Night Of Champions Predictions

So we’ve arrived at Night of Champions! There are some good matches on the card and it’s set to be a good PPV. There have been some great feuds building over the past few weeks and I’m looking forward to seeing how they pan out.

The return of Orton was always going to be a good one and the Cena/Punk battle is great entertainment. I have heard many people say that Punk feuding with Cena is ridiculous, but I fail to see how the two biggest stars in WWE battling it out can’t be a great thing! Here’s just a few thoughts on what I think might happen at the PPV.

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler

I have never had a lot of time for Orton if I’m honest. His matches are all similar and he bores me to tears. Ziggler on the other hand is a great entertainer. His matches are easily of championship status and I really hope he goes on to win the big one. I predict there will be some RKO action and ultimately Orton will be victorious in the usual and predictable style. What I would like to happen is Ziggler to win, go on to cash in his MITB briefcase and become the new WHC. There is little to no chance of this happening tonight, but how epic would that be?

Intercontinental Championship match – The Miz vs Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara

I love The Miz, always have. He is a great wrestler, entertaining and could fill The Grand Canyon with his charisma. However, this past year, he seems to have been underused and underrated by WWE. He went through a massive losing streak earlier on in the year and had to literally beg for a spot in Big Johnny’s team at Wrestlemania. After being away filming for The Marine 3, he’s returned and his character seems more mature, more controlled and more focussed on the task at hand. I was thrilled when he won the IC title and hope he gets a good run with it.

Cody Rhodes is another jobbed out wrestler that has amazing talent. WWE do a great job of running future stars into the ground, and Rhodes is no exception. Always portrayed as a desperate delusional baddie, he’s so clearly understated in his role. He is a brilliant wrestler and performer and I predict he’ll be a massive star of the future. He deserves a far bigger break than he’s been getting recently.

Rey Mysterio is a great wrestler. I can’t deny that. He’s great with the fans and his high flying talent has been unmatched in recent times. However, he drives me nuts! I’ve never really liked him and his new found friendship with Sin Cara has me hoping and praying that they don’t form a tag team and I won’t be forced to endure even more of his matches!

Sin Cara is shocking. Yes he can do flips and jump high and he has shares in the pornographic lighting industry, but he’s a shocking wrestler. We have seen WWE give him a big push of late, but he doesn’t need to be pushed. He’s more than capable of falling over and botching all on his own! WWE could release at least a 3 DVD box set of Sin Cara’s botches and outtakes; he is just genuinely quite shocking!

With the heat between Rhodes and the two masked wonders, I believe Rhodes will swoop in and take the title from Miz. Rumours of a possible heel turn by Mysterio will make this particular feud far more interesting. As much as I would love to see Miz prevail, with no particular current rivalry it would make more sense for the title to go to Rhodes or Rey.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match – Kofi Kingston & R Truth (c) vs Daniel Bryan & Kane

I haven’t been interested in the tag team division for quite some time now. I saw a brief light at the end of the tunnel with the alliance of Reks and Hawkins and still have high hopes for Gabriel and Kidd, but apart from that, let’s face it, tag teams suck! Our reigning champions consist of one of THE most mundane, monotone wrestlers I’ve ever seen and some guy that talks to himself. It’s a long way from Edge and Christian or indeed the first ever tag team champs Benoit and Angle. But… Bryan and Kane have my attention! I love this storyline: they have great chemistry and work extremely well together. Theirs is indeed a far better story of love and triumph that any Twilight saga. How good would it be to see Bryan and Kane TTC? Bryan and Kane have both had good runs. It would be great to see something come out of it and for them to win the titles. Benoit and Angle famously did not get on, but like Kane and Bryan, they put their woes behind them to work together and ultimately win the belts. I think Kofi and Truth will win, but I hope to God that Kane and Bryan are victorious. Either way, this will make great TV.

WWE Divas Championship match – Layla (c) vs Kaitlyn

Not bothered in the least. At the moment, the only thing the Divas matches are good for is making a quick sandwich or a toilet break. If it was Beth or Natalya I might watch, even Eve is having some great matches at the moment. Kaitlyn has had a big push lately, so due to the fact that she is built like a brick shit-house and would be far more viable competition for the other Divas, my moneys on her.

World Heavyweight Championship match – Sheamus (c) vs Del Rio (yet again)

I like Sheamus and he has had a great run. However, with the barring of the Brogue Kick and the fact that I read somewhere he needs some time off, I think it might be time for him to lose the title. I don’t think ADR is the man to have it, it seems like they have been fighting my whole life and I’m fed up of it. Del Rio lacks that certain something…. I don’t think he is championship material this time round.

I think it will go two ways: Del Rio will win and lose quite quickly to Ziggler when he cashes in or Sheamus will win and then lose to Ziggler. Ziggler really deserves this chance, his current rivalry with Orton is perfect timing for him to gain the title. No doubt there will be some foul play from all sides, but that’s what makes it exciting right?

WWE Championship match – CM Punk (c) vs John Cena

What can I say? John Cena has been my hero for almost 10 years. I’ve watched him win, lose, get cheated, get beasted and become one of the biggest superstars in WWE. The feud with Punk is a great angle. The two biggest stars on TV battling it out week after week, whether it’s verbally or in the ring it makes for great entertainment. Since Punk became ‘super heel’ the rivalry has increased tenfold, as it would. Punk is a great wrestler, a great heel and a great entertainer. Having held the title for over 300 days now, he has proven that he is worthy of the accolade. Cena has worked tirelessly since Wrestlemania to rebuild from what was the biggest loss of his career. Having not had a viable title shot in a long time, I’m really looking forward to this match.

With The Rock announcing that he will fight the WWE Champ at this year’s Royal Rumble, I think WWE will keep us guessing as to who it will be. It’s far from the end of the Punk/Cena war. I don’t agree with The Rock being able to waltz back when he feels like it and get a title shot when so many others have been denied after working so hard, but he sells tickets and makes money. Sometimes I forget that is the ultimate goal.

I hope to see my man Cena have his hand raised in victory tonight. He’s cut some of his best ever promos over the past few weeks and with NoC being in his hometown, I really hope it’ll happen. Punk vs Rock also needs to happen, whether it’s at Wrestlemania or the Royal Rumble I don’t know, but that would certainly be one not to miss! I could guess that it will be Punk/Rock at Royal Rumble and then Cena/Rock at Wrestlemania. After, all if The Rock were to win the title, he would need to lose it again pretty sharpish as we can’t have a champion that shows up twice a year!

There is to be a battle royal to determine who will face Antonio Cesaro for the US Championship. I don’t mind Cesaro and don’t think WWE are quite done with his reign as champion just yet. That being said, I would love Jack Swagger to make a dramatic ‘face’ return and beat the crap out of him! Or Slater, if he won that would make his current heat with Ryder all the better! WWE have so many options and opportunities with this match, no doubt they will waste it and we will get stuck with Santino!

As always you can follow me on Twitter @helenrobinson82

Helen Robinson

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