stories go, and one segment in particular that I just didn’t need. As far as things that didn’t get a rating, we had a segment where Fuego Del Sol challenged Miro to another shot at the TNT title where Fuego also put his car on the line and Miro responding as good as Miro does. A vignette for Lucha Bros. versus Butcher and Blade for the tag titles on Friday. As well as a segment where Malakai Black came to the ring and addressed Rosario Dawson at ringside (Cody Rhodes’ co-judge on The Go Big Show) and Cody making his return only for Rosario to jump on Malakai’s back and Cody and Malakai brawl up the crowd way. The Gunn Club addressing why they attacked Paul Wight and being fed up that they don’t get opportunities even though they are undefeated. Andrade addressing why he attacked Chavo and provoking Jose his representation. As well as Matt Hardy addressing that his broken nose he suffered against Orange Cassidy is the reason he wants to cut Cassidy’s hair. So that’s everything I hope everyone enjoys next weeks slate of shows.

What are your thoughts on this special AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.

Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC821

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