#MouthingOff with MikeJC: Dynamite Weekly, Wednesday September 29th #AEWDynamite Ep.104 (@MikeJC821)

Welcome everyone to the latest edition of #MouthingOff (with MikeJC): Dynamite Weekly, the weekly review feature on AEW Dynamite here on SLTDWrestling.com. Back after a week off because I attended last weeks Arthur Ashe Grand Slam event and had one of the best experiences I’ve ever had at a wrestling show. I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on all the highlights of the show as well as giving the “Remarkable Wrestler” of the week. So here are the highlights of the Wednesday, September 29th edition of AEW Dynamite.

Adam Cole vs. Jungle Boy

This match was stellar. I got exactly what I expected and more from this match. Both guys going out there and showing out and proving how good they both are even though they never faced one on one before today. Great action, great back and forth, great chemistry. Everything you need for a great wrestling match. Now I don’t think the result was in question at all. Jungle Boy right now though he is great it’s not his time, the story isn’t about him, Adam Cole is newly involved in everything going on, there’s plans for him, so it’s no surprise he won here.

I’ve mentioned in the past that I can’t stand people doing flip piledrivers like a standard move that gets kicked out of and I stand by that. So many people do the move and almost everyone kicks out of it. Which is why I wish Adam Cole would do it less and only pull it out when he needs to. This didn’t seem like one of those times for me. Cole would use it late in the match and thought it was over there but it wasn’t and when he went for The Last Shot, Jungle Boy turned it into the Snare Trap which he had on for a good amount of time and when Cole nearly got to the ropes he pulled it back to the middle of the ring but Cole got out of it by kicking Jungle Boy out of the ring.

Back in the ring they end up in the ropes and the ref is caught up in it which gives Cole the opening to hit a low blow and then hit The Last Shot to secure his victory.

Segment Rating: 7/10

Man is Adam Cole over, and a great match to boot, there’s not much more I can say about it, both guys looked great, and Jungle Boy’s time will come but now isn’t it and when it does it will mean something big because that guy is a future champion. Adam Cole is already a star and he has done nothing but get better and I’m excited to see what’s next for him.

The Elite Speak/Bryan Danielson Lays Down a Challenge

Immediately after the previous match The Elite make their entrance and go to the ring and Karl Anderson introduces all the members of The Elite and gives them all a big intro except Nakazawa and Cutler. Adam Cole talks about how he vowed to beat Jungle Boy and he just did that. Nakazawa goes to speak and is drowned out by CM Punk chants. Kenny gets on the mic next and talks about his match last week with Bryan Danielson and says Bryan won’t be getting a rematch because he doesn’t deserve it, because he has no wins in AEW.

This brings out Bryan Danielson who discusses how he wants another match with Kenny but Kenny has no balls and that’s why he won’t accept the rematch. He challenges any member of The Elite to a match on Rampage this Friday. Kenny says why wait until Friday and Danielson agrees but he’s not coming down their alone, he’s joined by Jurassic Express, Christian Cage, and Frankie Kazarian and as they go to the ring The Elite go out the back and back up the ramp to avoid the fight as the fans chant “Kenny No Balls” to end the segment.

Segment Rating: 5.25/10

So this clearly isn’t over between Kenny and Danielson, I look forward to what’s next here and curious to see who Bryan faces on Friday, I heard it was Nick Jackson so that should be a hell of a match. The inevitable Kenny/Bryan 2 is going to happen and if it’s anywhere near as good as the first one from last week that I can’t believe I got to see in person then we are very lucky fans.

Matt Sydal & Dante Martin vs. Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson

I didn’t need this match, and we all know why it was done, for the thing that happened after. Regardless, once again Dante Martin does what he does which is do crazy stuff that nobody else can do and that’s great. Lee Johnson also got to show out in this one. It seemed to me like Cody was trying to win this one on his own and Lee Johnson sort of saved Cody from himself when he tagged in and Johnson got the victory on his own without Cody’s help which seemed to bother Cody and especially Arn Anderson. As mentioned Johnson tagged in and took control and got the win with a Fisherman’s Kneeling Brainbuster which is a really cool looking move.

After the match, Tony Schiavone wants to interview Cody, but Arn steps in and talks about how Cody couldn’t get the job done against Malakai Black. He calls Cody stubborn and says that Cody doesn’t listen to him and that’s why he fails against guys like Malakai. He goes on to say how if he could he’d take care of Malakai on his own, but he’s an old man and there’s a distinct difference between himself and Cody. If someone goes to steal Cody’s car, Cody gives it to him, Arn pulls out a glock and blows the brains out of that guy. Arn tells Lee Johnson to come with him and they leave Cody alone in the ring.

Segment Rating: 5/10

I didn’t need this match, to be honest I didn’t need the promo after, it’s clear the fans are no longer behind Cody, and Cody knows it, delaying the inevitable for whatever this is seems ridiculous to me. Where does this go? I’m not sure but right now they haven’t given me a reason to care about it. Cody is getting heel reactions, you make him a heel, simple as that.

Orange Cassidy & Dark Order (Uno, Grayson, 10, 5, Cabana, Silver & Reynolds) vs. HFO (Matt Hardy, Butcher, Blade, Private Party, TH2, & Jora Johl)

This match was pure story telling, centered around The Dark Order. This show is taking place in the home town of the late great Brodie Lee and this match was basically to honor him and the story coming in and of the match was The Dark Order not getting along and that continued. Early on Alan “5” Angels would tear his mask off almost like his he was shedding the skin of The Dark Order. This match was all over the place and that’s fine because it was great action.

In the middle of the match Uno was having miscommunication and went to bail on the match, Grayson was trying to stop him and Colt Cabana was going to go with them by association. As they are arguing on the ramp however, Anna Jay, Tay Conti, Brodie Jr., and Amanda Huber come out. Brodie Jr. throws papers at Evil Uno just like Brodie would and Amanda gets fired up and tells them to go back to the ring and do it for the memory of Brodie which they do. This basically flipped a switch and The Dark Order as a whole were on fire hitting numerous signature moves in a row, and Reynolds & Silver would hit the Gamengiri followed by a Stunner, followed by a German Suplex, and a bunch of different dives and then Uno and Grayson hit their finisher for the victory as all The Dark Order celebrate, and hug with Brodie Jr. and Amanda.

Segment Rating: 6.5/10

This was for Brodie, that’s what matters and the story of this match is what mattered The Dark Order have been at odds and Brodie Jr. and Amanda are who brought them back together for better or for worse and it didn’t need any surprises or a Hangman return which sure would’ve been good but this was simple enough that it did what it was supposed to, rebuild The Dark Order, I loved this, the match had some big moves, big moments and even though their was sixteen people in this match it didn’t feel like it, which is how you’re supposed to do a match like this.

The Bunny & Penelope Ford vs. Anna Jay & Tay Conti

This needs to be the last match between these people, it’s over, it’s done with and this was a fine match. Both teams looked fine in there but there’s not a lot to talk about here. The Bunny and Penelope were in control most of it and after a mid match break Tay and Anna took control and Anna would win the match after locking in the Queen Slayer choke on Penelope to secure the victory for her team and also celebrating with Brodie Jr. after the match.

Segment Rating: 5.25/10

Time to move on here, there’s no reason to continue this at all. Anna Jay won definitively here and they did it for Brodie, time for something new.

MJF Wants Opportunities

MJF comes out with Wardlow and talks about his recent roll of wins and talks about how there’s been a lot of talk about the “Four Pillars of AEW”, Jungle Boy who he beat, Sammy Guevara who he beat, he quickly brushes past Darby Allin and then mentions himself winning the Dynamite Diamond Ring twice and that he deserves a World Title shot and if he doesn’t get what he wants, he has the contact info of an old friend from MLW, Bruce Prichard. While he’s talking the fans chant “CM Punk” at MJF (who is on commentary for the entire show) and MJF shrugs it off and just says “Whatever”.

Out comes Darby Allin, MJF talks about how it’s okay for Darby to be number two, there were some great number twos, Mark Messier, Scottie Pippen, etc. but MJF is Gretzky, or Michael Jordan. Darby says MJF and go and leave if he wants because nobody will miss him, and how could he be the best if between the two of them MJF is the one who hasn’t won any championships? MJF talks about Darby being straight edge and why that is, because he got into a car with his drunk uncle, and they got into a wreck and his uncle died. MJF continues that it’s a travesty because the wrong person died.

MJF dares Darby to hit him but Darby said he’s not gonna hit him because MJF won’t break him mentally, which MJF didn’t like and chose to leave instead of continuing.

Segment Rating: 6.5/10

Another amazing promo by MJF and this brought out some charisma of Darby which was good. I loved that Darby didn’t crack and that bothered MJF. The whole point of MJF’s schtick is to break down his opponents mentally and he couldn’t do that to Darby. I love that, and I can’t wait to see this match and see which one of them is better. This match could go either way to me and surely the winner will be heading to a world title shot, I can’t get enough of these MJF personal promo and he’s so good at them and look forward to what is next for these two.

TNT Championship: Miro (c) vs. Sammy Guevara

This was a hell of a match, both these guys are so freaking good and this was the right time for Sammy to finally get his first title. I love they established Miro has a weakness and everyone he’s faced since has taken advantage of that weakness. Sammy is great, the stuff he’s been doing since the Inner Circle has been doing it’s own thing instead of being together has been great and incorporating his friendship with Fuego Del Sol has been great as well.

This quickly became Miro making a bunch of mistakes leading to his downfall. Miro removed the turnbuckle pad and it was used against him, Guevara would use that to his advantage and hit a great tornado DDT, then the GTH, then a 630 to secure his victory. I loved this and he got the celebration he deserved the match is great and there’s too much to talk about but go out of your way to watch it.

Segment Rating: 7.5/10

So happy that Sammy Guevara is a champion it needed to happen here, the story of him beating Fuego numerous times was a great way to get here and I’m excited to see Guevara wrestle more now that he’s the TNT champ. Miro had a great run with the belt and I look forward to what’s next for him.

Remarkable Wrestler of the Week

For this episode of AEW Dynamite, the Remarkable Wrestler of the week is Sammy Guevara.

Guevara gets the RWOW this week for his amazing performance. I’m very excited to see what’s next for him but definitely go out of your way to watch this match and his crowning moment.


This was a good show with some great wrestling as well as some great interviews and promos, I rather enjoyed this especially after last weeks Grand Slam which was ten times as better for me since I attended it. Overall I give this episode of Dynamite a 6.1 out 10. There was a lot of stuff that happened that didn’t get a rating those things included a six man match between Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley, and Darby Allin versus Bear Country and Anthony Greene, it was a fine match that meant absolutely nothing so it didn’t need a rating, thought it was funny that Sting gave Greene a Death Drop after the match just cause Eddie told him to. Lio Rush had a vignette so he’s in AEW and I love that, there was a promo video for Thunder Rosa versus Jade Cargill versus Nyla Rose for this Friday’s Rampage, Andrade said he wants a shot at the Triple A Tag Team Championship, Ruby Soho discussed her loss from last week and how she will bounce back, and FTR did a promo about how they will bounce back from recent events. Things continue to heat up in AEW storyline wise and I look forward to see what’s next.

What are your thoughts on this special AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling.

Follow Mouthing Off: @MikeJC821

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